Oronso Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 9, 199R1-13 Report from Ottawa ýRoss Stevenson Trees are extremely important to ail of us. Forests are one ai the world's major natural resaurces, and Canadian fareign aid is helping preserve them. Tropical rain farests, thaugh they caver only about seven per cent of the land surface, are the. richest ecological areas on our pianet. They pravide a home for almost 50 per cent ai ail the millions ai dif- ferent life species. Besides timber, they are a source ai a wide variety ai faods, medicines, even such things as latex and dyes. Rain forests are cansidered a most significant source of the very air we breathe. They alsa face destruction. These forests have almost- been eliminated from mast parts ai West A frica, Southern Asia, and the Car- rîbbean. Those in South America's Amazan River basin are now seriously threatened. Today there are about 2.5 billion acres of ramn forest, just bh aio what the world had in 1900. At pre- sent rates ai destruction, it's estimated we'il lose another 600 million acres by the year 2000. This is not simply wanton destruction. Thase responsible wanted those forests and the lands on which they stoad for agriculture, places to live, and for firewood. while it may be bard for Canadians to believe, far and away the largest use of woad in developing countries is for fuel. According ta the United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organization, one billion people now have less firewood than tbey need. By the end ai the century the total will be three billion -- balf ai the world's population! t's clear there will be dire conse- quences for al ai us if these trends are not reversed. As a leading forestry nation we have the knowledge and the expertise ta help, and we're doing s0 through the Canadian International Develapment Agency. CIDA's iarestry program assists more than 30 ieveloping nations in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Carribbean. Typically this help cornes in the form ai Canadian forestry experts, the specialized equipment they nced, and forest management and conservation training for local people. The aim is ta show these coun- tries how to combine forest use witb preservation -- ta ensure they get maximum passible benefit from their farests without destroying them, preserving the woodlands as a resource for future generations. There is enormaus potential for these and similar overseas aid pro- jects. In semi-arid regions af the warld there are about tbree billion acres ai unproductive land which was once cavered in farest and could be again. Thus, local Da.m owner convicted under Fisheries Act Mr. F. Daniel Land ai the Town ai Newcastle was convicted in Pro- vincial court ai charges under the Fisheries Act in connection with the release ai sult and sand from Pratt's dam on Cobourg Creek. In December 1988, logs were removed irom Pratt's dam resulting in, the release ai large amounts ai sult which severely affected downstream spawning and nursery areas ai rainbow trout, brown trout and Pacifie salmon. climates would be improved, souls rebuilt, shelter provided for people and game, and a variety ai products made available. This is one very important aspect ai Canada's Officiai Development Assistance ta Iess developed coun- tries which we al belp support. Classified Advertising CAREER TRAINING FREE: 1990 guidc ta study-at- home correspondence Dploma courses for prestigiaus carcers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping-, Business, cosmetology.~Orrnc Legal/Medical Secretary.l Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950--1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario Sehool ai Auctioneering. Next class: June 9-16/90. For information, contact: South- western Ontario School ai Auctioneering, R.R. #5, \Voodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. MARKEL 1-800-265-7173. Class AZ-DZ Proiessional Transport Driver Training. Careers? Financing? Tax Deductible? Weve got the answers. Markel Institute of Professional Transport Training. Guelph 1-800-265-' YOUR FUTURE starts with... Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytinie, evening and weetýkend courses. Financial assistance on approved credit. 