- -t-. a~W-L W j - -, Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 25, 1990-9 Orono Guides enjoy super Guide Camp week If you are a camper, and ac- customed to crowded campsites, you often dream of a place to camp that has - a private lake, for swimm- ing and boating - a flat grassy area with tall trees round the edges, sur- rounded by gentle sloping hills, pure running water, and a dry place to cook meals. Such a place, and not in a dream, was provided through the kindness of Bob and Pam Allin, at their home just north of Orono, for the annual lst Orono Girl Guide Camp, last week. Twenty-two local Girl Guides and nine Pathfinders spent all of the week at the camp learning new crafts, skills and conservation techniques. They also mastered how to cook three meals outdoors, under trying conditions. The in- struction in conservation skills was provided by staff from the Ganaraska Conservation Area. - A husband and wife team, Jim and Tranal Hutchinson, brought canoes to the camp and utilized the lake to teach the nine Pathfinders basic A level canoeing. Local swim coach, Mrs. Gail Ar- nott, taught the 2nd year Girl Guides water safety and rescue pro- cedures from a boat on the lake, which enabled them to secure the Water/Safety/Rescue Badge of proficiency. Other Girl Guide badges earned during the week were, the Keep Fit Badge, Wildflower Badge, the Camping Badge, and the Outdoor Cook Badge. The normal day for the Guides began each morning with Reveille at 7:30 a.m. followed by the Canadian Flag raising ceremony. Three nutritious meals and three snack periods, provided the required nourishment to reach the day's end campfire and sing-song, before "lights-out" at Il p.m. An added bonus provided on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, was a bus trip Outdoor tree, plant and pond tour by Gord Mills tional and enjoyable evening. What trees provide an excellent Please note that the pond area is source of vitamin C? Do animals muddy, so wear your boots or old eat poison ivy? Do turtles have shoes. The Enniskillen Conserva- teeth? Learn more about trees and tion Areca is located north of Road plants. Try your hand at pond dipp- 57 north from Bowmanville to the ing. This free event is taking place 7th concession, then go west to Holt at Enniskillen Conservation Area. Road and, north to the area. Bring So why not join in on Wednesday, the whole family and enjoy the out- August 8th at 7:00 p.m. (meet at the doors, the C.L.O.C.A. way! south picnic shetler) for an educa- Warrior's Day at the Canadian National Ex to Leskard Road and a private pool party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Arnott. Mid-week, during the camp, the Girl Guides and Pathfinders were joined for the day by ten lst Orono Brownies and six of the Orono Sparks. The "theme" for the day was Treasure Island and Pirates, aboard the S.S. Espanola under a pirate flag, with Captain Hook, Long John Silver and his sea-going friends. The evening fun was at- tended by parents and friends, who enjoyed a campfire sing-song. The cooks for the camp week were: Gillian Stubbs and Carol Francis. The Guide Leader was Pamela Werry, and the Pathfinders were under the leadership of Pam Allin. Help each day with the pro- ceedings was provided by a roster system of daily rotating parents. The special Eureka tents used by the Girl Guides, were purchased at a cost of $500 each, with money from fundraising cheese sales. Thanks are extended to the com- munity for their support of the cheese project each year. by Gord Mills -The 1990 Warriors' Day Parade will be held on Saturday, August 18th, at the Canadian National Ex- hibition, starting at 10:30 a.m. The Guest of Honour this year will be Colonel F.A. Tilston VC, KSTJ, CD a Victoria Cross winner in World War IL Col. Tilston will be taking the salute at the March past of the veterans, in front of the grandstand. The guest speaker at the War- riors' Day Luncheon will be Wm. J. McCormack, Chief of Police, Metropolitan Toronto Police. Again, the distribution of free fami- ly admission tickets to the C.N.E. on Warriors' Day will be by mail. Individual veterans must write re- questing for tickets and enclose a STAMPED, SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE to: Warriors' Day Tickets, Box 882, Station 'K', Toronto, Ontario M4P 2E0. Ap- plicants are also requested to give proof of their military service, per- sonnel number, and the name of their unit. Personnel on parade do not require tickets to enter the Ex- hibition grounds. Orono outdoor garden competition judged Recently, Carol and Jessica Mostert had the pleasure and enjoy- ment of judging the outdoor com- petitions of the Orono Hor- ticultural Society which consisted of 13 exhibitors and 30 entries. All planters were in excellent condition and well looked after, which made the judges' task more interesting. Best outside window box or planter box - front view only: 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Bob Nicholls; 3) Doreen Lowery. Best outside small planter - view- ed froin all sides: 1) Inez Harris; 2) Minnie Zegers; 3) Shelley Etman- skie; 4) Lorna Atkins. Best outside large planter - view- from all sides: 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) Minnie Zegers; 3) Donna Hut- ton; 4) Isabelle Challice. Best outside hanging basket: 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Bob Nicholls; 3) Hazel Pigott; 4) James Lowery. A reminder to all members to check the year book for competi- tions for the Summer Flower and Vegetable Show on August 9. AIl are welcome and theshow is opened to the public at 7:00 p.m. at the Orono United Church. Also on July 28 at 10:00 a.m. we are invited to tour the gardens at Doug Lycetts to view the magnifi- cent display of day lilies. Happy Gardening Press and Publicity Lorna Atkins ANNUAL BEEF BARBEQUE Wednesday, August 8th Orono Park SERVING FROM 5:00 P.M. TO 7:00 P.M. Aduits $8.00- Children 6'- 12 years $4.00 Under Six FREE For Tickets Phone 983-9561 or 983-5608 ENTERTAINMENT Orono and District Fiddler's Club PROCEEDS TO ORONO ARENA IMPROVEMENT AND PROJECTS FUND