In recognition of Nurse's Week Orono DBIA give go ahead for further signs A motion carried unanimously at the 'Orono Business Association meeting Monday night that Peter Boots complete two more signs to be placed at the north entrances in- to the Village. The signs are to carry a similar theme to that of the main sign on Highway 115 south of the Village. However the south sign shows a summer scene, the northern signs will carry a theme of autumn and winter. Yvonne Maitland is to organize an event for Particpaction Day, May 30th. The public school is to be contacted if they wish to par- ticipate. The Orono DBIA is to meet with the Development Committee to plan a presentation to be made at the June 5th Orono Hamlet Plan public meeting. The meeting is be- ing held in the Orono Town Hall commencing at 7:00 p.m. Walter Evans, director of public works, informed the association that streets in downtown would be swept every Tuesday. Considera- tion will begiven to move this to (Continued page 2) Orono sewage study determine if problem In recognition of Canada Healtb Hospital Board in recognition of facilities in the community. You Day, May 12th and Nurse's Week Canada Healtb Day. can stand proud, said Mayor Hub- last week Mayor Hubbard for the Mayor Hubbard spoke of the im- bard. Town of Newcastle was present a portant roll Memorial Hospital Anna Strike also spoke of the im- Memorial Hospital when plaques plays in the community. She noted portant role of nurses and that they were presented to Chris Kooy, that some 65,000 residents were were in the front-line as the pro- director of nursing (left) and as well moving into the Region of Durham moters of healtlicare. a presentation t Anna Strike of the annually placing some stress on a 35c. a coppylashe communiSnt Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 9, 1990 NewccsdastletSiating TnaskdFrcei to hear Dr. Berteil Tbuesday The federally appointed Newcas- tle Siting Task Force held a further meeting on Monday in Bowman- ville when Dr. Ernest Becker of the Canadian Institute for Radiation Safety (CAIRS) was the guest speaker. The Siting Task Force, as ex- plained by chairman of the commit- tee John Veldhuis, is to gather technical information to try to find out how to deal with low level radioactive waste at the Port Gran- by dump. Dr. Becker outlined the interests of CAIRS and in which areas they operate from providing informative slide shows to speaking engagements. He said one cannot feel, hear or smell radiation and that a Geiger counter was required to ascertain its presence. He spoke of three types of radia- tion; Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Alpha radiation, he said, is not considered serious externally but is only serious when treated. Beta radiation will penetrate the skin while Gamma will penetrate a fair amount of density and would reach vital organs more easily. He said all three kinds would be present at Port Granby and that as such Port Granby should be carefully monitored. In speaking, of haulage of the material he said it could be dangerous and there would be a need for an emergency team and all workers would need training. He said the committee must ques- tion the engineers to make sure all aspects are being covered. The committee was told that ex- ternal radiation would not be a pro- blem but there were many problems to decommissioning as to the type of container, dust problem, transportation. He said although some radon gas will escape it would quickly dissapate in the at- mosphere. Becker said water seepage was the most serious problem. This has been stated over the years and the fact that it is seeping into the lake. Dr. Bertell will speak at the next meeting of the committee to be held on Tuesday, June 5th. The committee is discussing means in which they can circulate information throughout the com- munity. In a discussion Garnet Rickard said they would have to look for ways to get feed back from the com- munity. (Continued page 2) On Monday night a represen- tative of Totten Sims Hubicki ad- dressed the Orono Downtown Business Association relating to a cursory survey to be undertaken in Orono as to sewage disposal as it exists. The firm has been hired by the Town of Newcastle to undertake the survey at a cost of $12,500. It is expected to take place in the near future. Walter Evans, director of public works, explained that his depart- ment would be sending out ques- tionairres prior to the survey with an explaining letter of the purpose of the survey. He said it would be a random sample of the village. Following the letters the survey wifl be carried out by an individual with the consultant firm. "We want honest answers," said Evans. As a result of this preliminary survey a decision will be made if a real problem does exist. If there is a problem the Town will then petition the province to carry-out a detailed survey which would result in specificrecommendations. Evans stated that provincial grants are available for certain works where there is a need for im- provements both in water and sewage. The grant reaches 85 per- cent. Town and Hydro to meet at luncheon MayorHubbard of the Town of Newcastle last week said Ontario Hydro representatives and Town of Newcastle councillors were 10 meet at a luncheon on Thursday. She said it was important that a line of communication be opened between the two groups. "There bas be no will on the part of council as a whole to resume talks," she said. "We do need to talk however." Mayor Hubbard said there is the matter of Darlington 'B' an expan- sion of a further four units at Darl- ington. Ontario Hydro has outlined plans for the next twenty-five years which considers additional nuclear generating stations with the Darl- ington site being a possible final choice by Hydro. She also noted the oversizing of the tunnel into the lake and as well environmental issues to be con- sidered. Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. Durham East, in a recent speech in Courtice referred to additional nuclear generation and said it could be slated for the immediate area. He suggested it could be a Darl- ington Two. He told his audience that it takes some 28,000 megawatts of electrici- ty a day for Ontario and that one unit such as at Darlington produces but 850 megawatts. Making a case for nuclear genera- tion he said there possibly could be (Continued page 2) Taking part in Pitch-In program Happenings ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS The Orono Town Hall euchre results for Wednesday, May 2, 1990 with 10 tables in play were: High Scores Ken Gimblett with 80; Thelma Vagg with 74; Bernice Partner with 73; Clara Meuleman and Berniece Moffat each with 71. Low scores Walt Mitchell and Anna Marie Thomson. Winners of the draws were Carlos Tamblyn, Art Compton, Ken Gimblett and Vi Hayward. Euchre is held every Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. ATTENTION ALL TEENS GRADES 9 TO 13 Exams! Essay's! Help! Learn speed reading! Come to the Bowmanville Branch of the Newcastle Public Library on Saturday, May 12, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. to get yourself started. Nick Boothman will show you how to triple your reading skills within a month! Registra- tion is limited to 25 teens. Call 623-7322 to register now and bring a friend. Admission is free. The Sparks, Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders were out in force on Saturday in recognition of Pkch- In Day. It was litter and trash they were seeking and the above group was found at the Orono Park in their clean-up efforts. Above (front) Katrina Hart- mann, 'Mandy Coatham, Andrea Etmanskie, Dianna Borremans, Adele Jenkins and Chrissy Bester; (back row) leaders Moira Hart- mann and Joyce Jenkins. What did they find in the park -broken glass, money and even a Cookie Monster.