8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, JuIy 25,, 199 Ho irüuse on the way up This house at 14 Mill Street, basement, then.set the house back house." Poilard House Movers Orono, is on the move - upwýards. down again. from Lindsay are doing the lifting, Faced with a basement wall pro- Dale remarked philosophicaliy, which wiil take about a week and biem Dale Haines decided to lift his "It costs a lot, but nevertheless is haif to compiete, bouse up three feet, build a new cheaper than going for a new Only in Britain you say- what a pity yGrMil Since 1946, when the government introduced "Cradie to the Grave" social protection in Britain, the pbilosophy of tbeir Ministry of Healtb bas been one of providing total protection for -ail citizens. Sometimes the programns initiated appeared to go a littie overboard. In tbat vein one must include the re- cent idea of producîng haif a million leaflets advising holiday makes to drink less acobol if they want to avoid bangovers and stomach upsets. No doubt tbe time- iy advise will belp tbe holiday maker to connect tbe connection between tbe consumption of a dozen rums and tbe room spinning around, that bad prevîousiy escaped him or ber. The "drink wisely on holiday" leaflets gîve some awful warning with illustrated examples of Uncle George, wbo became biotto at the station and had bis passport, money and baggage stoien. And of Jim Robinson, wbo was arrested on a cross-Cbannel ferry after taking to mucb whisky, gin and rum on board. And of Charlie, who return- ed from holiday "strapped for cash" because be had spent al bis money on cheap drink. 1 must say that, given' the choice, I wouid sooner be on holiday witb George, Min and Charlie than witb a member of the Heaitb Education Authority. In fact the Health Education Autbority on holiday, doing everytbhing in moderation and cleaning its teetb in minerai water, fuis me with great depression. I tbougbt how perbaps one of the Health Authority Officiais boiidays might bave gone. First of ail tbe day would -start with prunes and wholemeal bread witb rosebip tea. A jog down to the beach, not to swim - infested witb human waste -but to settle down with some sensi- ble reading. Like from, a wad of pamphlets with titles like, Avoiding Heart Attacks, Smoking at Work, Wbat to do about Nosebieed, and Safe sex. Unwisely, and very much out of character, our beaitb officiai bad faiied to cbeck the tide tables before falling asleep on the beach. Then, very. gently and still snoring fitfully, be floats slowly out to sea. No one noticed the occurrence. Al of the other holiday makes were down at the Spotted-Dog drinking The Last Roundup at the C.N. Exhibition The 'Canadian National Exhibi- tion is scrapping ivestock competi- tions this year in an attempt to make agriculture more entertaining for city folks. Instead of row upon row of cattie ail facing the public with their rear ends showing, the C.N.E. wiii build a $500,000 indoor display of a modemn farm, compiete with a country lane ieading to the farmbouse and the usual pickup truck in the driveway. The model wili have scaled-down barns and pastures, sbowing bow sheep, beef cattie, dairy cows, pigs and cbickens ail live together down on the farm . The aim of the farm and its ad- joining display, calied the Journey of Food, is ta educate urban dwellers about agriculture and ta entertain at the same time. The only competitions that remain are for borses and dairy products, said agriculture co-ordinator Janice Heigbt. She said dwindling numbers of entrants in the competi- tions and public surveys that show- cd most visitors found the agriculture, display uninteresting persuaded C.N.E. staff and board members to change. A change in the federal government's assistance programn to fairs and exhibitions this year also made it possible to get funding for tbe exhibit. Francis Winger, secretary- manager of the Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency said he welcom- cd the change, but added, "'We are a littie concerned that ail of the livestock shows don't go this way." scrumpy with George, Jim and Charlie. The lifeguard is there as weiI eating a fatty bacon sandwich. As evening descends over the beach, a quick look to the horizon reveais the Heaitb Authority of- ficiai faintiy in the distance dlut- ching a leaflet entitied, "Neyer swim out of your depth." A lone camper looks to the spot, then shakes bis bead. Obviousiy a figment of the imagination brought on by drinking too much during the day. Family Roi Ierskating ORONO ARENA Saturdaây, JuIy 28th 7:30 p.m,. r~ CIiildren must be accompanied by an aduit. À, Special FamiIly Rate - $6.00O4 GmOODFOOD GREAT VALUE DAILY SPEC UAL. Includes Soup or Salad Choice of Potato and Vegetable $5.95 Mon. - Hot Beef Fri - Fish & Chips Tues. - Pork Chops Sat. - Hot Hamburger Wed. - 15o Win gs and 15c~ Wings Thurs. - Hot Turkey after 9:00 p.m. NORTH END GARDENS 8 MILES NORTH 0F 401 HIGHWAY ON HIGHWAY 115135 983-9755 - -- -- 'l