- - - - ------------- - -1 8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, lune 20, 1Mo Fro m Around the Rmegion De-railment sparks concern Two Oshawa councillors want Durham Region to find out wby local emergency officiaIs were ig- nored in last Monday's derailment of several CN freight cars, one bearing highly-toxic liquid cilorine, in the south end of the city. Cobouirg counicil asked for $3 million Cobourg council has been asked to support the construction of a $7.5 million cultural centre that would quadruple the combined size of tbe town public library and Art Gallery of Northumberland. Libïrary board chairperson Gloria Ashcroft, library trustee Catherine Foy, historical society membè r Peter Delanty, and Art Gallery sup- porter Ron Bot, addressed council seeking the grant. The balance needed to complete the project is expected to come fromt the Federal Government and the Provincial Government. Council seeks amalgamation Port Hope council is asking Nor- thumberland County Council to consider amalgamation between the town, and Hope Township. Hope Townsbip Reeve Roger Wilson said that Port Hope's resolution didn't surprise him, but ie added tint the township doesn't siare the town's amalgamnation plans for tic future. Cobourg veto A majority of Cobourg counicil is opposed to the creation of a new $9.5 million county building, but Cobourg Reeve Ray Bowen is ex- pected to support the project. Port Hope pair arrested Two Port Hope men were arrested on drug charges last week as police grabbed a stash of hashish and marijuana valued at $1,500. Arrested are, Stephen Thomas Berry, aged 34, and Dwayne William Vickers, aged 26. Boti men are tg appear in Port Hope court on June 29th. County building plan rejected Port Hope counicil decided' last week not to support the construc- tion of a new county building. Council's decision followed a passionate address from ratepayer Roger Carr, wio deniounced the $10 million project as bribery. Bleak Picture The provincial government says it's committed to improving the lot of people on social assistance, but is hindered by a two-year cap on federal contributions to the Canada Assistance plan. It's a bleak picture said Mark Woolard, a policy analyst with the Ministry of Community and Social Services. Town seeks extra land Port Hope could become home to massive 2,000 acre development ex- tending east to Theatre Road. Lawyers for la group of developers bave approached the town to request tint il open annexa- e~-ion talks with Hamilton Township. ,'As a condition of lie Cobourg- Hamilton Township amalagamna- tion, Port Hope is 10 receive about 1,200 acres of industrial land east to .ugustine Roiad. Emergency Assistance needs rise ,~The number of people using emèirgency social services in Nor- tbumberland County is rising sharply, tbe Northumberland Social Planning Council learned last week. At'last week's meeting, social planning council chairperson, Deborah O'Conner noted local unemployment figures rose to 11.4 per cent in Mardi 1990 from eight per cent in Decemeber 1989. 1990 Health budget Tie Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit received ministry approval for, about two- thirds of its $15.6 million 1990 budget. It will receive $6.6 million to treat patients in their homes and $900,000 to operate school healtb support prograins. The Ministry of Health provides 100 per cent funding for these pro- grains. Workers reach agreement Port Hope's pollution control operaters and works departmnent employees gained a two year pact wiîh a 12 per cent pay raise over the period. Canadian Union of Public Employees [CUPE] represenlative Bill Dingiain, who negotiated the Por t Hope contract, said tic firsl 6 per cent pay raise is retroactive to 1 Feb '90. Betty Collins, who chairs tic town labour relations commiltee, said she is pleased with the setule- ment. Province boosts programs. A county initiative to coordinale treatment for victims of family violence bas received a $45,000 a year boost from the provincial government. The coalition is made up of coun- ty agencies thal deal with the pro- blems of family violence. The other member groups are: Women in Crisis, Kinark Child and Family Services and the Northumberland County Department of Social Ser- vices. Three women selected for possible school names. A new elementary scbool in tie Çourtice area may be the first in the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educalion jurisdiction nained after women. The namnes being considered are: Nellie McClung Public School, Dr Emily Sowe Public School and Pauline McGibbon Public School. An ad-hoc committee chose the lhree women's naines from 35 namnes submitted. The final namne will be considered aI the June meeting. Teachers ranked as 'Top Notch' Students are not the only ones br- inging home the grades these days. Public school board teachers are - also being judged. According to a recent survey, 57 per cent of parents gave schools an A or B with 91 per cent passing grade. For the teachers, 62 per cent gave them an A or B. The survey was conducted by