1-800-265- 0400. Cambridge. BUSINESS OPPS. RETAILERS ONLY. Video Laserdises, Nintendo, Video Movie leasing. We are well- stocked, fast, efficient. Bi- weekly rotation. You select your inveritory. Canada-w ide 1-800-665-5082. Fax: (204) 231-1150. OVER 4006 VHS MOVIES for sale or lease. Open your own videa store. Lease 1000 min. 79C per month. Cal (416) 939-7916 now. SELL STAINLESS STEEL distillers for Purest Drinking Water and eamn extra income. Wholesale prices! Contact Water Purity Systems, 5312 Walkers Line, RR#2 Milton, Ont. L9T 2X6. (416) 336- 7950. IINVESI $12,000 in a high end deck waterproofing dealership for this area. Top quality prou ct line allows for above average returo on investment. We supply opening inventory, too15 and traning. Successiol dealerships established'acros Canada. Phone collect Mr. D. Chaisson (604) 860-1200. EVERYBODY'S CONCERN- ED about water quality! 33, year old Intemnational manu- facturer offers franchise for fuît line of pat.ented domestic water treating equipment. No franchise fees. 3 remarkabîe new inventions. (519) 893- 4254. HELP WANTED TOWN 0F NEW LISKEARD requires Work Administrator: Minimum job requirements: CET certificate or equivalent, 5 years municipal experience in a supervisory position, knowledge of roads construc- tion and maintenance, sewer- mains watermains, sewage lagoon, waterpump stations and winter contraI. Capable of' preparinig engineeýýring drawings and specifications and providing estimates. Supervision of 20 staff. Salary range 39,421.00 to 49,285.00. Excellent benefits. Please submit resume by May 2lst, 1990. Kenneth O.N. Boal, CAO, Box 730, New Liskeard, Ont. POJ IPO. WOULD YOU LIKE a job, that offers security, flexible hours, money, fun and free vacations?'M Ten joîn Canadas fastest growing lingerie home party plan company. No deliveries. Part and fulîtime positions avaîlable. Caîl for more informati on. (519) 273- 5308 or 1-800-265-8541. ATTENTION! Make $300+ per month at home. Turn TRASH into CASH. Become a Refunder. Send self-addressed stamped envelope: Refund Specialist, Box 108, Horsefly, B.C., VOL ILO. SALES HELP WANTED HOUSEWIVES, Mothers and interested persons needed immediately ta selI toys andI gifts for National Home Party Plan.-No investmient, deliveries or money collection. Cal (519) 258-7905. LETS CET BIZZY! Multi- million dollar national firma seeks 2 represenuatives in your area. Candidates selected can earn up to S2,000 weekîy. Individuals applying should bc available immcdiatcly for placement. Cail (416) 756- 2111 or (4 16) 756-7796 for your confidcnrial interview. NISCELLANEOUS OVERWEIGHT? Try aur new Appetite Control Program ]ose up ta 29 lbs. in 30 days. No drugs. 100% guaranteed. Surprisingly affordable! Cal (416) 338-5550. Distributor- ships now available. REAL ESTATE SET SAIL THIS SUMMER in Lindsay. Rivermill Village, adult waterfront condomin- iums in downtown Lindsay naw offers Boauing Slips right on the Trent-Severn waterway. Rivermili provides access to 240 miles of spectacular fishing and sightseeing ...from Lake Ontario ta Georgian Bay. 14 Suite designs, magnificent Rivermill Clubhouse, from $172,900. Caîl Upper Canada Lakes 1-800-461-6521. VACATION/TRAVEL CLARE BURT TOURS presenits Agricultural Tour to Great Britaîn featuring Royal Highland Show. *21 entertaining days *most mneals *technical vîsits and sightseeing. Caîl (416) 451- 4944. Toil free I-800-268- 3090. WANTED TO BUY OLD WRIST WATCHES wanted. Eatons Quarter Century Club- mens rectangu- lar wrist watches (25 years service watch) will pay $3,000 and up for this watch. Also wanted olti Rolex wrist waoches especially the following Rolex models - Prince, Oyster Perpetual, Gyster Royale, Chronoçrraph and Cosmograph. Also buying Patek Phillip, Cartier, Movado, Vacheron Constintine, or any other high grade or compli- cated wrist watches such as Chronographs and Moonphase wrist watches (mens anly). CatI (416) 365-7240 collect or write B. Walsh, 211 Queen St. East, Toronto, M5A 1S2. OLDER PA1NTINGS and works of Art. One or entire collection. KarI Mearns. Box 1266, Caledonia, Ontario, NOA 1AO. (4M6 765-6782. FOR SALE BEST BUILDING BUYS Miscellaneous! stock clearance - save thousands whie soppîx' lasts - limited steel leit from spring clear-aut - afl/steel andI wood/sleel types - Paragon 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS. Spring "Sellebration" on Buildings from Future Steel. No gim- micks, just sofid value for your money. Caîl toîl free 1-800- 668-8653. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS - Manufacturer Specials - Quonset 33x36 $4,745*. 5- 35x40 55,759* with sliding doors. Straightwall 40x4O S9,939* with solid endwalls. Limited supply. Some areas may require heavier gauge. Construction crew available. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668- 5422. