Classiffied Advertising, FOR SALE A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types, steel & Wood, quonset, cladding. F-or true value, action & answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6pm, weekends Ask for Wally. Free brochures. BUILDING CLEARANCE. - Save thousands while supply lasts - we averestimated and are clearing out excess stock - straightwall ali/steel and wood/steel types. - Paragon - 24 Hours - 1.-800-263-8499. FACTORY SUMMERR SALE - Steel Buildings - Quonsets 25x30 $2,699; 32x40 $3,829; S30x36 $4,195. Straightwali 30x4O $8,679. Models compiete with endwalls. Limited supply. PIONEER/- ECONOSPAN 1-800-668- 5422 (24 hours). STEEL BUILDINGS "Sum- mer Sllebration' on Quonsets, S. Series and Conventionals. Payments, Lease or Purchase, we have a plan for everyone. Cail Future 1-800-668-8653, NORITAKE CHINA SALE!- Terrific discount on CURRENT patterns. Delivered wcll-packed, insured. Specify your Noritake pattern! For price ist, shipping details, cal Alexanders, "The Noritake Experts", Toronto, tolifree: 1- 800-263-5896 EDT. Clip and save. STEEL BUILDINGS: Posi- tively Lowest Price. 20x0', $2,330; 25M'x3'$2,935; 3%'x4 $3,710, 40'x46' $5,i42. Endwalls included. Stock items. Othcr suzes available. Save-savec-save. 1-800-668- 4338 or 1-416-792-2704. PROTECT YOUR HOME, auto, store against burglary with this amazing alarm ~sticker kit for'only $ 19.95 +8% sales tax. Money back guarantee. For information write Roberts Distributing, P.O. Box 1015, Woodstock, Ont. N4S 8A4. SERVICES AFFORDABLE WILL-Pro- bating Services. *To have information mnailed ta you, pîcase cail toll-free 1-800-668- 6021. *We WILL save you thousands of dollars. *No high pressure tacties. HELP WANTED WANTED: Overweight people ta lose up ta 25 Ibs. in 30 days and earn extra $$$. 100% guaranteed, 100% natural. Cal tollfrec 1-416-550-0226. DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED ta seli RAWLEIGH Produets in your area. A friend of the family since 1889! Phono John or Mary Dame (705) 456-6227 or (519) 432-:1548. GARAGE SALES SUNDAY FLEA MARKET, Smiths Falls, 65-Cornelia Street, East, Year round. (613) 283-8448. 150 inside stalls. Dealers welcome. Lowest prices, best selection in the Valley. FOR LEASE FOR LEASE -Downtown Smiths Faits. Commercial spaces. 800 sq.ft. and 2,000 sq.ft. Handicapped accessible. Newly renovated. WilI devleop to suit tenant. Available August 1/90. (613) 283-0949. Bill Bramah's Ontari - I met Macbeth, Henry VIII, The Three Musketeers anÎd a hast of other characters from the pages of classical literature at a little redl schoolhouse near the village of Brunner, north of Stratford. Macbeth wasn't scrapping with Macduff, the Musketeers weren't engaged in swordplay and Henry' VIII wasn't gorging himse1f. They were just standing around mînding their own business. None of themn moved a muscle. 0f course, they were ail made of papier mache. The creators of these magical figures are Jan and Jean Bajer wha live in the old schoolhouse, which they've converted into a studio and home. .Jean became interested in papier mache while at the Ontario College of Art, and has been turning out the beautifully crafted figures, ranging Durham East Agri-News, 4-Hers -take tophonours by Marlene Werry, P.Ag. Farm Mlanagement Specialist Durham East 4-H team members, Linda Heeringa, R. R. 2, Blackstock; Tom Benschop, R. R. 1, Bowmanviîle; Eric Barkey, R. R. 2, Blackstock; and alternate, Ben Warren, R. R. 1, Port Hope, cap- tured top honours in the 1990 Future Dairymen's Competition. Tom Benschop was the Top Competitor with a score of 849 points out of a possible 1,000 points. To m also exhibited the champion caîf. The Durham East Team place first with a grand total af 2,394 points. The Team also placed second with their barn ex- hibit. Forty-seven competitors, from thirteen different counties, par- ticipated ini the annual Competi- tion. The Competition includes quizzes, caîf preparation skills and a showmanship compontent. It is organized and sponsored by Easter Breeders Inc.. The Competition was held July l9th and 2th, 1990 at the A.M. Barr Arena, in Kemptville. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August ', 1990-13 in size from six inches to three teet or more, for over three decades. Jan's primary talent is in artwork of porcelain which he studied in his native Austria. Aside from making utility items, some of his work if sheer fantasy. There are castles, fire-eating dragons and other figures relating to medieval lore. For a while the couple stayed with their specialties. Then they became interested ini each other's, work. As Jean says, "lwe started to teach each other." Now they work together in both porcelain and papier mache. When we were there, Jan was making a figure of Don Quixote -- he of the impossible dreams. Jean has almost, completed a colorful model of Katisha, the nasty old lady in The, Mikado. Both artists are interested in theatre which is reflected in much, Job Printinig Of ail. kinds Orono Weekly Times 983-5301 of their work. They begin by draw- ing sketches of their subjects. Then they build armnatures, of wood, ch icken wire and coat hangers. After that, a r ough cover of paper is put on. The paper could be anything from paper towels to newspapers.-The design is crafted and held together with, wallpaper paste, and finally the piece is painted, usually in vivid hues. None of their work is sent to retailers. It's sold at, shows and galleries. They keep many of their favorite pieces for themnselves. And as you wander around the studio and other ronts of their home, your imagina- tion gets free rein as you gaze at the myriad of wondrous creations -- from the ferocious-looking dragons to Little Bo Peep, it's ail a feast of fantasy. OUAUITY ffiOOUCTS 9ALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Durham Farmers' County, CO-OP TAUNTON RD & HWY.- 115, BOX 178, ORONO, ONTARIO LOB IMO- (416),983-9134 (416) 983-91'35 1-.800-2637805 Phone 983-5301' Are you thinkincî of buying, selling or are 'in need of Real Estate ardvice? Feel f ree ta contact me at 623-6622 or 983-9102 ALINEýGAGNON ~1