Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, lune 6. 1990.9 "Field Day faces tell al." Amy Farrow and Holly Mullan; non King, Sara Newman, Sarah Front row (P-r) Monique Gibson, back row (I-r) Sasha Dewildt, Shan- Melhuish and Katie Woodcock. Jordan Howson, Isabel Pereira, .anotner winning comtination. French teacher Bey Daniels, Julia Turner and Catherine Carr. (1-r) Gillian Lucy, Shannon Kelly, Athletic Newtonville boys ready to runl. INewtonlville Alive [ by Peggy Mullan tiortIl Field Day at Newtonville Public School was a wonderful, ex- hiliarating success! Excitemnent and enthusiasm just bounced off each and every partici- pat and it was positively con- tagious. It was my pleasure to be able to help out at the gamnes, iast Thurs- day. It took me back, ever so vivid- ly, to myv own memnorable track and field days at school. Times -may have changed, but by the most part kids are the same. Tt does take a special personto be a really good teacher. To be so- meone who cani bring out the best in a student - whether in the classýroom or out on the field, is a r are gi ft. Some students in particular, have had more than their share of strug- gles throughout this past school year. To see these same kids literally shine in their respective track events was super. A pat on the back, an extra cheer, shout, or boast of encourage- ment from teachers or fellow students, makes such an impression on a child. Thank you Newtonville teachers for a terrific Field Day. Three cheers for every single boy and girl who gave it their ail! Little Scoops... T t is hard to believe June has arriv- ed! And it will be a busy last month of school for students. At Newton- ville, the last day of school is Tues- day, June 26. There will be an . awards ceremony at 9:00 a.m. Ahl welcome. tComin(g up Thursday, June 14 is the information night at the school for parents of kindergarten children. Enrolîment is lower for this September coming, thus the two classes will be combined into the morning. - A special thank. you to Laidlaw Waste- Systems and to the Hale family for donations towards new sports equipment for Newtonville Public School. - Many thanks to Newtonville teacher Wenda Eames for organiz- ing the May 14 Canada Fitness Day events. Congratulations to ail 102 participànts and to the four students wvho achieved the Ex- cellence Level. - Parents are reminded and invited to pop over to the Losi and Found box at the school. It's overflowing! - A lovely Baptismal Service was held at Newtonville United Church this past Sunday, June 3. Baptized were Stephen Troy Andrews, Alan- na and Charlene Hardcastle, Jessica and Kathryn Hannigan, Sue-Ann Heming, Troy Webster, and Ashley-Ann Valcourt. - New memfbers David and Brenda Towler of Newtonville and Ken McKinnon of Kendal were welcom- ed. -1 Please contact Roberta Ransom- 786-2699 for further informàation orï ride required to next Sunday's "C.A.P." event! G ardens- ÇHECK USOT! t-4eW Games Feaitures:- W ..jBad p&* \Iýdeo GamIes * oo fornlents £Oad Veague an~d 0 regitoufl j ç~o(1l8W'ýOeiSel Grade 16 student Ryan Farrow izets a jump on things, as teacher Nancy Fretadfinslo n -Needed! Newtonvilie U.C. needs an organist, and Sunday School teachers. Join in! Cali Roberta Ransom for details. - Happy Wedding Anniversary, June 9 to Paul and Joanne Cleveland. - There is still time to treat that "bug ailîng" birch tree. 'Paint' the trunk just below the lowest limb with 'Cygon 2". - Thank you and congratulations to organizers and aIl participants of this years Bîke-A-Thon held in Orono, June 3.*1 - "Have you picked up those tickets yet?" Newtonville's Annual Canada Day Beef Barbeque is a must attend event. Tickets are $8.00 adult, $4.W0 kids 12 and under,,free for pre-schoolers and are available fromi Wally. Boughen (786-2239) and other cliurch stewards. - Country Music singer and award winner Holly Dunn will be enter- taining at the Newcastle Inn, June 24. Tickets now available at the Inn.. Should be a -super evening. - Euchre resuits, of June lst, Milford Simmerson 94, Bessie Stephenson 88, Audrey Graham 84,' David Thrower 80, Edna Dickson 79 and Lena Clysdale 78. Winners on the draw Robin Alldread, Bessie Stephenson, Lena Graham, Milford Simmerson and Marjorie Brown. I appreciate the feedback on last week's column regarding kids and vandalism. I must stress the seriousness of petty crime, and youngsters' getting into trouble at an early age. Nothing can be more deserving of immediate action and punishment than a girl or boy stealing or defac- ing someone else's property. No parent wants to ignore this, especially if the child involved is theirs. The problem has to be nipped in the bud. The child must be mnade aware of the serious consequences to be faced; that there will always be a high price to pay if he or she continues to get into trouble. Perhaps an arranged visit from a police officer would be in order. They are familiar with juvenile mischief and could quite possibly play a major role* in a healthy, positve turn around for the child. No one can over emphasize this issue. Final consequences cannot be sugar-çoated for a kid with a police record. Every parent of every kid wants to sec their child grow up to be a fine, caring adult - not a criminal. They most certainly will make it their business to do their very best at achieving this for their sons and daughters. Indeed, it is the parents' concern, as it should be; not everyone else's to pass judgement and hand down advice. "Have a Good Week!!" lu-, Forrest friends look P4-