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Orono Weekly Times, 30 May 1990, p. 3

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()rono Weekly Times, M'ednesday, May 30, 1990-3 Museum pleased with bike race turnout The Clarke Museum and Ar- The winner of the race, James Joyce, both of Bowmanville and chives sponsors of a bike race on Brainsfield covered the course in 40 Brian Reed of Lindsay. Winners in Sunday, morning over a 22 minutes but was pushed to the timit the 19 and up class were Stev'e kilometre course starting and retur- in the home stretch by two other Rooke of Oshawa, Brian Hill of ning to the Kirby Public School bikers. Orono and Bill Kidd, Bowmanville. were quite pleased with the turnout. Through the event the Museum Ian McLean, Oshawa, was first 43 registered with thirty entering raised $4.10.0e for their building in the Over 40 class. the race and thirteen taking part in fund. With the success on! Sunday the a tour by bike along the country Winners in the under 18 year event could welI become an annual roads. class were James Bransfield, Tony event of the local Museum. Oronio Woods Walk Park Plans to be unveiled in Orono At a recent mieeting of the Newcastte Parks Poticy committee councillor Frank Stapleton moved that the Orono Woods Watk Park plan be presented at the General Purpose commiittee meeting being held in Orono on Tuesday evening, June 5th. The motion came fottowing a review of the'plan at the committee meeting. The General Purpose comrnittee is meeting in the Orono Hall on June th to consider the Orono Hamtet Plan. Town staff is also to be present to presenit the Woods Walk Park plan. Orono Hamiet plan Tuesday (Condnuai from tpgp 1) Orono. The Proctor and Redfern plan did show residential development in a considerabte area in the north- west sector just now outside the Orono boundaries. One third of the addition, wýest of Milîson Hill Drive did show area for immediate developmentwie the remainder reaching north to Taunton Road and a section as far west as O'Chonski roiad w,\as designated for long terma development. Under thie submissions being made on Tuesday evening the plan allows for somne inifilting in Orono and some 22 residential lots west of Main Street opposite Mitîson Hill Drive with municipal water. Lot size changes are -atso being considered and some minnr ad- justments to two specific small areas as to zoning change. From A round Home by Roy Forrester by Roy Ferrester It is unusual now for Bill Bunting and t to return from a birding outing with two new species to add to our ife-time list. This however happened on Sun- day with the Port Perry sewage tagoons being the productive source. It made for an interesting day hav- ing visited both the Nonquon Out- door Education Centre for the Durham Board of Education and the nearby lagoons in Port Perry. Only on one occasion before had we sighted Phalaropes and again it was at the lagoons. At that tirne we had seen two Northern Phataropes circling in the shaltow waters to stir up food-which surface on the rip- pIes. On Sunrday one single Northern Phatarope wýas present alongp with three Wilson Phalaropes, the new entry to our ife ists. In thie bright suni they ýare colour- fut and for this bred of birds it is the femate that carnies ail the colour a somewhat change in pattern with other species where the mate cones up with att the cotour. The Wilson Phalarope winters in the western section of the U.S. and breeds inland in the, Canadian prairies and B.C. The Northern winters on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and summers in a wide area in and around Hudsoni Bay. It does not show a fight pattern through this section of Ontario. The other new entry to our life list was one of the largest sand- piperswhich measures some 16 in- ches whîch compares with 8 inches for a robin. t is catled a Marbled Godwit with a very long stight uip- curve of the bill. The bill has sec- tions, of black along with orange- yellow. The bird is rare in eastern Canada breeding in rneadows in the prairies and wintering along the Pacific coast in the California area. The. watk through 'the traits at Nonquon also produced a number of biirds settling in for the summner and passing through. Bilt founid the watk interesting with some plants that he had thought only survived in the mid-north of Ontario. It ail made for an interesting outing. Town to setup new central dispatch centre Council on Monday gave their approval to a new central Town of Newcastle dispatch tocation. The new systemn wilt be tocated at Sta- tion One in Bowmanvilte and under the direction of the fire department. The approval grants permission to purchase and instal necessary equipment at the earliest date possi- ble. It also attows the hiring of four fuit time personnel who will also take on other duties related to the fire department when required. The pay scale was set by councit in the amount of $23,875, Counc. Hooper opposed the plan staing