the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education earlier this year. No strike by CAS workers Durham CAS workers are back- ing a new two year deal. The majorîty of children's aid workers bave ratified a contracl Ihat will give them wage increases, improved health benefits and beller gas mileage. The deal was ratified by about 70 per cent of the workers ai a meeting lasi Tuesday,, John Cheery a CUPE representative said. Man mugged A 37 year old man was mugged for bis welfare cheque behind the Queen's Hotel in Oshawa last Wednesday., Durham Regional Police said that although the man was beaten, he was flot seriously hurt. Plan faces biggest test Coscan's controversial water- front condominium project in Whit- by is under the microscope again. A citizen's group opposed to the $150 million harbour development wants residents to show up at the meeting planned for Monday, to ex- press their views. The group's main concern is the need for a lakefront public walkway along the whole length of the pro- ject. Ministers on edge Speculation around Queen's Park that there may be an election this falhas even cabinet ministers on the edge of their seats. Mines Minister Hugh O'Neill, on a tour of mines in Europe, was at a reception in Helsinki when a cal came from Premier David Peter- son. 'I was a little shocked,'O'Neil told a news reporter, 'I thought an election was being called.' Rumors quashed The Peterborough- Northumberland and Newcastle Seperate School Board have laid to rest the rumors of culs next year in the number of hours worked -by special-education teaching assistants. Rumors the board was planning to cut 269 hours for teaching assistants as a cost saving measure have circulaled since April. The cut, had it been taken up, would have meant that fulIl ime teaching assistants would only*work 24 hours a week instead of 30 hours. Cail 00 New County HQ denied Northumberland County council killed a proposai for a $10 million administration building last, Wednesday despite a financial report that stated the decision flot to build the centre would cost almost as much as going ah ead with the project. After council rejected the plan 27 to 21 in a recorded vote, it approved a motion to investigale the sale of some $10 million in assets the coun- ty owns in the Town of Cobourg to sec what impact that revenue would have on reviving the adminstrative scheme. Just plain greed, Hope Township leaders see Port Hope's suggestion to consider amalgamating the two municipalities as little more than a massive land grab. John Boughen who chairs the township's ratepayers association said Ibat the urban councillors do flot understand rural concerns and flot understand rural concerns or rural problems. St. Mary's plan, explained at Open House For the third time in a year, residents of Port Darlington and St. Mary's Cement Company, faced off at an Open House Monday. The forum was organized by the com- pany to, allay waterfront residents' fears over effects on the local en- vironment steming from the $160 million expansion to, the Bowman- ville Cement Plant currently under- way. St. 'Mary's Cement had experts on hand to explain specific issues c oncerning residents, covering the areas of shock, blasting, noise and dust control. Sunday shopping issue Durham Region is in no hurry t ~- deal witb the Sunday shopping issue. "We're waiting to sec what hap- pens in Metro Toronto," said Regional Chairman Gary Herrema. He added the issue lias picked up in interest among the public lately, with his office receiving letters on the topic daily. -A committee bas looked at the ideâ of allowing stores to open on Sunday afternoons. However, Her- rema said that a public hearing will be held on the issue in Durhanm. Construction slump' The City of Oshawa is facing its worst level of building activity since 1983, Mayor Pilkey said. The value of building permits for the first five montbs of this year is $23.06 million, compared with W6.95 million for the sane period last year. Pilkey bas boasted in past years about the city breaking the $100 million mark in building permits for the past five years. But not this year. He said that a lot to do with it is the federal monetary policy, and the cooling of interest rates. Meningitis warning issued About 150 students at O'Neill Collegiate in Oshawa have been notified after a senior at the school was hospitalized with bacterial meningitis. Principal Bob Dockstader saîd the school bas notified students who may' have come in contact with the infected student. The hospitalized student is responding well to treatment. Early signs of bacterial meningitis are fever, irritability and headaches. ~Alcan Products DEPENO-ABLE RAIN GUTTER for -5" Seamless Trough -Soffit and Fascia -Aluminum & Vinyl Siding -New &,Replace ment Shingle Roof Because -We don't charge for remnoval and disposai of your old soffit, fascia and trough. -We require no up front paymnents - We instail custom f itted run-outs ai no charge' - We have the best price in town. 985-0528L QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED