Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday,_lune 27, 1990-9 Turning up the heatfrom soap box Rutherford The Speakers' Corner on the steps of the Orono Town hall was a surprise on Saturday afternoon with spirited debate and a few sur- prises. Gord Milîs set the tone blasting increases in taxation and aroused the audience to a frenzie. Sid Rutherford took off on the attributes of Orono with a glowing future. Wife, Mary, was quick to cmh- phasis it would bc the women in the Village who would lead the way to that future. Freedom Day y odMilîs Are you just about at the end of your tethert over your latest income tax deduction, and the sales tax on the barbecue you promised yourself for July lst and al the other taxes that drive you up the wali? >Take heart, Tax Freedom Day, cornes this year on iuly 5th. Van- couver's Fraser Institute have pegg- ed July 5th as this year's. Tax Freedom Day - the day you stop working for the governmnent and start working for yourself. iust before you start shouting WHOOPEE! 1 or somne thing like that. Tax Freedorn Days cornes this year a full day later than last year. Seventeen days later than in 1986, and if you are getting madder as you read on, sixty days later than in 1961!! Here in Ontario we are "blessed" wth the highest tax rate in Canada - a whopping 51 per cent of all we earn, ends up in the hands of the tax man. As a remninder, as if you need- ed to be reminded, we have, income Lycett Kay Lycett extolled the virtues of municipal sewers and water to a new future with development. Helen Schmid cracked tbe nuckles of those in 'downtown for lack of interest in keeping the streets dlean and flower boxes flowering with some watering. The husband of the manager of Beckers struck back that if parents would educate their kids against lit- tering there would be no problem. And Harvey Partner is to be front and centre on building beautification. Junior Gardeners meet and Flower basket sale- The Junior Gardeniers met tog ether on Tuesday, June 19th, Following the Gardener's Creed, Mrs. Zegers asked how the children's gardens were growing. ,Ail were growing well, altbough some children were having pro- blems with some weeds and bugs. Mrs. Zegers showed the children the weeds of wood sorrow, which is a nasty spreader to get rid of in the garden and wild porcelain which is hard to kill and should be puiled out by the roots and not dropped into the garden again because it wili keep on growing. The childreni also saw a cut worm and wýere told how to dig around the sick plant careful- ly and dig it up and maybe the cut worm would ble seen near it. Mrs. Zegers explained how she had potato beailes in her garden and how, she got rid of them and their eggs by dropping them into bot water with bleach in it. A celery plant was shown to the children by Mrs. Zegers. It was started by rooting a celery heart in a littie water. The children also saw the Egyptian onions with its babies tax, an 8 per cent sales tax, -profits tax, property tax, gasoline tax, tire tax (which is added on the price of the tire to make more sales -tax) diesel tax, propane tax, tobacco tax, liquor and wine tax, amuse- ment tax for mnoves and live theatre, and in Durham, an extra $30 tax on your lice nse plate sticker, plus im- port tax, and resources tax. We are so "tax crazy" 1I may have missed some, An added "bonus" is the coming GST tax in January and doesn't it just make you feel sick to pay tax on cash you paid tax on, that you try to save in the bank, for that "rainy day". Is there a point when we will al yell that we bave bad enougb and we won't take it anymore, resembl- ing the outrage in California of a few years back concerning property taxes. It looks as if we are fast ap- proaching the "tax burden limit" ourselves, and perhaps, like tbe Californians, we are ready to revoit. Charge!!! By the way, if you plan on leaving the country, to get out of it ahl, there is a departure tax at the airport of $19 eacb. The govern- ment even gets you as you leave!!! in the plant. When the babies get too heavy for the plant, tbey faîl to the ground and start a newv plant. Mrs. Zegers asked the chiidren about their Sensovaria plant which was stuck in soul last fail. They bad rooted themselves, and the children learned that this plant will send out a new shoot of growth after it is root bourni. We closed our meeting wjth our prayer. On September 22nd is our district meeting and the chiidren were en- couraged to start pressing dried materials for greeting cards. Some materials which could be used are buttercups (ail yellow, no green) Johnny-Jump-Ups, Pansies, ferns and grasses. These should be donc soon as they take time to dry. Saturday, June 23rd was our very successful flowýer basket sale for Decoration Sunday. The chiidren made many beautiful arrangements Friday night and Saturday from the kindly donated and much ap- preciated flowers. We would like to thank everyone who supported our Junior Horticultural Group by donating flowers and buying the flower arrangements, without you aIl of this couldn't be possible. Thank you parents and children for your time on the weekend, Our next meeting is our summer outing to be arranged for July l7th. We will be contacting the children after we made the necessary ar- rangements. K.,C'sESSO' HIGHWAY 115135 AT CLARKE HIGH SOHOOL Under New Management We have ail your motoring needs. Headlights * Wipers Qils etc. Fireworks Sale' June 28th JuIy 1lst For the best in fast, friendly service. Satisfaction Guaranteed' Corne in and meet Ken and Christine OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK