larine o Home Check -Vacation orne Checking Let us make your home look lived in -Wedding Day Gft Sitting Reliable References - BONDED Barb Shetier-Ina Gox NEWTON VILLE (418) 786-2996 Fainwinds Antiques >& Collectibles Antiques, Memorbilia& Collectibles trom. times gone by WE BUY and SELL OPEN - Thurs.-Sunday 10 - 5 Mon. to Wed. by chance 5028- MAIN STREET ORONO), ONT. LOB 1 MO (416) 9B3-9806 1 . C O* T 'A C I G ' - "Work Wanted" CUSTOM, FENCING and CUJSTOM CHAIN SAWINC ORONO, ONTARIO TENNANT 1587 Popular Plains Dr. Cavan, Ontario TELEPI4ONES 705-944-720 706-740-3174 410-433-25 BYAMS pkM manq lump~Uh Sale and Service 14 Hour Sumer Servie Gulf Financing Low Interest rates 263-2660 IVAN JONES TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Licenssd - 25 era Exporlence HOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS Agil Carpentry Reîated Work Omis - 1118-15303 NBampton 2632991 ConsTruction INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RENOVATIONS Roofs - Soffît & Fascia and Siding Special Rates on Patio Decks Cail Dave 623-91571 AL. EARD Eloctricul Contractlng New Constructioni Repairs Electrie"Heating Pole Line Construction CentralVacuum Systemrs ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5041 0* PARTNER & SONS PLUMUING end HEATING MAY TAO DEALER Profesaonai Gould's Pump Dealer Auhorized Consumer Gus Dealer 011 - Wood - Electrc Repira f0 al makes ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5206 or 623-2301 0. CHATTERTON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario VICETT CONTRACTING LTD. General Crp.niry, Renovatlons, Roofing Custom Homes end Commercial Buildings Phones (705) 277-3308 Box 598 Orono, Ontario or (705) 277-2003 ,BARRS 469,87-1445 oe (16)986-4277 ROOFING - SHfEET METAL - SKYLIGHTS FLAT ROOFS - SHINGLES - PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING - SOFFIT - TROUGHI - SUNROOMS - SOLARIUMS ~.COLLEOT CALLS ACCEPTE[) 20Years, Experience Orono WeekIy Times, Wedmuesday, J... 27, 1990-15 GLA SFIDS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Al daims against the estate of ETHEL GEORGE BOUCK, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 6th day of November, 1989, must be filed with the under- signed personal represen- tative on or before the 2th day of July, 1990, after which date the estate wilI be distributed having regard on- Iy to the dlaims of which the Executor then shall have notice. DATED at Oshawa, On- tario, this 2th day of June, 1990. Roy Clarence Forrester Executor By his Solicitors MACKEY, BAILEY & KORB Barristers and Solicitors 400-22 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario LIH 7L9' 27,4,11 ac M. T. STABLES Board - Lease Buy- seiI - consignments (Horses and Tack> GANARASKA FOREST AREA Phone Marie 983-9736 Women in Abuse Relaionships, For HeIp Cail "The Denise Flouse" For Women and Children Toli Free f-900-263-37215 or 728-7311, confidentially assured If you want to drink, that's your business If you want to stop, That's Ours. 1Call Alcoholic's Anonymous To talk or for Meeting Times and Places Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 ALTERATIONS General sewing and dressma in i my home. Calil Wednesdays and even- ings 983-9761. 1 n DANGEROUS TREE REMO VAL Trîmming Stump Remnoval, Land Cleaning FULL YINSURED Free Estimates PHONE 623-8625 lune 20-Aug. 15 ap Pick Your Own STRAWBERRIES .85c.. a Quart Pick Two Flats'Get One Quart FREE OR BUY READY PICKED Maclntosh and Spy App les Strawberries - Hot House Tomatoes . Peas Garden Fresh Vegetables Wiley's 100% Fruit Juice New and Old Pýotatoes AT MAR~KET Highway 115, Haif Mile South of Orono L$ROLFE BE4. INSURANCE ~ZULWAKEFIELD0 b.