8-rono WeekIy Tlinue, Wednesdmy, August 1, 1990 At the Hi tchin'-Post Bob Johnson and owner Rov Gaynor The strains of Country Music and even tunes from the forties rang out at Christine's Fine Dining Restaurant and Lounge for the of- ficial opening of the Hitchin' Post over the past week-end. Bill Johnson pleasedi his au- diences Friday through Sunday with his comforatble presentations of Country Music in the newly arrang- ed Hitchin' Post. The Hitchin' Post is located in the above-ground basement and sports a pleasing decore and will be open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday until sometime in October. The Hitchin' Post is open from 9 to 1 a.m. on Fridays and Saturday and open from 7 to 10 p. m. on Sun - days. Roy Gaynor who reports a seil- out over the past week-end said there is a possibility of a further opening for Thursday night solely for ladies. Bill Johnson is flot by any means stingy with his music and sets forth with lots, of chatter between numbers be they Country or when he sits down to the key board with those popular jump tunes of the big band era. Johnson, living in Port Pery has been an announcer for CHOO radio for thirteen years and is a regular in a number of clubs in the area. Liberal Annual meet Christine Stewart and Doug. Moffatt The Durham Federal Liberal Association held their annual meeting in the Orono Town Hall onb Monday evening when Christine Stewart, M.P. for Nor- thumberland, was the guest speaker. 1During the course of the evening the meeting approved a siate of of- ficers for the new terni of office. Doug Moffatt returfis as presi- dent of the Association with Lloyd Somerville, treasurer, Elizabeth Belanger/Linkletter, secretary, Ken Dykeman, membership secretary. The Youth committee appointed is Christopher Newton and Leanne Philip. Directors elected were: Lorna Armstrong, Carol Berney, Cam Butler, Lorna Davey, Janet Dykeman, Ernie Kahn, David Kiff, Bill Leask, Bob Lumley, Dr. Beant Mehar, Debybie Nowlan, Bi11 Waller, Paul Pagnuelo and Rosemary Connell. Basebail Stats Wretched' by Gord Mllîs For those of us looking for basebaîl information in our morn- ing papers we have reached the age of wretched excess. If you haven't picked up a copy of USA Today recently you would have missed a basebaîl package of statistics that seems to be catered for the retired. Why the retired? because nobody else could possibly have time to read them all. To really analyze the USA Today package, you need a couple of hours and a translator.> You have your H, for hold (pit- cher holds the lead, but doesn't qualify for a save). You have your BS, for Blown Save. You have your LO - runners Ieft on base (so if the bases are loaded with two out and you hit a 410-foot drive that's flaff- ed down by Mookie Wilson on a dead run, that's a big "Y" on the negative side for you). It goeson and on: RBI with runners in scoring position, less 'than two out. In- herited runners-scored. Ground balls - fly balls. Pitches - strikes. Wind direction. This is USA Today's attempt to explain on paper an entire game. It's about as exciting as a date with the dentist. This leaves us with two ways to approach basebaîl - with your eyes, or with your calculator. Its your choice, for my part 1 will stick to my paper which has the more sensible basebaîl information. Simple box scores, and items like - W, L, Pt., GB, and nothing much else. This way I am able to escape from the age of the mindless detail. Holiday Pic tures by Gord Milîs Next week, traditionally is the big holiday week. It must be true because even the "Times" staff are all off for a week of holiday mak- ing. Holidays always mean taking pic- tures, and they always seemn such a great idea at the time. You, wearing Jack's boxer shorts on your head as you bend double wth laughter in the bikini you bought to slim into (but didn't) is brilliantly funny, isn't it? At the time. By the time you get to the door of Jim Stutt's Orono Pharmacy of Black's your humor has worn off, and those hilarious pictures have to be hidden fast, to be burned in privacy at the later date. I suppose taking a photo tip from an Orono Times staff member if ike asking the Boston Strangler to ix yout neck-tie, (don't think like bat) in spite of your fears, her ,oes: If your husband or boy friend nsists on snapping you in your 4kini, don't hunch over, as this iakes even the flattest of stomachs ok lik e a sausage. A second tip, void low angles, they are always ryunflattering. Neyer ever look own into the camera unless you 'ant to show off you double chin. In the -interest of improving holi- day pictures, or other ones, the "Times" wiIl give an awful prize, after the Labour Day Weekend, for the most awful holiday picture, or othçr type, given to us to publish. Do flot be shy, br ing in your pic- tures, we, at the "Times" have known what it is to take the odd awful picture. DURHAM The Regional Municipality of Durham Holiday Closure of Sanitary Landf iii Site The CARTWRIGHT & SCUGOG TRANSFER STATIONS' wiII be closed on Monday, August 6,1990 for Civic Holiday Normal operations wiII resume on Tuesday, August 7, 1990 W.A. TWELVETREES, P. ENG COMMISSIONER 0F WORKS ~ LIESSLINN L'er à(hda alra Sat., Augusi il 2 YEAR OLD COLT PACE Indoor & Outdoor Lounges - Dinin Room KA WARTKVA DO WNS RACEWA Y fOR information cal?, 1-705-939-6316 Hwy. 28 Fraserville 1 mile south of 115