Orono Weely Wedding Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brady, Newcastle, arc plcased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Tanya May, to Peter Neal Armnstrong, son of Mr. and Port Perry lagoons great bird haven We have often spoken of the great opportunities in sighting many birds, sorne rare at the Port Pcrry sewagc lagoons. It was again the case this year with sightings carier in the year, which we have rcported , of a Red Neckcd Phalarope and a Marbied Godwit. Both are rather rare to be scen in this area. Some two wccks ago on a visit again to the lagoons it was apparent that summer was on the wane. This was also truc on the trip to the site passing by fields of grain about to turfi to their golden colour for wheat and the off white of the oats. But the lagoons wcrc a mass of activity, as far as the shore birds werc concerncd due to the low level of the water and thc abundance of mnud flats. The Yeliow Legs, Soitary, Spot- ted and Pectoral sandpipers were in abundance and on their way south or had at ieast moved down from their breeding grounds in the north. We also had the opportunity to site a number of common snipe which rnay have spent the summer at the lagoons. Bu t is was another first which gave Bill Bunting and 1 a lift for the outing. The Phalarope and the Godwit were both first sightings for us and on this iast occasion it was a Virginia Rail which was a new bird for both of us. It is quite ikely that the Rail had sunmered in the bull rushes at the lagoons for it does flot travel much farther north. ht is a secretive bird hiding in the rushes but aiso somewhat common. On this particular occasion it was calling out in the rushes and it was ,arent it was moving about. We Mrs. William Armstrong of Orono. Wedding to take place on Satur- day, September 1, 1990, Newcastle United Church. Waitec Patiently, flot knowing what was caiîing, and soon the bird did show itseif and to our delight it was a first time sighting. The day also provided another first a white albino Tree Swailow. it sureiy was easy to view and did stand Out from aIl the other swailows flying about. Last weck we received a cail from Alfred Harness on the fifth line and there in the tree pcrched a Green Parakeet. Likcly an escapec from somewhcrc but it certainly appeared to be comfortable with its surroun- dings taking flight into other trees. Apparcntly it has been around the Harncss farmn for the Iast six wccks. Our last leport is a bat and a bat house with the sîghting at the Cliff Terrelis north of Kendai. Ciff is quite casual about bats and rcaiîy they are a great mosquito hunter during the dark'hours of the day. Cliff does have a bat house' fastencd under the cave of bis home and although the bats have yct to use it One was hanging from the top out- side of the house. It was rather in- tercsting. Now before Sid Rutherford phones me I amn aware I arn mixing mammals with birds when speaking of bats. Kanter report (Continued from page 1) applications and subdivision plans. Sorbara aiso stated that if they felt the provincial interest was threatcned the province wouid be prepared to intervene under powers available through the planning act. He further said that these in- itiatives scnd a dlean signal that future developrnent rnust be sen- Kendal News Well finaily the real summer weather is here, evcryone says that these are the dog days of summer, I'm flot just sure of what thcy mean but 1 have noticcd that late in thc aftcrnoon you can sec what my mother-in-law, used to cali sun dogs, around the suni. These look like parts of rainbows around the sun and we don't have to have ramn to sec thern. One good thing about our weather so far, no matter how hot it is in the daytimc, in the even- ing it cools off and is just right for sitting outside and for sleeping. 1 arn afraid that 1 don't have much news to report, flot even of the Church Service, as we had com- pany we did flot attend. Do flot forget that starting next Sunday, August 5th ail services at Shiloh, Newtonville and Kendal wili return to their regular schedule. I arn sure the whole community wish to cxtend their sympathies to the Best family in their recent loss of husband and father, Horace Best. Anyone who has had to make arrangements for a huril in the Orono Cernetery, will have met Horace. It was because of hirn that I got really interestcd in tracing back the family histories of our ancestors and where the famiy first settled in Ontario. He told me of the fact that aiong with a few others, we were one of the familles living on land that had been granted to an ancestor, he also ived on one sitive to the significant and impor- tance of the Oak Ridges Moraine. The province also took the op- portunity last week to outiine plans to assîst municipalitiesý through changes in the present Trce Act to better control large-scale cutting of trccs. This has been a matter of interest to a number of citizens who have brought this matter to the attention of the Town of Newcastle. In a verbal report to council iast week Frank Wu, director of plann- ing said there were changes coming locally to assist in the indiscriminate destruction of trees on lands to be developed. Competes in disa bled games (Continued from page 1) difference between fifth place and the Bronze medal was a mere 03 cm. As a sprinter in the 100 metre dash Rob set a new personal best wîth a tirne of 13. 