lO-rono Weekly Times, Wedneuday, April 25, 1990 A relaxing venture Above Marie West takes flitad- vantage to enjoy a neck and shoulder massage given by Marianne Kowalski in the balcony area of the Orono Town Hall. Both Marianne and Cher Toal were in much demand during the staging of Spring Fest. Junior Gardeners'visit Jensen Greenhouses On April l6th the Junior Gardeners had a super lime touring the Jensen's Greenhouses. The baby plant greenhouse was the start of the tour with Mrs. Jensen as guide. She was very helpful in answ ering alI of the questions that everyone had. Most of the plants grown by the Jensen's came from cuttings from the "mother plants" in the greenhouse, and not from sced, and are tropical plants originally fromn the rain forests in California, Florida and the Caribbcan. Other plants grown here are cacti and or- chids. The "soil" which is used in planting is mostly chemical with pet moss and perlite. Using this mixture cuts dlown drastically the disease problemns. The cuttings are pîanted in 4 inch pots right away te eut down on ttime. Special bugs are purchased by the Jenscn's to keep insect problems under control. Radiot ho n for Cystîc Fibrosis (Conîînued from page 9) Betwýeen 9:00 a.m. and Noon, 5 Durham Region Mfayors, local celebrities, Kinsmen and Kinettes will be taking pledges and challenges over the phones in the Radiothon Phone Bank. :1I From Noon to 6:00 p.m., also in Centre Court of the Oshawa C'en- tre, CHOO Radio will be presenting an entertaining stage show wvith something for the entire famnily. Using the themne. . .Help us help C F Iids," CHOO Radio and al Durham Region Kins-men'ý and Kinettes invite the general public to participate by making pledges and donations on May l2th, using the Radiothon phone numnber broad- cast over CHOO Radio or in person in the Centre Court of the Oshawa Centre. The children were bold about and shown the modem u p-to-daite equipmlenî in the greenhlousc such1 as the sprinkler system, lttle water- ing is donc by hand); lighting systcm, which tricks the plants mbt thinking it's always ime to grow. The grccnhouses which have cîcar glass, are painted a few, times each year with whiite latex painit te cul out the sun buito10 til1l have lighit. The greenhauses arc also equippied with mnotoizedl curtains and win- dows. They are hcated wýith natural gas which heats the water -boilers. which arc uscd Io heat the watcm for the plants, so as not to shock thiem with cold water. Giant fans cir- culate the warm air, cvcnly Asalute- to the Mother Ear- Sunday, April 22 was recentîy designated "Earth Day" and accor- ding to paper reports, -a mammoth response from everyone! Here in Orono, many of us planted -a trce, courtesy of our local nursery, as a small gift back to "Mother Earth." <With the very first warm weather finally arriving, Iet's aIl get out, to dlean up Our own yards, gardens throughout the greenhouse. Computers play an important part also in the greenhouse. They automatically turn on the sprinklers, operate the windows, open and close the curtains and control the heat. Mr., and Mrs. Jensen can call the computer on the sensor phone should they want 10 know the conditions in the grccnhouse. This is very handy in inclimate wcathcr or when they are away. In the wintcr the snow melt sy stem melts the snow on the roof aind thé water flows down to the pond. Should there be a hydro failure or erruption the greenhouse has a gencrator to provide hydro, as hy,,dro failure could be disastrous fo,,r the Jcnsen's. AIl of these mnodemn conveniences 'have made greenhouse gardening a lot more fool proof. The children wcre allowed to ex- plore the greenhouses t0 sec which plant families wcrc related. Some of the commcrcially grown plants by the >Jensens include ferus, palms, lipstick plants, rubber trees, spider p)lants, bougainvillea, schefflera, caladium, begonia, donkcy tail, gardenia, hibiscus, orchids and cac- t i. Eve ryone was amazcd to sec how the Jensens got the hibiscus trunk in a braid. Mrs. Jensen was vcry helpful in answering aIl of the children's questions, At the end of the tour Mrs. Zegers thanked Mrs. Jensen on behaîf of the children for showing cveryonc around the greenhouise. It wýastry a great learning expeence for everyonle. Thie cildrenr, eceived an o tlinec for thle activities anld sh1ows for(lhe ya.May 81h is the next Jno Gadeer' eetinig where (they will be discussinig preparations for the "spring ,Show)\" on May 2211d. "iyTot," tomiato sced wvill be hanided oi at thie next meetingE to bc planited at lhomle ini the iniiaiture grIeenhiouse. and of course our prcîty littie îown! Gardening is really second nature to man! Didn't God establish man first of ail in a garden? This is the greatest and healthiest hobby on the face of the earth. Psychologically, gardening is ex- cellent therapy! Out among, caring for and enjoying growing your own veggies and flowers! One thinks good thoughts. or at Ieast there is no room for irritable, nasty thoughts, which somnetimes play havoc with people's lives. Lots of good exercise too, but don't ovierdo! If you haven't already, join your local horticulture societies, right away. Excellent programts-and this' wcek our first show of houseplants at the Orono United, Church, Thursday night, 7:30 p.m. The kiss of the Sun for pardon, The songs of the birds, for mirth, We are nearer to, God, in a garden Than anywhere elNe on earth! - Isabelle Challice COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESÉL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1 ORONO. ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB i Mo ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (416) 983-9151 BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Durham Farmers' County, TAUNTON RD& HwY.15 BOX 178, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB i Mo (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 TOLL FREE (Area Code 416) 1-800-263-7805 STEEV£Se, AUTO SUPPLV. A complet, lineo f AUTrOMOTIVE REPAIR an SUPPLY PARTS for Domeaf b & Ilmpor Cars 216 King St. E. N EWCASTLE 987-1657 987-1658 Monday - Friday 8:00 - 6:00 Saturday 8:00 - 11:00 I. Durham College's. Financial Aid Office wiII be presenting a Seminar on the Ontario Student Assistant Programi (O.S.A. P.) Thursday, May lOth, 1990 Clarke High School - Library 10:30 a.m. Ali are welcotne. Please cail Student Services at Clarke High School to Register (987-4771 ext. 13).