8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 27, 1990 Young Irish vistors Sam and of friends t0 play with, as' local one evening.. Rebekah Johnston were flot short children unite, for games unknown, Little Scoops.. Sam and Barbara Johnston with children Sam Jr. 2 and Rebekeh 6, live outside of Belfast, Northern Ireland. It's back 10 Belfast! Visitors 10 Newtonville for three weeks, Sam, BarbaIra and children saw and did more in Toronto and about-the countryside than most of us, 1 am sure, would in îhree years! On-the-go dad, Sami Sr., a police officer had many questions about Canada and about police forces in general, discoveing that despite the serious unresi here, over home is much worse. The couple were visiting with Sam's sister Denise Bryan and hus- band Rob. They toured from Niagara Falls to Bewdley to Roseneath and places inbetween. -They looked up old family friends 10 the north, and along with Rob and Denise, enter- tained guests in Newtonville. They celebrated their ninth wed- ding anniversary with fireworks in the backyard - and that was a treat since "explosives" of any sort are outlawed ai home. For a firsti t Canada, Bar- bara stimmed iî ail up as "totally brilliant!" Will they come again? "Yes", says Sam, "but perhaps in the- winter, when. those awful 'Imossies" (mosquitos) are gone!" Orono Station Fire 1C ails The following fire calîs were received by the Town of Newcastle Fine Depariment, Station 3, Orono during the week of June 18 and June 24, 1990. Wednesday, lune 20 answered a motor vehîcle accident beween 4:02 p.m. and 4:30 pam. ai Bethesda Road and Taunton Road. Thursday, June 21 beîween 10:13 p.m. and 10:31 p.m. the fire depari- ment answered a burning complaint ai Highway 115 and Regional Road 9. Saturday, lune 23 between 10:06 p.m. and 10:42 p.m. responded t0 a tire fire ai Mospori Park with pumper 3 and tanker 3. It Payse to Advertise in the Times 983-5*301 Town employees Curt Trimble (left) and Steve Parker dressed up our cenotaph park with a brand. new flag. Bot Curt and Steve have lived in the Bowmanville area for many years, but were quick to mention how much quieter and country like it was out Newtonville way. Thanks to Nick Van Seggelen and staff ai Town offices for seeing we had flowers, and a flag- especially in light of Canada Day coming up, this weekend. Maybe Canada will see some pro- mise for the future. Heaven knows DUJRHAM we've had our bruises and knocks in practially every aspect of Canadian life,- something increasingly hard 10 de fine. With this in mind, 1 hope tickets go well for the Newtonville Annual Canada Day Beef Barbeque, July 1 st. Do contact Wally Boughen 786-2239 or Don Robins 786-2954 for yours. - A great lime was had by ail lasi Thursday ai Clarke High School track meet. Kids from Orono, Kir- by and Newtonville gathereçi compete in various track and field events. Congratulations to al athietes; and to organizers for a very successful1 event. - -A reminder- for parent school volunteers there will be a special tea held in honour of ail volunteers who gave so much of their lime and support to students and teachers throughout the year. The tea will be ai 1:30 p.m. Thursday, June 28 at the school. - Most of us are probably al "Imeeched" out, and none-the-Iess, confused. 1 have heard tales of Canadians from Manitoba holding their heads a litile higher lately. Quebeckers are- still divided - unfor- tunately it's the riled up "anti- Anglo" French that seem 10 gel the bulk of the publicity. And yes - Mulroney should say no more, throw away his "How 10 conl Cana- dians and dance around the issues" Book of Operations and step down. That would be the mosi humane and beneficial course of action this man who does not represent 'a real Canadian' could possibly do. - Summer is really coming! The gardens are filling out beautifully. And yes, school's finished for another year. Let's keep in touch - I'd be very happy to hear about a special occa- sion or event in your life. Drop me a line ai P.O. Box 104 in Newtonville. "Enjoy - Perhaps we'1l see you ai the Barbeque." REGIONAL bMUNICIPALUTY 0'F DURHAM RATEPOIYA REGIONAL WASTE .101SP-0SAL FACILITIES , * As of July 3,1990, a new policy will take effect ai ail Regional Waste Disposai Facilities For Facilities with Scales: 1. Rate for'passenger cars, non-commercial pickup trucks and vans with or wlthout utillty trallers: Under 100 kg (220 lb.) - No Charge Only ONE such f res load, will be allowed per day for ach vohicle. 2. For ail other Vehicles the rate wilI b. $97.50 per tonlne. For Facilties without Scales: 1. Rate for passenger cars,' non-commercial plckup trucks and vans, with or without utlllty trall- ers: Under 100 kg (220 lb.) - No Charge Only ONE such f ree load, wili b. allowed per day for mach vehîcle 2. All vehicles of iess than 3000 kg (6600 lb.) G.V.W. (Gross Vehclle Weight> inciuding plckup, trucks and vans but excluding passenger cars. The rate wilI be $30 per.vehicle. 3. No other vehicles are aliowed ai the transfer stations. The Reglon of Durham Works Department (416) 668-7721 W.A. TWELVETREES, P. EN~ COMMISSIONER 0F WORK-] Newton vïilé Alive 'by Peggy Mullan UNICEF cards and gifts can buy.. a lifetime of dlean water, basic health, sanitation & education services for children around the world. Buy UNICEF cards and gifts. unicef0 For a new ful-colour brochure, contact: UNICEF Canada 443 M. Pleasant Road, Toronto, Ont, M4S 2L8 Telephone (416) 4824444 OR cali îoIlree 1-88OO-268377 (Operaor 741) 1 1