2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday ,Julv 4, 1990 @rono Mekly Emes Lsecond Clasa Mai Regstration Nwnber OO06I Published Every Wednesday at the officeof Publicqtion MainStreetOrono Roy C. Forrester, Edir Did the country collapse? Most people are likely tired of reading about Meech Lake and further we had vowed we would never write about it again but that vow is about to be broken. For months we were told by the Great Wizard of All in Ottawa that the collapse of Meech would be the collapse of Canada. It came time after time and during the the final week of closed door debate on Meech the news media fashioned the rise and fall of the Canadian dollar on the progress or lack of progress being made on Meech. It's all over and Meech did collapse and nothing much has happened and even the Great Wizard now sees a great future for the country. And our financial insitutions hardly flickered over the results of Meech. It was not Newfoundland nor Manitoba that defeated Meech but the bullying, half-truths and bragging of our Prime Minitser that really scuttled the whole affair. But today is another day and the country no doubt will note change over a period of years. Meech was not a final answer in any shape or form. It was flawed which most agree upon. . It may well be that a lesson has been learned - we can't leave it entirely in the hands of the politicians we elect. There should be another course to follow with greater input from those with reasonable views for ail parts of Canada and for all peoples of Canada. Yes, the politician may have the final say but the people and their views have to be recognized. We feel that Canada will eventually be better for the demise of Meech and that surely we do not have to be bullied, coerced and feed half truths. And yes, we have a feeling for Elijah Harper and is it not true that our native people are equally distinct and have never had proper recognition from the white man's rule down through the ages. To that distinct society list we add the Inuit, the Eskimos. A few odd thoughts There has been much ado in Orono of late as to the need of municipal sewers. Worry no further a consultant's report made public of late notes that the Orono Town Hall is connected to municipal sewers and water. Has it really happened that fast? Speaking of consultants we wished we had kept track of all the news reports of late where consultants have been hired. It would be quite lengthy. Northumberland County has hired consultants with provincial funds to view their day care needs and the Region of Durham has done the same to make an overview on their system of day care. Now the Conservation Authorities want professional expertise on their amalgarnations. It's not that the system is changing that much - and that which is is clearly defined - but we read the need is there. And the Town of Newcastle is well into the planning of a section of Newcastle's lakefront in which the Town and two land owners are jointly involved. With the Town out numbered can we expect to have lakefront activities for Canada Day that were held over the week-end at the Oshawa Lakefront and at the Cobourg lakefront. Not likely. If it's a profession to follow - it's consulting. Gord's View Is faith healing just plain bunk? One of the golden rules among army men was, never get mto any discussion about either religion or politics. To breach the rule often meant at the least a heated argu- ment, and at the worst - fisticuffs! In this week's "Gord's View", I am neither looking for an argument or a fight, nevertheless, a newspaper should whet it's readers appetite for thought, and if you are moved suf- ficiently to put pen to paper, the column is working. Former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop says faith healing is just a bunch of bunk. He bases his diagnosis on his theological, not his medical, credentials. Dr. Koop at- tacks televangelists who claim that sickness is a sign of sin and those who are not healed do not have enough faith. He says that the claim that people who are not healed lack faith, "makes two classes of Chris- tians: those who have enough faith to be healed - the first class Chris- tians - and those who don't have enough faith to be healed - thev. of course are second class. I have heard some presumptuous Christians say, "God wants you to be well." Who says so? Why should he want you well when he did not want the Apostle Paul well? St. Paul in various letters to the young church, referred to a serious eye disease he suffered from. Indeed, Paul asked God to remove his thorn in the flesh several times. God chose not to do so. If it were the will of God that we should all be healed of an illness, wouldn't we all be immortal? Doesn't the ultimate illness after ali mean death? Perhaps the proper response we should all have is to be able to ac- cept our afflictions, trusting in God, come what may. I happen to think, that ail of us have tremen- dous power over our own bodies. Even the way we think about ourselves is a powerful stimuli to healing. Remember the old saying, "it's ail in your head," maybe it is after all. by Gord Mills CANDY FLOSS IN AID OF TOWN CLOCK The Orono Town Hall Board members will be selling candy floss Saturday on the Town Hall steps starting at 12:15 a.m. until after the Orange parade. Proceeds to used for the Town Hall Clock Restoration fund. Kendal News Well here it is the first long weekend of summer, weather wise, it certainly doesn't feel like it, rain, fog, cool. In driving around the area one would never know that it was July lst on Sunday. What used to be celebrated as Dominion Day, and is now called Canada Day. Seems to me we had a lot more pride in our country, when it was a Dominion, than we have no. No one has flags out, the ones that are flying here and there are Ontario flags mostly. And they are