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Orono Weekly Times, 23 May 1990, p. 3

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M)ono WeekiyN Times, Wednesday, Ma~y 23, 1990-3 Planning approves gravel pit operation The (icneral Purpose comimille of' the Town of Newcastle hasý recommended approval of' a Regional Officiai Plan amendmnent and a rezoning, of lands for a gravel pit operation subm)iiîted by Lloyd Taylor of Talor Sand and Gravel. The property is located in loi 21, concession 10. The commnittee also passed that the amending by-law be passed aI such fimie as the applicant has, entered int a site plan agreement and the OfficiaI Plan Amendmnn lias gained Mlinistirial 'approval., The operation of the pif was noted as a "mecdium i ;edI" opera- tion wjîh ro more ithan 300,000) ton- nes annua'lly being extracied. A rehiab-ilitatiion plan Ihas nw met approval of Towýn taff and staff are of the opinion thiere uil be minimal impact on residenIs in the area. The recommendat ion wýill now go 10 council for their consideration Free garbage dumping' KO'd - nearly by Region ROCHE, Debbie Debbie Roche, daughîer of Elgin of Prince Edward Island on May* and Mladeline Heard, graduated 13, 1990. She received a B.A. ini withi honours from the University Psychology. Forth com ing Marriage max anid Carol Lyýctt are pleased t0 announice the forthcoming mar- niage of their dauighter Leanne Margaret to Daniel James, son of Daniel aind Shirley Donlnelly of Kingsîoi-n. WýýcddingL to take place aI Oronô Uniîed (hurch on Saîturday, JIulý 7, l990. Port Hope to advance to stage 4 with task force The Federal government's S ýiting tîve Cw,ýaste. Task Force recommended to port Iftefdrlgvnmnap Hope council that they give a- proves the liaison repiort theiTown proval 10 proceed 10 the next stage has1îmo years t0 examiîue the, in the process of finding aI site f'or fesbiyofihrkepn th radioactive waste in the Town. wseor' sipping il to another cen- Couincil gave foulpport 10 the t re. recommieniidation and the process The report did, a~ that, the wtll now advance to the Fourth eeaicmi 1sl 0cosrc stage. ting, a new- harb our/in Port Hope. .ýThis approval sets the process Thle piresent harbour is +~p of 42 en-' considering Port Hope a host com- vîironmentally hazardous sites on muniîy for. radioactive wasle pro- thie Great Lakes. Such', a move, il viding no other sýite can be founid. waiýstsated, would show the good Elliot Lake and GJeraldton are faith of the federal government. presently in the samne ca tegoryof Harris said the commilîe discovery. miembers were unanimous on the The Port Hope Siing Task Forice r-ecommiiendations and that he felt has taken six months to consider te th omiîeha ail ufiin thir stge a prsentd 1 coucil conitact with the public to be aware and submitted a forîy page report. of theiri feeling. Ray Harris who hecads up the Port seveni communities have dropped Hope group said citizens wýoufld out of a group of îwelve who prefer remnoval f'rom thile Town b ut sîarîthe process of the possîbility baveals cosîdredtheposîbîîty of beingý- a host, transport or pro- ý_nat no comrmon site may bc found dcrgJoI outside Port Hope for the radiac- dcn ot each truck or van a fee 10 dumrp wasîe. Pickups and vans uinder 3,000 kilograms, normally exempt from' any\ charge, will niow bc in- cluded. Aker said that to carry on wiîhoul making charges would resuit in regional transfer stations and dumps being inundated wilh Metro's garbage. He said that if Durham sIill had freec dumping for small vehicles when Metro is charg, ing, people wl head for Ilhe freeL dumps-v. The $-30 pet load will bc charged aI aIl regionial facililies '-raduation Starting June lsî, if youi have a small commercial truck or var) be prepared for a $30 dumping fee. Regional Council voîed Wednesday 10 impose its new charges t0 match the new policy of Metro. Council also voted 10 allow people in passenger cars and non-commercial pickup trucks 10 dump under 100 kilograms of any type of garbage free each day. The decision to allow some pickup trucks and vans to dump fre counters the recom- mendation of the Waste Manage- ment Committce. Some Coun- cillors counter-charged that many residents own pickup trucks or vans instead of passenger cars, and now would be penalized by the new charges. Other Councillors allcged that with free dumping limited to bags of houschold garbage, residents would be unable to dump old bushes or stumps without charges. Waste Management Chairman John Aker told council why the ness fec structure was nccdl- cd. He sa , d that starting Jhonc IsI, Metro witl, for the first time, cag Askînig for Rezonings, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne of Newtonville are seeking a rczoning of lands in the north-east of Newtonville,10 allow thc devclop- nI.ent of 22 single family lots. Lands now zoned Permanent Agricultural Reserve are being asked'to bc rezon- cd. The proposaI was the subject of a public meeting Tuesday and refer- ted back to staff for furthcr pro- cessing-. A portion of the lands is oubside the Hamlet boundartes for Newton- ville. Two rczoning applications for rezoning to commercial in the, Village of Newcastle were also the subi ect of a public meeting on Tues- day. Mrs. Wm. Lover secks rezoning of a residential type one exception 10 commercial at 59 Mill Street while Mrs. Layng seeks a similar rezoning for 61 Mill Street. Both applications have been referred back 10 staff. Heritage Day events (Continued from page 1) 10 t0 1 p.m. and the Newcastle Lions serve 2 chicken dinner aI the Communily Hall from 5 p.m. tilI 7 p.m. It's on Sunday June 3rd that the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen hold their frsbt annual Bikc-A-Thun and Bike Rodeo at Arsmtrongs IGA parking lot in Orono. Iî's bcing held from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. The event- is planned for the kids, for ail age groups and sexes. Further information can be ob- tained by phoning 983-9540. Courtice to get own ma iing a ddress A\ defîned area in C-oulrlice IS 10 gel its' own rienîity tfor postal ad- dressing purposes. Areport Io the General PurposeC commiiilîe,on lTuesdlayvstated ithat Caniada Post had subm)nitted its pro- posali that sets a Courtice address for somne 4220 addresses. The report stales. that staff and Lar ry H anIIIIah iave been niegoiiaiwiî ih Canada Posi over the mnalter. Caniada Post expecîs 10 take 9 moinîhs for the change CoveCr and thie change over is to cosi thre Town of Newýcastle $42,200.00. ANt the present limie mailing ad- dresses in Courlice range firm Oshawa 10 ant (,,ha\%a rmute an-d a numnber of' Bowmnansille roules. The area is served front both the Oshawa and BwavlePost Of- fice. The population in the defined area is esîimnated at 9000. wiîhouî weigh scales commencing Junie 1si, 1990. Metro Toronto wil stari lite samne policy also on June Ist, however, their cost for each load will bc $105. Clarke Museum & Archives Tour De Clarke '90 Fundraising Bicycle Race and Tour Event Suniday, May 27th 10:00 a.m. The Race: Massstarts in male/female categorles. Age divisions to be announced on race day. lst, 2nd and 3rd prizÉes inall categories. 2à k's through the rolling his of the northern haif of the Town of Newcastle. Age 16 and up, Amateur Event. The Tour: A leisurely 25 k, ride through the rolling his of the nor- thern hait of the Town of Newcastle f rom Kirby to Tyrone and back following the same route as t he race but with a side trip to the historic Tyrone Miiil for refreshments. Open- to al. Registration Fee $10.00 Per Persan Ail Registration Fees are tax deductible. First 15 people to pre-register at the Museum will receive f ree Tour De Clarke T-shirts. Cal! or- visit the Museum for more details. Oid Kirby School Road, Hwy. 351115 at Regional Road 9, Kirby, Ontario (416) 983-9243 TUESDAY - FRIDAY..1000 A.M. - 500 P.M. SATURDAY - SUNDAY .. 11.00 A .M. - 500 P. M.

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