They kick high down at the Wilmot Orono Weekdy Times, Wednesday, Apri 75,: 19Mê 4-T Club, Orono enjo y banquet, entertainment The monthly meeting and dinner îwas held Thursday, April l9th, in Complex Hall, Station St reet. The President Everett Brown welcomed the large crowd and the Grace was sung with Gladys Brown at piano. The delicious pot-luck dinner was thoroughly enjoyed by ail and "Happy Birthiday" was sung to ail having April bîrthdays: Beniny Woodward; Elvin Blcwett; Dorothy <Hester; Betty Woodward and Joan Coombes. Following the dinner hour, the business meeting took place, with secretary Leila Werry giving report of last mionths meceting. Invitation to dinner party i Port Hope, Legion Hall, May 8th and cars were prefered to bus, so ail drivers will gather their loadis. Cars to leave Complex il1:W0 a.m. Programs discussed for June Meeting and in- vitations be sent to our neighbour- ing Sr. C's Club, to join us later in summer. Isabelle Challice, on behaif of entertainrment committee introduc- ed one guest for evening, "The Blue Angels," from Wilmot Creek. A real first class group of entertainers, ail in attractive costumes, and presented a fine exhibition of dance routines. Much enjoyed by ail in at- tendance. Next dinner and meeting, Thursday, May I7th at 6:00 p.m. For a new fuil-colour brochure, contact: UNICEF Ontario 333 Eglinton Avenue East Toronto, Ontario M4P IL17 Telephone: (416) 487-4153 The entertainment of numerous Striking committee group, holds first, meet A11ttIe-sPUringwastUe case when background radiation. the newly formed Newcastle siting 1I believe the danger cornes froi task force communîty liaison group the arsenic at the site," hie stated, for low-level radioactive waste met Iast week. The committee has been set up by the federal body responsible for fin- ding a permanent site for the radio- active waste in the Port Granby dump that has built up over a nuguber of decades. The committee expects to submit its report by the end of the summer as does other similar commîttees in Port Hope and Hope Township. John Veldhuis is chairman of the, new committee which has a membership of ten members. Veldhuis is familiar with the fight over the past years with the Port Granby operation when he was chairman of the former Port Gran- by Monitoring commîttee. The committee had always been pro- removal of the contaminated waste. from the area but last week Veldhuis was heading up a new committee with some diverse opi nions to that which had held forth in the former Port Granby group. Veldhuis outlined the magnitude of the task in decommissîoning the waste which had been placed thereI over years by Eldorado Refinery in Port Hope. Over these years local residents have expressed, grave con- cernis over the waste, the radiation and leachate which has found its o way into Lake Ontario. When Eldorado considered relocating the waste in Tyronie or Sharmila 1c the Starkville area a number of when she was years ago the whole commnunity rose up in denouncing such plans the help of a p which resulted in the federal Sharmila is ai government setting up the Siting ihhrfin Task Force. The Task Force bas wit e re corne to the point in setting up the Helpîing pec presenit committees to consider ways to eliminate the threat of con- is just one way tamination. are used. Wïth new members on the new Lte u committee some new opinions are Lteyfn beîng freely expressed. provide gat P'eter Fundarek, Bowmanville gat said the committee is assuming the waste is to be moved to another communit'y. He said the committee should consider if there is any benefit in the waste rtmaining in Newcastle. He further said be feit the waste poised a problemn because '4f its chemical composition rather an its level of radioactivity whichi "-ts only slightly higher than normal At this point chairman Veldhuis said' it, was a combination of chemnicals and radioaction. Garnet Rickard agreed with Fun- darek when he said there bas been a lot of emotion and fear expres sed over the dump site. Rickard asked if (Continued page 6) ery funds help'people with disabilities. )ost a leg to cancer, six years old. With rosthetic leg, ble to skip. and swim bple with ,disabilities y lottery ftunds ids are also 1U'Sedito in other areas, such as sports and recreation, arts and culture, hospitals, and province- wide charities. This is how Lottery funds are working for you in your area. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, BELLEVILLE OUTREACH ABUSE PREVENTION, OSHAWA PETERBOROUGH & DISTRICT INFORMATION CENTRE AND VOLUNTEER BUREAU Ontario Lottery Corporation Together we're makig good things happen. *blt BOW 1MAN VILLE SEA CADETS, Annual Tag Days April 265 27, 28 Please help support a dedicated group of young men and women. . ... . ...... ... 0 . om d. Pick ý-j ýW-3