out all year around. What has happened to all of us. Have we no pride in being Cana- dian, or are we just afraid to let others know of our Patriotism. Go down to the United States this weekend and you will see flags fly- ing, buildings decorated with bur- ting, practically every area will have a celebration planned for July 4th. Perhaps you are not very fond of the design of our flag, one often hears remarks made about it, but in what other Country have the people had any say in the design of their flag, but they respect it, because it is theirs. Maybe if more people would go visiting other countries and see the Canadian flag flying above or in front of a building on occasion, then they would know what it feels like to be proud to be Canadian, and proud of our flag. Like every other holiday we celebrate it, but it is no longer celebrated like we use to, it has become so commerical, if it doesn't make money for the business com- munity, it isn't pushed. It seems as though, ever since the 2nd war everything has become so commer- cial. Gone are the Church or Com- munity Garden Parties, this used to be a big event on July Ist. At least it was in the community I grew up in. It was held at the local park, baseball tournament in the after- noon, a supper, put on by the ladies of the church, and then in the even- ing, on a stage out in the open, entertainment was provided. It was always a big event in the lives of all ages. Now it is a matter of how fast you can get the kids ready and get away to the cottage, and do your Orono man hit by Iigh tning in critical condition An Orono area man, Donald Brough, 23, of R.R. 1 Orono, was listed in critical condition in Oshawa General Hospital on Mon- day after being struck by a bolt of lightning on Saturday at the Port Darlington Marina. Durham Regional Police said there were no vital signs of life detected by bystanders or am- bulance attendants Saturday after- noon after Brough had been struck by lightning. It has been reported that Brough was revived at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville and then rushed to Oshawa General Hospital. Brough and three other persons were taking shelter under a tree at the marina when the severe storm struck the area on Saturday. It is believed that Brough was struck directly by the bolt of lightn- ing. A second man was taken to Memorial Hospital and kept over-, night for observation. Two women escaped any injury from the lightn- ing. At the time of the accident Brough had been working on his boat at the marina, "The Lucky One" and was sitting at a picnic table when the storm hit. own thing. It doesn't matter that the roads are crowded with cars, the 401 is like a giant parking lot, tempers and radiators are overheating. lt's the thing to do, get on the road. Now t an fot againsi people being able to go to cottages, but they no longer seem to remember what the Holiday means that we are supposed to be observ- ing, it is just another day to gel away. Maybe we should take a good look ai ourselves. Maybe the French in Quebec could teach us a few things, .maybe if we showed more pride in our country and tried harder to hold it together, they wouldn't think of separating. Hap- py Birthday Canada, and may we celebrate many more. Sunday we went to Newtonville to their Beef Barbecue, the food was as usual excellent and at least there they had small Canadian flags on every table. Wally and Inez Boughen had their big sign out on the front lawn saying, "Canada is No. 1", at least there is someone not afraid to say it. Last week I wrote the Church was undergoing some redecorations and that help would be appreciated in removing the furniture, well our thanks should to go two couples and also to a couple of the men of the congregation. On Monday, they got to work and removed all the pews, lifted the old rugs and cleared everything out except the organs. On Saturday, I noticed the door open and went in and there was the Couroux family down on their hands and knees, nailing down plywood. Here it was a holiday weekend and they were giving their time working at the church. Can you imagine anything like this tak- ing place in a big city church, the labour being done by the members of the congregation. Probably the caretakers union wouldn't even let him do that kind of work. Things like this bring back to mind the stories of the pioneers and of how they got together and helped each other to build their homes and barns and the churches and schools. I am sorry that I didn't get out to church at Shiloh on Sunday. I understand there was a good tur- nout and Allan Baker took the ser- vice. Remember should you need the services of a Minister or need his help, call Allan at Newtonville, same no. as Rev. Ransom. Next Sunday, the service will be at Newtonville at 10:30 a.m. Philosofacts....Nature didn't make us perfect, so she did the next best thing. She made us blind to our faults. by P. Lowery St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas W. Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCHSCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO GA TES OF PRAISE BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Orono, Ontario Inter-Faith Full Gospel SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Rev. Lyle L. West Office 983-9341 Personal Ministry Rev. Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 Counselling Minister: Secretary: ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred Milnes 983-5502 Marlene Risebrough Organist: Kirby Arlene Bolton Organist: Orono Stella Morton BIBLE STUDY Thursday 8:00 p.m. At the Manse Cancelled July 5 and to resume July 12, 19, 26 SUMMER SERVICES KIRBY July 8 and 22 10:30 a.m. ORONO July 15 and 29 10:30 a.m. NEWCASTLE UNITED August 5, 12, 19, 24 and September 2 10:30 a.m. 983-5009 ... ........ . . . ..... .. - .. . l i Nom l i i