Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 11, 1990-9 Fiddler On 'The Roof The group above presented Fid- _ Matthew Gregg, Steve Lorraine, dier On The Roof at the carnival. Tommy Lucas, Kyle Moore and Fa- Those taking part (flot in corder), bian Rozario. Bryan Barchard, Bryan Bickell, The comedians on ice Ian McKenzie and Blaine Moffat nival on Saturday - A Spectacle On presented their specialty at the car- Ice. Skating Club awards With the closing of the carnival and the year it becomes award _presentation time for the various ~egroups in the Orono club. ý--(Back row) Tranya Clemens, senior, for effort and achievemient during the year; (Ieft to right) Kaitin Colville, the intermiediate award; Micelle Moffat, the Junior award and Nicole Wilhelmi, the CanFigure Skate award. Congratulai ions. Communilty Challenge. Have you seen Orono's new Hwy. 115135 Blboard Sign? This year the Downtown Business Improvement Association is making an effort to better Orono's image. We would like 2 more Peter Boots' "Works of Art" ta replace the decrepît signs at the North entrances to Orono, but because of depleted D.B.I.A. f unds, work has been temporarily postponed. Generous donations from both the Kinsmen and Orono Firefighter have got us off to a good start. NOT JUST FASHIONS challenges aIl merchants, services, groups, or anyone else 50 inclined to think of a promotion to help raise money for new signs. Put your thinking caps on, have some fun, and bring your donation to our next D.B.I.A. meeting on Monday, May 7, 7:30 p.m. at Mom's Kitchen. Everyone wins - we will have new welcoming signs for Orono. If we have not collected enough by May 7, the challenge could be extended to our June meeting. If more money is collected than needed for these signs, the remai;ider will be donated to the D.B.î.A. for -their ongoing downtown beautif ication projects. The group that raises the most money andior has the best promotion will also win. You get ta caîl up Peter Boots to tell him he can get started on the new signs. You also get your picture, at least in the Orono Times, wtn Peter. Rules and Regulations 1 . You may advertise your promotion in any way and as often as you wish as long as it conforms to the building laws, highway laws, Town By-laws, cencorship laws, etc. 2. A weekly total will be displayed in each participating store, etc.,- wherever possible. 3. A weekly audit will be conducted by the accounting f irm of Stepherbaum, Gallenkampf, and lrwing. 4. Any D.B.î.A. merchant found flot participating (with at least a "Sign Fund" Box> will receive the Party Pooper Prize - one of the aforementioned dismantl- ed and decrepit sings and hislher picture in the Orono Times for a period not to exceed 1 year. 5. Rules, promotion and challenge subject to change without notice. Not Jusi Fashions' Promotion, Everyone who makes a donation to the Sign Fund at Not Just Fashions may submit hislher name for a draw on April 17 for: 1lst Prize - A caricature done of you by Peter Boots Displayed at Springfest 2nd Prize - A picture taken of you and Peter Boots Displayed at Springfest GRAND PRIZE To be drawn at-the conclusion of the Challenge (May or June meeting> from ALL names submitted with donations f rom any group, store, etc. A Peter Boots Print - Your choice of "Sonya",or "Harmonious Convergence" Donated by Peter Boots and Not Just Fashions <See Display in Not Just Fashions Window) Feel free ta add any incentives, prizes, etc. We'll even help you if you can't think of a promotion. Let's make this a community effort. LET'S GO ORONO - The Village With a Dit ference! P.S. You can meet the artist, Peter Boots, at the "ORONO" sign on the 115135 Hwy. just north of Fred's Fruit Market at 1:00 p.m. this Sun- day.