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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1990, p. 8

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8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 3, 1990 Newtonville Alive by Peggy Mullan Chiera Bruce On March 7, 199, Newtonville Alive focused on a very speciai littie girl. Chera Lee-Arin Bruce, born Decmeber 30, 1988 was the youngcst infant in Canada to undergo extensive bypass, cardiac shunt (heart) surgcry at just two days old. Ever since then, this hlte one has had numnerous return visits - some touch-and-go, to Sick Children's Hospitai in Toronto. On Friday, September 21st, two weeks ago, Chera's skin was blu'e. She was rushed tuo Sick Kids. lm- mediate heart surgery was perform- ed and another 4 operations folow- ed. .aii since the 2lst. She remains in hospitai, graduai- ly being weaned off of life support systems. Doctors are not' offering any faise hopes to parents Dean and Sue-Ann, but do maintain that Chera is a fightcr and continues to show clear sigus of stabilizing. Friends, neighbours and strangers have pooled--together in the community to lend a heiping hand to Dean and Sue-Ann, while in Toronto, so they canbe near their baby and give her the support she lives for. Rev. Bryan Ransomn is co- ordinating a drive for financiai sup- port for the Bruce family. The Orono Weekly Times, has offered to accept any donations at ail; monfies wiil be passed on to Rev. Ransomn for Dean and Sue-Ann Bruce. .As Thanksgiving weekend is upon us and we take time to give thanks for our many blessings, perhaps we will find it in our hearts to say a littie prayer and give a few dollars for this famiiy. Thank you . ..ever so manch! Little Scoops ... - Fondest of Birthday grectings Oc- tober 6 to Mary Jones. I know I join many in wishing Mrs. Jones continued health-and joy on this day, and ail the days ahead. Happy Birthday! - The Bazaar is Coming! For any in- formation pertaining to this year's event on October 27, do cali Donna Robins at 786-2954. -Thank you to ail who supported the Big Brothers Association durîng their Septemberý Big Brother Month. - Moms with preschooiers- are reminded and invited to join the Newtonvile play group Wednesday mornings fromn 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Sunday School facility. - Some Newtonville residents have trouble explaining to vistors, couriers and so on, exactly where their house is. t is just a matter of time before we ail have to have our actuai house numbers-up. It was a good sugge s- tion from one resident that if more people started.putting up their own numbers, things might be simpler. Your actual street address can be found on your tax bill or by phon- ing the Town of Newcastle. Thanks! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! by Bey Higgins Thicre was a good crowd on Sun- day for thc Shilohi Unitcd Churchi Annivcrsary Service. Mr. and Mrs. Bender provided some great musical entertainmcnt. Their voices harmonizcd wondcrfully as thcy sang a number of songs, including «'Safe in the Hands of Jesus" and "Tomorrow". Mrs. Bender aiso playcd the piano for the congrega- tionai hymns, and rcad the lovely poemf, "The Touch of the Master's Hand". Thc gucst speaker, Rev. Brian Gée has been the chairpersont of thc Oshawa Presbytcry. He was in- tercsted in the "story" of Shiloh Churchi, and askcd for a show of hands from those in the congrcga- tion who had been attcnding Shloh for forty ycars (quite a fcw), fifty ycars (about ten), and sixty years (only two). He wcnt on to give a ser- mon about the "Christian Story". There was timne for fellowship after- wards with rcfreshmcnts served in the basemnent of the church. If anyone has any news or speciai announcements for, this column, picase give me a cail at 786-2280. My chiidrcn wcre looking at one of my knick knacks a "Hear no cvii, sec no cvii" set of thre monkeys. I pointed to the monkcy covering its cars, and said, "This means hear no cvi," then I pointcd to the monkey covering its eycs, and the kids ail shouted, "Sec no cvii", and when I camne to the monkey with its hands over its mouth, I said, "What's this?", and thcy unanîmously chorused, "Eat no cvi! " (And whcn I try feeding my youngcst child porridge, he looks just like that monkcy with his mouth covcred!) A nice craft for children to make for Thanksgiving is autumn Icaves placemats. Collcct colourcd leaves, then arrange the leaves bctwcen two sheets of wax paper that are the size of placements. Press siowly and gently with a warm iron. Use as placemats for the Thanksgiving table, or frame the wax paper sheets with colourcd construction paper and hang in a window. Gord's View Alive and Well by Gord Milis Last week I was part of a group of newly eiectcd M.P.P.'s discuss- mg racism and discrimination in Ontario. The subject came about while dealing with how best to han- dle typical maie clinches, in maie versus female conversation. There were about thirty or so of us in the group, and each of us had pienty to say about our own experiences in the recent election campaign. One dominant fact established was the malignant hate by many people, over the use of French language in Ontario. Another, factor, was the questioning by some people of a candidates's right to seek election, if he or she had an accent or was black. Some spoke of-the require- ment to change their type of ciothing or hairstyle, in order to become acceptable in the pubiic's eye. Biased pre-judgements by many people spoken to, were com- mon place. The many different ex- periences described over a haif an hour or so were, to say the ieast, distressing. Is this then the reai feel- ings of Ontarians? A study donc by E. Ginzberg & F. Henry: "Who gets the work?" found that Blacks in Toronto who had the same educationai and employment background as Whîtes received oniy 1 job offer for every 3 made to White applicants. A. Borovoy: Canadian Civil Liberties Association, found that 9 out of 10 empioyment agencies seiected at random in Toronto agreed to screen out Black job ap- plicants at the empioyer's request. A Gailop Poli in 1982 found thai 37 per cent of Canadians would limit immigration based on racial origin. A 1985 study of 199 large employers in the Toronto area (empioying over 50 people ) found 51 per cent of employers expressed negative -attitudes towards non- Whites as a group. During the past summer an incident occurred in Oshawa' that should mnake everyone's biood curi. The issue arose over the congregating of peo- pie in front of the Durham Region Hostel on Simncoe -Street at the tîme the drop-in loUnge was being painted. A neighbouring store owner wanted to know why "unkempt and tatooed individuals" could flot be forced to enter the hostel by a side-door so as to make them invisible to the mer- chants in the downtown core. These facts, and others, should make everyone more determined to make Ontario a place for all to share in on an equal footing. It m ust be made a fairer place for everyone. We need to re-think our attitudes and change age oid biases. We must make, drastic changes, not only in the way we treat others, but also in the Iyay we think about others. It will be both intolerable and in- sensitive if we simply wait and hope that the barriers of racism and bigotry will disappear with turne. It will require a special effort on the part of us ail, to make Ontario a place to stand - for everyone. marks' Mark: Love is a matter of chemistry. Sex is a matter of physics. LyailIs Fundamental1 Observation: The most important leg of a three iegged stook is the one that's miss- ing. -Peter's Plaubo: An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance. Hellrung's Law: If you wait it will go away. Grelb's Addition: If it was bad, it will conte back.' Murphy: Inside every small probiema is a large problem sàtruggling to get out. Murphy's Military Laws: Fricndly fire ain't. Murphy: interchangeable!,parts won't. Jo-elen Sportswiear 102 Queen Street, Bowmanville 623-8161 M OVING UPTOWNI SALE Up to 50% OFF: in giftware items Stocking Stuffers Caress Pets - Stufted Animais Brass, Ceramic Houses Native Indian Reproductions Sale runs until October l2th St arkvill e Corners... ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT CLOýSI1N G OU T CSALE- 50% OFF Everything In'The Store WENDY-B's DEPARTMENT STORE 983-9816 - Orono -Downtown - Store Closes 5 p.m. Saturday'

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