6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 29, 1990 Thne scene of the 90 second commercial The home of Dick and Stella Morton off the sixth line road north of Orono. It was the scene of much activity YWCA Day Cam of late when a television crew land- ed in to produce a 90 second com- mercial as outlined in last weeks issue of the Times. The verandah in front of the house caught the cameraman's eye. at Orono Park ROKA LUMBER «& FIREWOOD CENTER eKITCHEN CABINETS MILL YARD 9*CEDAR POSTS " SQUARED TIMBERS 705-277-3381 :BUILDING SUPPLY OBARN STEEL ON HWY. 35 - 1 MILE SOUTH, 0F PONTYPOOL r ½~. "~ ersonalized '~ Housecleaning W> 1,.Weekly, BI-Weekly, Monthly Professionauîy Trained & Bondedý Reasonable Rates -Commercial & Residential For A Free and Friendly Estimate Please Cali 1-416-983-5325 or l1-705.799-7237 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - $10-00 Off 10%/ Discount lst Cleaning I For Senior Citizens Offer Expires Aug. 30190 0f fer Good Anytime The -day camp is slowly drawing and Tracy Montague, have enjoyed this year they hope that perhaps to a close, but with two weeks of the summer so far, and look for- next year you can make it. camp to go there is still time to en- ward to you joining them for the To enroîl for the last two weeks joy that last taste of summer fun. final two weeks. If you can't corne caîl 623-9922. ConnllIrs flennnn I-Tuchnonn Obituary John Stone John William Stone, 83, of Orono North, passed away on June 3, 1990 after a period of illness of five weeks. He was a life-long resident of the Orono area being barnie ini Starkville, the son of Frank and Elizabeth Stone. Hie was married on September 14, 1929 to the late Winnifred A. Wan- nan. The couple lived north- of Orono for many years. Later in August 1966 John Stone married the late Eva (Atkinson) Spencer. The deceased held a great interest in his community and especially the Durham Farmers' County Co- operative in which he was a foun- ding director. He was a member of the local Co-op for over 40 years. Besides his interest in the Co-op, John, as he was well known by, was Deputy Reeve for four years and Reeve for six years of the Township of Clarke. Not only did John, Stone farmn in the area but was well known with his threshing business during the harvest in this area. He is survived by a brother, ail of Toronto. Laverne Stone, Oakville; a sister, The funeral service was held in Pearl (Mrs. Charlie Hoit) Toronto; the Morris Funeral Chapel, a niece Doreen (Mrs. Nardy Steele) Bowmanville with interment in the and niece, Vivian (Mrs. Allan Hall), Orono Cemetery. GARAGE SALE PLUS organized by SAGA (Save the Ganaraska AGAIN) Fri., Augusi 31 st (p.m. preview) and Sat., September 1 St (ail day) Elva Reid's on Durham Road 9 at Carscadden Road Watch for the sig ns. Household Items, Plants, Baked Goods,' Books, Collectables, etc. SPECIAL EVENTS - SATURDAY Bernie Martin and his Puppets Folk Singing - Musical Entertainmnent Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches Cider, Coffee and Goodies Why? To raiSe money for SAGA. PLAN TO0 BE THERE! If your name is on the List of Voiers, or on a Certificate îo Voie, but you expeci îo be away or unable io voie on Eleci ion Day, you can îake advantage of any Advance PolI in your Electoral District. Ground level locations have been chosen, ,ý wherever possible, for easy access by the elderly or those in wheelehairs. In the Electoral Di strict of Durham East 0 St. Thomas Anglican Church 5955 Anderson St., Brooklil e Grandview Public School, Manvers ®ELECTIONS ONTARIO 68 King St. E., Bowmanville Ballots casi ai the Advance Polis will be eounted ai the close of the Regular PolIs on Eleer ion Day. PU BLISHED ON BEHALF 0F THE RETURNING OFFICERS FOR THE ABOVE ELECTORAL DISTRICTS BY Warren R. Bailie, CHIEF ELECTION OFFICIER A non-partisan Agency of the Legislaî[ve Assembly KEEPING YOU INFORMED AP~ AP3,' ýiý