k; 6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 23, 1990 SATUR»AY, MWAY 26TH 10:00 a.m, Openlng Ceremonies at- Municipal Administration Centre (Bowmanville Town Hall). F]ag Raising e Presentatian of Volunteer Awards e Polk Art Show e Barbershop Quartet. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sflk painting wlth Ruth Sedgwick at Visual Arts Centre. 11:00 a.m. HEElTAGE VO=X PARADE e Elephants, bands, clowns, Sunshine Girls, and aver 40 floats. Slcylght Donuts and Three Brothers Pizza offer speclal discounts. Face painting by Big Sisters Association 18:00 noon JoIn li the Herltage Week Barbecue at the BowmanvIlle Leglon Parking Lot. Came early. Brlng your couipons and get a free soft drink whlile supplies last. _____1:t00 - 4:00 p.mù. Kite flying conlteàït-àt Wa-iàrl-e-yPiIBU& SchbàôspôïDored by Sptimlst C1ub-. ORONO TOWN HALL 8:30 p.= euL JOE BOSS by Bernie Martin Heritage Week Reception at the Bowmaanvllle Musem Commencing at 8:00 p.m. - Tickets at door MWONDAY, MAY P28TH 6:30 -9:30 p.m. Open House at Forestree Place, 108 Liberty S. N., Bowmanvl]le TUESDAY, MAY 29TH Painting and drawlng of Old Bowm-anvine. Joln artlst Maureen Remlngtan who wM] suggest sites anid then conduct a watercolor workshop lni the aiternoon. Ail levels welcome. For detalls, phone the Visual Arts Centre. 623-5831 Orono Events Special Heritage' Week promotions in Downtown Orono. Olde Fasli~oned pricea. Join us for our 'IVoden Nickel Days." WEDNESDAY7 MAY 30TH The Town of Newc-astle hasts its anmual Participaction Challenge Day. Join the Participaction Challenge. 1950's and 1960's Dance at the Bowmanvüle Recreation Complex. 7 - 10 p.m. Free admission. Everyone welcamel THURSDAY, MAY 31IST Seniors' Heritage Day at the Bowmanville Museum. Your Hasts: Cammunity Care and the BowmanvMie Museumn. 1 - 4 p.m. Phone 623-2261 for details SATURDAY, .UNE 2ND 10:00 a.= - 3 p.m. Courtice Carnivai at Courtioe Second&ry School. Enfleld Quilt Show* Tours- of the Tyrone Mill e Solina Day at Solna e Bowinanvllle Museum Yard Sale a p.m. Mystery celebrlty lobb bail game at Memorial Park, Bowmanvfile. Barbecue ln the park followlng the gaine. 6:30 p.m. Rotary Club barbecue and Danoe et the Bowmanville Recreation Centre SUNDAY, JUNE 3RD 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen hast Blke-a-thon and Bike Rodeo at Armstrong's IGA, Orono. For more information, phone 983-9540. 1 P.m. Visual Arts Centre hasts 7th Annual Juried Show of Photograpby. SUNDAYI IMAY 27THE 10:00 a.m. - i p.m. Tour de Clarke bicycle race. Ail prooeeds donated towards the Clarke Township Museum and Archives Building Fund. Please pre-register by May 25. Phone »1983-9243; for additional detaàls. (Flrst 15 registrants get free t-shirts). 10:00 a.m. - 3 p.nI Brownsdale Cammunity Association holds its second annual Flea Markcet at Brownsdale Comxnunity Centre. Phone 907-1266 for reservations. 5 p.m - 7 p.m. Newcastle Lions hast 1/2 Chioken Dinner. This first annual event takes place at the Newcastle Carnmunity Hall. Aduits: $7. Childx'en under 12: $3.50., For reservations phone George RIokard (987-4966) or Dave Adams (987-4832)