that the present system of off-hour telephone service had worked wetl and at a cost of $45,000 annuatly. The new system he said woutd cost welt over $1 00,000. It was pointed out that the new system wilt mesh in with 911 when it cornes into effect across the Region. AIl other members of councit supported the move. Speciai guest Mrs. Beautah Buchwatd, Oshawa presented a very enjoyabte and varied programn on Sunday morning, ai Suinday School Anive-,rar. Mrs. Noreeni Nixoni, superintiendent g a cîtIo worship nd introduced guspeaker, who( \von ith her puppets, and speciat atike. The fotlowing awards were given out fotlowing the program: Chistopher Mof'fat - Gjold Pin and cetif'icate; Kim Coatham - Gotd pin and certificate; Adam Kent - Gotd Pin and 3 year Seat; Andra Kent - Gold Pin and 6 year Seat; Stephen Barber - Gold Pin and 8 year Seal; Debbie Barber - Gotd Pin and 8 yecar Seat; Jeremy Weeks W\ýreath and 8 year Seal; Chris Weeksý - Wreath and 4 year Seat; M\irandaIL Weeks - 3 year Bar and 8 year Seal; Michelle Moffat - 3 year Bar and 4 year Seat; ,Anidrew Coathami - 4 year Bar and 5 year Seat; Camieron Kent - 4 year 'Bar and 6 year Seat; Amanda Coathamn 5 year Bar and 5 year Seat; Jim Coathamn - 5 years Bar and 5 year Seal; Marcia Luke - 7 year Bar and 8 year Seal; Taniya Aluin - 8 year Bar and 9 year Seat. Certificates for A!ttendanc e: Michale McM itlail; Emily McMiltan; Heather Maitland; Amnanda Stewart; Lisa Lunn; Melissa Farrowýý; Amnanda Trinacty; Alan Nixon; Sara Hartmnan; Ian Borremans,; Diana Borremnans; Peter Etmanskie; Andrea Etmian- skie; Michelte Henderson; Jennifer Henderson; Ashley Bickelil and Brian Bicketl. Four Year Attendance Seats: Jen- nifer Stewart; Tanya Ferguson; Justin Standeven; Katie O'Neill and Tara-Lee Clemens. Two Year Seats: Sable Empey; Jenette -Standeven; Jessica Standeven; Colin Maittand; Joanna Van Dyke; Sheila Van Dyke; Georgina Katsiapis and Michael B oyd. Three Year Attendance Seals: Ashley Dwyer; Haley Empey; Cheryt Rydzik; Rebecca Boyd and Gerrit Van Dyke. Six Year Attendance Seat: Jeff Finlay; Atison Finlay; Greg Finlay and Wayne Werry. Seven Year Attendance Seals: Sam Kent; Kelly O'Neill; David Aluin and Atecia Sraples. Eight Year Attendance Seats: Cindy Ross and Connie Fluke., Nine Year Attendance Seals: Jamie Kent and Caria Werry. Ten Year Attendance Seat Jamie Luke. Eleven Year Attendance Seal - Tamara Kent. Twelve Year Attendance Seal - Katrina. Special Bibles given to: Attyson Finlay; Andra Kent; Jim Coatham; Gerrit Van Dyke; Kevin Copping; Cameron Kent; Atecia Staples and David Altin. Bibles were presented by Mrs. Thelma Gilbank in absence of Rev. Mitnes. Presentations to Mrs. Noreen Nixon Sunday Schoot Superinten- dent by Mrs. Debbie Copping on behaîf of other teachers. Also presented gifts and thanks to our 2 pianists, Jeff Walters and tan Vander'schee. Our gratefut thanks to att our teachers and helpers who have hetped us have a vcry successful year. va NORTH END GARDENS F0 m'ery known as the JADE. 8 me o ,t f401 nHw 15&5. OPONO 983-9' 55 Pool Tournamnent . ËËËLiLLÈ"ý I NOTICE. ANNUAL MEETING .MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWMANVILLE CORPORATION WEDNES'DAY, JUNE 199,1990 8:00 p.m, Caf eteria, Mémorial Hospital, Bowmanville 47 Liberty Street South Bowmanville, Ontaro FOR PURPO0SES 0F- 1. Hearing Reports 2. Report of Hospital Auditors 3. ESection of Directors 4. Amendment to Corporate by-iaws to refleat inistry of Healtii Legisiative changes REGUIREMENTS FOR CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP Article 2 - By-Iawe 2.01 Tihe foiiawing persoa may b. admitted ta membership in the. Corporation by resolution of the Board: a) a person who pays the. annual membership lee as de-, termined f rom tUme ta tUme by resolutian of the. Board provided that at the. tme of. the payment of the. f.., the persanr: 1 ) bas been a resident of the. Town of Newcastle or the. Regian of Durham for a cantinuous penod of at Ieast six (6) months immediateiy pnaor thereto, or; i1) ls employed or Manes on business in the said mu- nicipality or Region for a continuous penod 0of at Ieast six (6) manths, but ini the event that a mem-. ber oeases ta be emptloyed or ta carry on business in the said municipal ity or Region, such persons membership in the, Corporation autamatically is terminated, anid; b) persoas appointed as Hanorary who shall nat be sub- j.ctto tees and wha shahI not b. enfitted to vote. 2.02 Following a resolution ot aoceptance by the.-Board, any an- nual membership in the Corporation shall b. effective anly from June 1lst in any ane year ta May 31 st in the. following year. 2.03 A member who pays uis tees annually shahl not b. entitled ta vote et any.meeting of the Corporation uniess tii. mem- bership f.. was paid in fuli at least thirty (30) days priar ta the date of the meeting. United Church Sunday School awards presented i 1 1 Tuesday EE $5.ÔO PRIZE $100.00 1 Every FE

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