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS Inc. New types, steel & wood, Quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or colleet ater 6pm, weekends. Ask for WaIly. Free brochures. ARTHRITIC PAIN? Achîng back? Stifi joints? Sleeping hands? "Beulah Oil" helps!! S2 for brochure/information or phone (204) 723-2828. Beulah Land, Box 26, Trehemne, Man. ROG 2V0. STEEL BUILDINGS for immediate liquidation. 20x30 $2,306; 25x30 $2,903; 30x34 S3,672; 40x46 $5.091. Complete wîth end walls. OLher sizes avafjable. Positive savîngs. We pay the caîl 1- 800-668-4338 or 1-416-792- 2704. FORE GOLFERS! Assemble and repair your own golf clubs and save! Send for aur free catalog af club components, specual tools and instruction. Criterion Golf Technology toc. P.O. Box 15798, Merîvale Depot, Nepean, Ontario, K2C 2S7. Afiordable Log Buildings! New method drastically reduces prices. Examples including loits, delivered - 2,000 sq.ft. chalet $ 14,176; 794 spft. vacation retreat $7.893. Free information kit troro Canada's largest handerater. PACIFIC WEST- ERN LOG INC., Box 267S, AtikQkan, Ont. POT îCO. (807) 929-1129. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED. Rawleigýh Household Products need distributors, in your area. Our customners are Waiting to-be served! Cal (519) 432-1548. OPENING SOON The Rocky tsland Tire Co. Mechanic (Class A) Lobe and Tire Technicîans (training avaîlable). For interview contact Jamie or Greg, Bracebnidge (705) 645-8000. PAYDAY ,EVERYDAt!! International , company expanding ilîroughouLOGntar-io. Flexible hours. We train. No door-to-door. No telemarketîng. S1,400 part- -/$4,000 full-time/month. j) 777-4289. VACATION/TRAVEL GREAT FIS HING AND Family Holiday at Rice Lakte, 90 minutes east ai Toronto. Modern 2 and 3 bedrooro cottages, children's program, sandy beach. 1800 t. water- front. Off season rates ta June 30, S305-$355 per week. Sunnymead Cottages, R.R. 3, Hastings, Ontario KOL 1YO. (705) 696-2601. COMING EVENTS "MOTHERS DAY" Quinte Collectîbles Show and Sale Sunday, May l3th, Ben Bteecker Auditorium, Belleville, lOam-4pm. Admission $2.00 Nostalgia. kîtchenware, toys, bottles, advertising pins, postcards, railway. BUSINESS OPPS. INTERNATIONAL HEALTH Company seeking distributors for our new expansion throughout North America. This offers total financial ireedom ta qualiiied candidates. Caîl now (416) 338-5550. CAREER TRAINING TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help is available. Complete details cao be mailed ta you. Phone Rodiers Sehool at 1-800-668-0031, include postal code. CLASS AZ' OR DZ'. Caîl now for professional one-on- one training by the experts. Regîstered, approved Prîvate Vocational Schoot. Kim Richardson Training Specialist (416) 765-3445. Caledonia. Mr. Lang was convicteci and fin- ed $3,000 for allowing a deleterious substance ta be deposited into water freque nted by fish. In addition, a probation order placed on Mr. Lang requires him ta provide a dam stability study and restore the damaged fish habitat. The restora- tian work -which is expected ta cast welI over $30,000 will involve exten- sive habitat rehabilitation work below the dam as well as stream- bank stabilizatian above the dam. The work was orclered ta be com- pleted by September 15, 1990. Children copfingf wîth separation and divorce Parents wha are in the process ot separation or divorce often find they are emotionally stretched, themselves, and have difficulty helping their chîldren cope with problems which are often quite dif- ferent fram their own. The Family Education Resource Centre of Durham House is affer- ing a îwo-session warkshop for parents with children up ta 12 years which will aim ta help parents help their children cape witli separatian or divorce. Cammon childrens post separatian or post-divorce pro- blems will be discussed, and paren- ting strategies will be suggested ta help children deal with separatian or divorce. The workshop will be offered at Durham House on May l4th fram 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. The cast is $16.00 per persan. To register for this warkshop, please caIl the Famiiy Education Resaurce Centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Durh arn Farmers' County co.op TAUNTON RD. &HWY.115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1iMO (416) 983-9134 (416> 983-9135 TOLL FREE (Area Code 416) 1-800-263-7805 STEEVES' AUTO SUPPLY A complote Une o AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR a&W SUPPLY PARTS WorDomeott & Impoitcrs 216 King St. E. N EWCASTLE 987-1658 Monday - FrIday 8:00 - 6:00 Saturday 8:00 - 1:GO