11 secs. The young athîcte, 21 ycars of age, said he was more than pleased with his results at his first Interna- tional competition and in stting a new personal record. His achievements corne aftcr only four months with a new special ar- tificial leg which he said has given him a more natural stride. "I have learned a lot at the meet and within the past year." To compete in the World event Rob competed at the regional, pro- vincial level and finally at the na-, tionals in Richmnond B.C. Rob is no stranger to the local sport scene having piayed hockey in Orono and on his return Friday was out with his bail team playing in the Church league. The young athiete holds down a job of CHUM radio and works out at York University every day. Rob has been disabled since birth but through determination has overcome the obstacle. "lIt is rny goal to compete ini Barcelonia, Spain again in the World event in 1992 and to win a medal for Canada," said Rob. Hans and Anne part of Rob's cheering session are ail aglow when asked "How did you enjoy the trip?" of the original land grants. He.will be rnissed in the whole area around Orono. Thinking back on our ancestors and of how the land used to be and of how our villages were, "last week", I was driving around the streets in Kendai and 1 noticed thre young children playing at the end of Monk St. and the Newtonville Rd. 1 thought that it was'a dangerous place to play and then I started to rernember of how I used to play there, only 1 played right in the mid- dle of the road and aiso at the end of Mili St. and ýNewtonviIIe Rd., there were triangular isiands of grass at these intersections and we used to, play house, tracing out walls with stones from Newtonville Rd., flot frorn the streets, because they were sand. The whole village was a safe playground, the oniy place.forbidden, was beyond Pearl Clarks house and that was because of the miii races. Children did flot need to be fenc- ed in, the odd youngster might run home frightened, because sorne of the older men liked to tease them, by dropping their faise teeth at them, but there was no fear of themn being run over, or of someone pick- ing themn up and moiesting them. The park was a wondcrfui place to go and play, the mcrry-go-round there could take you on the ocean or around the world, whcrever your imagination led you. We had no radio or TV, wc wcre outsidc rnost of the daylight hours and we were heaithy and didn't nced organized sports and exercise to kecp us in shape. If you wcre oid enough, you had tasks to do and no aliowance was given to you for doing these tasks. They say we should flot live in the past and 1 certainly would flot like to sec or experience the hardships and the backbreaking work our grandparents did, but it is too bad that our chîldren and grand- children, cannot experience the feel- ing of freedorn and safcty we did. The magic of make beliivé, the hours of sitting in a quiet spot, hid- Times, Wednesday, August 1, 199( den from view of our eiders, reading a book, or just lying there iistening to the quiet sounds of the birds and insects, no need to be entertained, to be taken to parks and arenas, to simply enjoy the freedorn from the routine of school, to be kids, flot copies of the characters you sec on the TV. Thcre was no need for skateboard ramps, it was safe for aduits to waik on the sidewalk, or even the road. Oh some of the boys could bc contrary and flot move out of the way of the aduit wanting to get past, but a Icast they didn't curse the person or use the foui language used now by both boys and girls, but thcm what can onc ex- pect when you hear the language us- cd by some of the aduits. Oh weil, enough of that topic, 1 guess I'm getting to the age where I miss the peace and the freedorn from worrying about the dangers of drugs and, the terrible things that are happening to both the girls and boys these days, wc worry about our grandchildren and their future. Perhaps our parents and grand- parents, were the sarne as us, they just had différent cares and worries. Smiles -- 1 really prefer young brides for custorners, the manager of the meat department said to his fricnd, they haven't been shopping long enough to rernember what the price of meat used to be. P. Lowery Law of the Perversity of Nature, You cannet succcssfully deter- mine bcforchand which side 'of the brcad to butter. Jone's Principal Necds are a funiction of what other people have. Murphy's Military Law If your advance is going weil, you are walking into an arnbush. Shaw's Principle Buîld a system that even a fool can use, and oniy a fool wili want to use it. ~ H4o7rme» ANNUAL BEEF BARBEQUE Wednesday, August 8th Orono Park SERVING FROM 5:00 P.M. TO 7:00 P.M. Aduits $8.00 - Children 6 - 12 years $400 Under Six FREE For Tickets Phone 983-9561 or 983-5608 ENTERTAINMENT Orono and District Fiddler's Club PROCEEDS TO ORONO ARENA IMPROVEMENT AND PROJECTS FUND BO WMAN VILLE ' SOR TS SHOP athletic clothing, foot wear, licensedproducts, basketball, soccer, skates & hockey equipment. *equipment repairs * skate sharpening* 121 KING ST. EAST, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO Phono (41.6) 623-0322 . ... . ....... . .......