10-Orono WeekIy Times, Weduesday, JuIy 11, 1990 Cat World big attraction LýUnvironmenlal Fair" 10 provide regional groups and, industries a forum to share their efforts to safeguard the environment. A review of cleaning produets and materials being used by the Centre's maintenance department with replacement by environmental- ly friendly supplies. The review is being conducted by the Waste Reduction Facilitator from Durham Region's Works Department. Finally, a fal'90 lecture seriesý- for the public on, regional, en- vironmental issues will be hosted by the Centre at the mail. The "Greening of the Mal"' is yet another step in the fight to save our pianet for those that are to foilow us. Wolf and Chrîs of Jungle Cat World with five week old African Lion Cub - Quadesh. Exote Ca Word aOshawa Centre success story in Orono "Greening of by Gord Milîs Wolf Kiose, owner of Jungle Cat World, in'Orono, with bis wife Chris, used to be a policeman in West Germany. His police duties, lead him to dog-training, and even- tually to Canada, and a place as one of Canada's top guard dog trainers. Woif's exploits as a dog tramner and hanidler, are known throughout North America. He bas appeared on T.V. and in movies on numerous occasions. Now, what innocently started as a dog training location, and ken- nels, bas been transformed into a fully accredited zoo, the first private zoo in Ontario'to be granted accreditation. During a visit to the complex last week, Wolf related that the idea of a zoo came about because of a zoning requirement to aiiow the keeping of a pet tiger on the property. He said, that once the zoning was in place, the idea of a place where people could see exotic wildlife, "ý'close-up" was off'and running. Now, ten years later, Wolf' and Chris, bave a fine collection of aimost 100 animais and other species of wildlife, wbich are: sh own in their naturai surroundings, and include: Siberian tigers, black pan- thers, jaguars, cougars, and tbe famed Bengal tigers. The complex bas become a The opportunities of travel to Mexico as a 13 year old, do not comne very oftin. Once is ofien enougb for Oronio Pathfindier CaIa favorite place for school outings, to allow students to make a study of exotic animals. ln addition, Wolf and Chris bave a program, "Speak- ing of Wild Life" where exoic animaIs are taken to hospitals, senior citizen homes, and sehools, to give an extended dimension to understanding the animais. Jungle Cat World, situated on 15 acres, just off Highway 35/115 at Taunton Road, Orono, is much more than just a zoo. The tarie animais'roamr the property at will and can aIl be petted, although the lions and tigers can only be ap- proached in the company of either Wolf or Chris. If you keep a pet yourself, and can relate to the costs of cither a cat or dog, take a deep breath. The food costs alonte, for the animais at Jungle Cat World for one month, exceed $2,500.0 Wow!! The complex is open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (closed December, January and February) Admission is $6 for aduîts; $5 for seniors and teens and $3 for children over 2. 'The. complex in- cludes a gift shop 'and a snack bar. An excellent book, written by Wolf' and Chris entitled, "The World of Exotie Cats" is aiso available and is recommended 10 have aiong with you in order to fuil- ly enjoy the visit to the zoo. Werry, chosen along with 15 others, from Ontario, 10 spend a week at one of' the fourwrd Girl Guide Centres, one of which is in Mexico the Mail"q- by Gord Milîs The Oshawa Centre plans to, beçome the first shopping centre in Canada 10 make a commitment to the "green wave" or the first steps in a lenighy and somnewhatcostly process to become environmentally conscýious. Includeil in the program at the maIl] are,* recycling depots for, newspapers, popcans andil gass, aIl tor the use of shoppersý. The depots were diesigned and donaied at the Centre's, request, by Oshawa's Millwor k Centre, and arje vaIld at $6,000 plus.( C\avas shppiig bags have beencusî:-om designed for the Centre andl arc being sold to the public for $5 plus tax. The proceeds from these sales are being used to fund community environmental projects including projeet S.A.F.E. (Stuiýdents Active for the Environ- mient a coillective of Durham high s11hool envirotnmentaî groups) and a soon-to be released consumers guide to wasting less with recipe aliter-natives. They will be sold by Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre volu nI ers. An environmiental audit by Durham's Waste Reduction Facilitator, Elaine Collis, at the Centre's request, bas been in- stituted wwth the 170 mnerchants at the Centre to identify the nature and quantîties of materials being placed in the Centre's waste stream. The introduction of an. annual City. The week at the centre promises, to be an exciting one, spent with ex- perience exchanges with other Pathfinders from around the world. Carla's second week in Mexico City will consist of various tours of interest, including an evening at the ballet. When interviewed, CarIa said that she considered it a great honour to have been chosen, not only to represent Ontario, but Canada as well. The Girl Guides of Canada, On- tario Council International Com- mittee,-term the trip as, "An On- tario Adventure Trip," that may well be an understatementfor a 13 year old from Orono. Carla is a member of the Ist Orono Pathfinders (a progression from Guiding) under the leadership of.Guider Pam Allin of Orono. ~ ~ded.ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST., 623-5480 BOWMANVILLE OFF STREET PARKING AREA PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE MacGregor AUICTION SERVICES ESTAT e., CONSIGNMENTs, HOUgEHfOL0S BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS SOILO AT YOUR LOCATION OR OURS STORAGE AND TRUCKING AVAILABLE Cali for FREE Confidential Consultation Mike MacGregor- 41,1-90i7-5402 Junior Wpst 416-983~5f6 Authorized Dealer Lifetime WVarranty for as long as you own your car MANGAR' AUTO CENTRE ORONO MILL STREET NORTH USED CAR SALES Radiators - Air Condtoners - Mufflers - Brakes - Body Work Tune-Up Electronjo Ignitions - Fuel Injection Systems Propane Conversion and Inspection -- rètuiIt Engines and Cylinder Heads Safety Inspection Station - Guaranteed Service Lic. CI. A., B, H, -3P, S6A, S6B Cali Mike ... 983-5130 or 983-5487 VUEWERS CHOICE MIDEO & T.V..- INC. 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