4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 9, 1990 A new business, blossoms t.John and Cheri Miens, tobacco farmers west of Orono on Taunton road have ventured out in a new endeavour to offset the lack of de- mand for tobacco which has over the years been the mainstay of the farm operation. 1Using their expertise in plants and horticulture with the tobacco industry they are now literally knee deep in a profusion of bloom in two greenitouses on the farrn. It aIl started last year when the couple ernbarked on a program of growing poinsettas for the Cbristmnas season. "It was most successful,- states John, "and al our customers were pleased with the quality we produced." The profusion of color today cornes 'from the greenhouse floors where 4000 flats of bedding plants, flowers and vegetables, are in full bloom. Witb eacb flat baving 48 plants it alI totals up to near 200,000 plants. Tbis does not count the 800 hanging baskets that are spaced throughout the growing areas. John Eiken states that bis ex- perience with tobacco has been an asset but that bis wife Cheri-reads everything about growing plants. Over the past winter work was undertaken in the construction of the second greenhouse for the flowers. "The Future Starts Here" A good-bearted group of Clarke Higb Sebool students travelled to the Bowmanville Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic on May 2nd. It was the third trip to the Bowmanville Lions Centre of this sebool year and about 20 units of blood were donated by the students. The group was split evenly bet- ween fîrst-time donors and veterans. Tbe first-timers found the wbole process very interesting. Everyone enijoyed the drinks and cookies before heading back to scbool on tbe Newcastle Lions- sponsored bus. Senior Girls Soccer Tbe Clarke High School Senior Girls Soccer team played Cobourg West this past Wednesday. Clarke started off well and with strong runs by their wings. Denise Bugden and Allison Jury were able to put a Fecoature of the Toning tables at th'eMiii Tbey are open now for both retail and wbolesale sales of both bedding plants and tbe banging baskets. Eikens explains that they pur- chase plant plugs (small plants) from a firm in Tllsonburg. On March l7tb the Eikens with ten belpers planted the small seedlings in the sections of the flats to be ready for the spring season. Tbey are well in bloom at this point and ready for the market. But tobacco is flot a thing of the past at tbe Eikens for 50 acres of tobacco will be planted later this spring witb the young plants now well along in the third greenhouse. tn speaking about the tobacco in- dustry John Eikens comments that at one time there were 280 tobacco farrns in Durham and Nor- thumberland counties. Today that number bas been reduced to less than 28. The Eikens will plant 34 percent of their quota this year which is a further decrease to that planted in 1989, 38 percent. There is only a three day overlap between tbe breeding plants and the tobacco plans, states John Eîkens. tn talking with the young couple there is lots of entbusiasm in their new venture in which tbey say quali- ty is a by-word. goal in before the haîf. Candace Vey converted a pass from Denise l3ugden leaving the goalie witb no chance. Tina Milîson the left haîf from Clarke had ber hands full the wbole gamne with ber opposing baîf. However, she was able to break free from ber check and struck a first time baIl into the right corner of the net before the first baîf ended. Liz Oxenbam played a very good gamne in nets and robbed Cobourg West of any scoring cbances tbey had. Clarke scored one more goal on a beautiful run by Allison Jury down the right side and she shot the bal into the top corner over the sprawl- ing goalie. Cobourg West put a goal in late in the gamne and it ended 3-1 for Cobourg West. Strong gamnes by Megan Davies. Danielle Donald, Christine Ferguson and Alicia Sokoljuk at the full back line con- tributed to the win. by Marg Toning is a series of six (6) tables that exercise the body. You will flot lose weight toning unless of course you are cutting down on calories in your food intake. You will lose in- ches, which is tigbtening of the flab- by and loose muscles. You therefore look slimmer because your body is tight'not flabby. Toning is good for you. Chiropractors have, recommended the toning tables for people witb bad backs. We have several people now using the tables that have their Chiropractors O.K. to use them. Toning stimulates the circulation, getting more blood flowing through the veins and arteries. This is beneficial for people with arthritis, rheumatism and other joint related problems. Bo wm a nvillfqe% Business and Pro fessional Women-'s Club Resolutions to be presented at the Annual Provincial B.P.W. Con- ference dominated the discussions ai the April meeting of the Bowmanville Business and Profes- sional Women's Club. The members' thoughts and feelings on issues such as the lack of protection for health care workers under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, staff nurse representation on aIl hospital committees, pay equity and access/funding/staffing relating to child care, just to men- tion a few resolutions, will provide a guide for the Club's delegate, Maureen Mumford. In last month's newsletter I men- tioned that there are many job op- portunities for women in the area of Iskilled trades. 1 recently learned that the Ministry of Skills Develop- ment, Apprenticeship. Branch, and the Ontario Women's Direct'orate are funding thirty community- based women's demonstration pro- jects which assist women seeking non-traditional apprenticcship op- portunities. Durham College in Oshawa is one of the approved delivery agents for the womcn's demonstration project. Membership in the Bowmanvillc Business and Prdifessional Women's Club is open to ail women in our community. We offer fellowship and opportunities for networking and personal growth. We welcome you to join us at our next dinner meeting on Thursday, May 17th, 1990, at 6:30 p.m., in the Lions Centre on Beech Ave. Dinner is $10.00. For reservations please phone Roxy Barnes at 623-2261 or Amerjit Sodhi at 623-3221 by May l4th. by Irene Konzelmann aili illMRiyA!q 9U1hI!4I1 0 To use the toning tables aIl you need is a willing body and loose clothing, a jogging suit is just fine. Now you are ready to get that body toned up and your circulation cir- culating better. The tables are ten (10) minutes each so you need approximately one (1) hour to get your toning finished. The first table is the sandbag table, the gentle rhythmic action breaks down "cellulite" on the hîps, thighs for tighter smootber skin tone. tt lifts and firms-flabby buttocks. Strengthens and firms stomach muscles. Table two (2) is for trimming stomach and hips. It also helps strengthen lower back muscles. Next we do our situps. (3) This table helps you to exercise upper stomach and diaphram while it DOWNTOWN ORONO tones the lower back. 1On we go to the stretch table (4), (No we are not going to torture you). The massage action exercises the entire upper body. Lifts the rib- cage, improves posture, reduces ex- cess fat on upper arms, ridriff, waist and back. Improves overal body tone and firmness. The fifth (5) table helps to slim the entire leg area, especially inner thigbs and "saddle bag" outer thigbs. This elevated position im- proves circulation iriithe lower ex- tremities. Last but nut least is the vibrator table, it improves circulation by in- creasing blood flow. Helps rid the body of excess water and acid waste, while giving the skin celîs a soft warm glow. Leaves you feeling relaxed and re-energized. Age is flot a factor inusing the toning tables, most people, ladies and men would benefit from them. 983-5310 EAT IN or TAKE OUT HAMBURGER and a BAG 0F CHIPS to go OnIy $2.50 Mon.-Wed. - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thurs. 6:30 arn. Fri. 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.rr to 7:00 p.m. Sunday Closed I. Check-up TUrne! Get your Lawn-Boy in top shape with Factory Authorized Lawn-Boy service. Here's whatwe do: * Clean engine, housing, muffler, gas tank, exhaust ports and air filter. * Clean and, adjust spark plug. * Check carburetor operation. * Test. ignition system and switch. - *Sharpen and balance blade. *Check compression and tighten ail boits. * Test run and inspect engine. R OPHm Hardware Downtowfl Orono) Phone 983-5207 KITCHEN Ciarke High Sehool Report *JIMU I: 1VVI :or:.r:r::In WEED CONTROL FERTILIZING INSECT cNRI CIINCH. SAURANTS, ' CRAN GRASS LA WN PROFESSIONLS BY CdýMPLETrE LAWN PROGRAMMES WITH GREATER SAVINGS D RI VEWAY PROTECTION - ASPIIALT SEALING- 983-5267 PORONO _ LX LJIIIVLVVrIl %JLPILIIIU '& IJHIVI:WAY SEALING La a . F -10 'Vci E c p