6-Orono WeekIv Timies,, Wednesday, lune 20, 1990 Town' s 190reacreation -leisure plan outlined- The residents of the Town of Newcastle benefit greatly from the many recreationai and cultural assets within their community, in- cluding parks.and spoirsfietds, in- door facilities such as libraries, museums, arenas, comhmunity cen- tres, and natural features such as the valleylands and waterfront. In addition, many residents are using these important assets, and are ac- tively invoived in sports, recreation, cultural pràgrams, planning, and administration. Within the coin- munity,, there are over 200 active in- terest groups covering every type of leisure activity. The Municipality has experienced considerable population growth in recent years which has put pressure on existing recreationai and cultural facilities. In order to address pre- sent and future needs, the Town wishes to ensure that its physical and human resources are integrated in the best way possible. A coin- prehensive Recreation /Lei sure Master Plan study has just coin- menced which will extend the past efforts of many volunteers, organizations, and Town staff into a clear set of policies, guidelines, and plans for the future. Hough Stansbury Woodland' Limited, in asstociation with Jack B. Ellis and Associates, bas been re- tained to conduct this master plan study in three distinct phases. Phase 1 (May, June, July) will update existing inventories of parks, recreation and cultural pro- gramns, present and future user pro- files; obtain input front organized groups and the public tbrougb surveys; review organizational, and financial capabilities. Phase 2 (August, Sept., Oct.) will focus on the most appropriate Town response for the next ten years, including supply and demand evaluations, impacts of planning and other policies, future social and economic trends; evolve a "future sytem" concept. Phase 3 (Nov., Dec., Jan.) will integrate the findings into a clear plan of action covering new development or improvements, prioities and phasing, organiza- tion, and finance. Public participation will be a key factor in the success of the Recrea- tion/Leisure Master Plan. The con- sultants will be seeking public comn- ments, ideas, and responses througbout the project, and will be contacting people by several methods includîng meetings witb in- terest groups, contact through telephone survey, open bouse displays, and presentations. If you would like to participate, please get involved tbrough any interest group to which you belong, or write: Hough Stansbury Woodland Limited, c/o Community Services Department, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Rowmnanville, Ontario LlC 3A6. Get involved by responding to our telephone survey if you are con- tacted, or by picking up a Icopy of the survey fromn your local Library, Museum, Newcastle Fitness Centre or the Community Services Depart- ment. Our telephone survey will be conducted over the next few weeks. Also, please. watch thîs newspaper for periodic 'an- nounicements and articles during the progression of the study. Happy l6th Birthday K&M Stili Good Friends. NORTH mEND GARDENS Formerly known as the JADE. 8 miles north 0f 401 on Hwy. 115& 35, ORONO 983-9755 PR.,ESENTS YUK YUKS *LIVE * Comedy Show STRAIGHT FROM DOWNTOWN TORONTO SUN DAY JUNE 24th HURRY, Get Your Tickets While They Last Il! Tickets in advance $ 8.95 At The Door $10.00 Show starts at,8:00 p.m. Coun cil Briefs A proposed 48 unit apartment building for the corner of Green Road on Highway 2 west of Bowmanviile is being considered by the Town. it was noted by evelyn Stroud that tbis proposai was using good farmn land and asked why it was necessary to use such land when the Town did have an over-supply of residential Iand. The proposai does go back for a further report. Counic. Hamre did comment that council members were aware that they were top-heavy in residential deveiopment and that this issue was to be addressed by counicil through a forthcoming planning report. A proposai by a Dr. Russell Gîll to develop a single residential- lot just outside the boundaries of Tyrone and in an environmentally sensitive area bas been tabled for one year. The planning department had recommended that the proposai be denied. Mayor Hubbard stated at commit- tee meeting that she had toured the industrial areas in the Town recent- iy and found a number of reai messes in the South Courtice In- dustriai area. Counc. Hamre said that letters were going out to ail industries ask- îng that they maintain their proper- ties;. She said if needed work was flot undertaken within a couple of mnonths that existing by-Iaws would be enforced by the by-law enforce- mient departmient. (C'ontinued page 10) FcU N and 28th Sunday June 24th THREE COMEDIANS Staring GREG MORTON Star of the movie "Hangin' In" and guest on David Letterman Show and TONY KROLO A regular on Second City 1 G $1.00 wENNY KI'NG off ýjst OUNTRY ROCK BAND $2-00cover charge The bearer of this cou tb $1.00 off the cover< )n ýs enttled rge Cupon volid June 1 nd June 28,1990 Happy l6th Birthday Kevin Love Mom, Dad and Dwayne