-<> 983-9438 83 King streetWeat, Po. Box 488 Newcastle, Ontario LOA iHO Telephone (416> 987-3200 Matthews L& Associates «**\N PtýANtC E OKRS T Pauline Mate, AIIc Branc i Manager OFFICE 983-5115 [m a HOME 983-5767 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE, MAIN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1iMO "35 Vearsot Service"~ Susan awyerNelda Dawson 416-983-5767 466343 WANTE] Used plywood, 48" x 42" D x 1 ", $4,50 per sheet, 36" snowblower for garden trac- 1tor, pnone YO3-8I38. Wanted to Buy Canada 1948 Silver Dollar and Half Ai/ Coins - Paper CurrencY - Worldwide > Top Prices Mister Murrays Box 340 Oro no, Ontario Child's garden swing set, fn in sturdy condition, phone 983-5262. 27,4 cpn COMING EVENTS Famnily Roller Skaing Aduits and Children (Accompanied by Aduits> Orono Arena Saturday, June 3Oth 8:00 Admission $2.50 per person or $6.00 per Family (Iicludes Skate Rentai) 20,27 ac Decoration Day Sunday, JuIy 8th 13 p.m. McCreas Cemetery Ouest Speaker Rev. Keith Henderson Please bring Iawn chair. 27,4,ap A warm welcome to al Tamblyn cousins to attend the Annual Picnic, Saturday, July I4th, 12:00 noon at Orono Park in case of rain Orono United Church. 27,4 cpn YARD SALE Canada Day Weekend lune 29th - JuIy 2nd STEWART ROAD 1 km. east of Newtonville Road Between 3rd & 4th Concessions Toys, Baseball Cards and much, much, more! Also 1/7. ton pickup 2nd seat $200.*00, phono 786-2375. 27,ac DAY CARE Mother of 1 wishes to pro- vide day care in own home. Receipts given, nutritîous snacks and lunches provided. Reasonable rates. Phone Dee at 983-9045 anytime. .27,4 ac FOR SALE ALL STEEL BUILDING Factory Clearance 21'x24', 30'x40', 40'x75', 50'xlOO', 60'xIOO', 75'x150' We can ereet or deliver Io site Supply is Limited Please Cal 983-5872 or Fax 983-8179 20,27 cpn Propane swimming pool heater, 250,000 BTU, $100.00 or best offer, phone 983-9654. 20,27 cpn Mirolin 3 piece tub and shower unit (bone> plus 3 panel tub doors and taps, 3 years old, $250.00 or best 01- fer, phone 983-9654. 20,27 cpn tfn (Continued) John Deere 21-20, with loader and snow bucket, cali 983-8235 after 5:00 p.m. 6,32,7ap Wedding dress with veil, large size, plus two bridesmaid dresses, colour blue, call 983-8235 after 5:00 p.m. 6,13,20,27 ap Patio Slabs 16" x 16" $1.75 20" x .20" $3.25 12' x 12" $1,00 Weil Tile 36" inside Diameter $44.00 Other Sizes Available Pontypool Concrete Products (Formerly Bethany Concrete) -(705) 277-2442 tfn 1985, Nissan Maxima, 5 speed V6, fuel injected, no rust, air conditioning, loaded $9,500.00; 1975 Dodge 1/4 ton, runs weIl, needs body work $600.00, phone 983-5194. 2r,4 cpn 10 acres standing hay at Starkville, 18' hay wagon, phone 786-2392. 27,4 cpn 1986, Acadian Scooter, very good condition, silver, 4 door standard, please cali 983-5939. 27,4cpn Country Treasure Store R. R. 2, Orono Telephone 983-5412 -Antiques - New Furniture - -Used Furniture & Appliances - -Crafts andi Coilectibles - -Boots - New anti Useti - - New Patio Furniture - Open Mondays by Chance Tuesday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday Open until 8:30 p.m. Closed Smnday Located on Hwy. 35/115 north, lst place of business north of 8th Concession Clarke. (lst place of business past Clarke Museum). 27,4,11,18 ac FOR RENT Orono stores tor lease, various suzes, 5414 Main Street, CI Zone, caîl LyIe or Marg West at 983-9341- Res. 983-5962. ic