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Orono Weekly Times, 23 May 1990, p. 8

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8-Orono Weekly'limes, Wednesday, May 23, 1990 407 em'ers into former North Clarke Liaison group lack numbers for meeting The Newcastle Community Liaison Group, founded by the Federal Siting Task Force to study program related to removal of radioactive waste, was stymied at their last meeting due to poor atten- dance and with only lfive members of ten presenit. The committee re- quires six members to have a quorum and undertake business. The committee met last week in 'the Newcastle Village Hall with three from the public, present. As a result of the poor attendance only recommendations can be made to the committee. Harvey Thompson of Newton- ville in questioning attendance records said one miember of the commijttee had aiready missed three meetings, "and is hie stili on the committee?" Thompson said he had appiied to be on the committee and did hold a great interest in the problem being discussed. He said his application hiad been rejected. Niva Rowan, Kendal, said she wvould like to know just how mnembers were appointed and for what reason. She said, "The whiole process is costing uis hunidredsý of thiousand of dollars." Stuart Watt, a miemiber of thie committee, said he had beeni asked by his union if hie would be a Member . "Nobody else wýanted the job," he sýaid. "I get paid $-35.00 a meeting," h le stated, -less by far than 1i make at work at the Dari- ington planit." The meetings ,ýare inow video, taped at a cost of $250 a meeting, three hours. John Veldhuis outlinied a number of works to be unrdertaken by the committee, one being, setting priorities on how to get expressions. it is the intent of the committee to hold- information centres throughout the Town and also to to prepare a draft proposai for a phamplet. This draft is expected to be ready for the next meeting of-the comimittee. Veihuis also pointed out that the committee had voted 5 to 4 that the committee was to consider ail three factors relating to the waste - host community, transportation and source community.* The fact that 'the Town of Newcastle had recently passed a resolution re-affirming its stand that the radioactive waste be remov- ed from the Town. Bernie Fleming, nmember, said ithe resoluitioni impacts the terms of the study and makes it clear that the Town is opposed to beîng a host cornmunity. He said the committee shouid not bc considering the Town being a host community. But on a number, of occasions Stuart Watt stated that if no one else wanted to take the waste it mieant that it wouid have to be mov- ed somewhere else in Newcastle. "We can't leave it at the lakefront to seep into the lake," he said. Hleing sLaid itle\ shouid consider dropping the hiost community mani date altlthe next meceting to which .John Veldhuiis said it would be broughit before ithe mieeting.n Niva Rowan said Newcastle weCnt through the process of bing ,,>a lost community and alimost birought a revolution., Sharon Smith, representiing t e federai task force secretariat, said the issue should not be a piroblem at this time and that in fact the com- mittee mandate did include being a host community at this time. The Newcastle committee has set-up an office in Bowmanville at Pi T o 671/-, King Street west to be open 1 2 hours a week. The office will be manned by the Comnmittee Facilitator, Janet Mayers. Celebrate Seniors Month (June) by aeeepting our invitation to at- tend the premier screening of this video at the Durham Region Comn- munity Care office, 185 Broek St. N., Suite 209, Whitby, on Tuesday, June 5, 1990 at 8:00 p.m. The 16-minute ideo delivers the philosophy and background of Communiity Care, an organization that provides volunteer home sup- port services to frail eiderîy and disabîed aduits to prevent un- necessary insttutionalization. A production crew folloWed volunteers arouind for two days las;t fall as, they went about doing the tinigsCmunt Care does for seniors anid those in nieed -- cuittinig _grassý. di-\riig to ',ia appoint- ments, deîivering Meals on Wheels, cleaning the kitchen. The video aîso shows COPE voluniteers expîaining their roie in providing emotionai support to those in need an d Caregiver Relief staff outiining how their program provides a respite to those who care for eîderly famiîy members at home. Roy Bonisteel,, formierly of CÜBC's Man Alive series, narrates the video. He, aîong with the Les Nirenberg production crew from Toronto, were extremeîy generouis in hieîping Community Care stay within strict budget constraints by waiving more then haîf of tlieir usual tee for this production. 407 plans viewed at Tyran e (Continued from page 1) those routes to be carried forward for further consideration. By the end of the year the Ministry expeets to select a prefer- red route to be presented to the publie in the next round of informa- tion meetings. One area resident living north of Leskard ,said 'one proposai goes through his heritage home and the the first time he expects to become an objector and one looking for support from other interested parties. YES! Get the lacs. Let's T14k. Cài the Ontario Ministry of i -8O0-668-AIDS AFRTICIPACTION Ft£ CHALLENGE Vednesday, May 30, 1990 May 25 -June 3, 1990 "CATCH THE WAVE" AT THE- Fv FITNESS CENTREN (Liberty Street N., Beside-t he Bowmanvilile High Schooi)« 7:0 rn 830ar."WAVE ACTIVITIES"E 7:0 a.. 8,0 am.Special Early Bird SwîmE 11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Aduit Swtm 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Aqua-Fit Break/Synchro for Aduits 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. *Openi House/Participaction - Synchronized Swîmming 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Public Swîm "BOUNCE INTO FITNESS" Experence fun and laughter atop our inflatable slide, isîands and spider. - - in s - --- 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.mn OPEN HousefParticipaction - Aqua-ies 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m, Aduit Fun Hour followed by a Bubble Bath with staff ALSO ... If Squash is Your Racquet...A 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Squash Courts Avalable (please phone to book a time) I BOWMAN VILLE RECREATION COMPLEX ACTIONS _EA[)MISStON IN THE COMMUNITY HALL... 8RING -r,,A PARTICIPACTION DAY & HERITAGE DAY SOCK HOP <7:00 P.M.- 1000 P.M) T LET'SGO T THEHOP ... put on those bobby socks and saddle shoes and jive to your favourite oldies. Not only wilI you be counted for your activity but also think of the fun and memories from your Heritage. MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE FITNESS AT THE CENOTAPH COURTE (40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville) MsON Rev up your appetite by joining BARBARA SZABUNIA, Canadian Lambada Champion for a fifteen minute stretch break in t he Cenotaph Court (time noted below): 12:15 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. FIT BREAKS 12:45 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. FOR 1:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. ALL AGES 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. BE A PART 0F.THE "ACTION" DISPLAY IN THE MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE LOBBY Make su re that whatever Fitness Activity you do ... Caîl us on May 3Oth at 623-0599 or 623-0600 or 623-0601 to register YOUR commitment to FITNESS. Community Care lives on Video Mur-

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