AIl dressed up for the Fair even t Robbie Herring, 7, with Brothers Pet Show at the Orono Hawaiian Pug -Nugget", won Best Fair. Dressed Pet at the Newcastle Big Co-e,&d dqecisio n left TCS boys stunned Christian by Rev. Miarg West Halloween: Trick or Treat? How many of us believe that Halloween is coupled with Satanism? I'm sure not very many and yet it's so. Halloween celebra- tions seemn so innocent but if it's Al innocent why do weseem to, get the wtis scared out of us. The themte seems to be the scarier the better. Bats, spiders,, ghosts, witches and jack-o-lanterns are everywhere. These things are associated with fear. So wby do we dress our kids up and let them go out to get scared out of their wits and perhaps allow themn to hold that fear long into adulthood. They could be afraid of the dark, afraid to- be left alone to name a few. Halloween is a day witches, celebrate above all other days, but you may say corne on now we are talking about the twentieth century. surely you don't believe there are witches today. Well yes 1 do and you'd better-start opening your eyes to what's going on around us.. -We hear more and more of serial killings, abductions, rapes, cruelty, these are not things that God brings upon humanity. From 1575 - 1700's many people were burned at the stake for their eal or suspeced in- volvement in witchcraft. Yet wît- chcraft toda y is and bias gained ac- ceptability by many people. In the corner United Suites the governmiietthas given the church of Wicca (thle of- ficiai1 church of witchcraft) tax ex- empt status. Even people in govern- ment are being deceived, But whio knowxs you could be .working niext to one who pratices witchicraft. They could be your neighbour, or one sitting next to you in church. Yes church. The bi- ble says to beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. (Someone who ap- pears to be gentie as a lamb, but in fact is tryinig to tear you apart.) When my children were small 1 did like everyone else did, dressed them up and took them out. 1 wouldn't do it today. Not only are we opening them up to receive fear we have to be careful what they are getting in their bags besidles treats. We should try having a Harvest party a week before Halloween night. We coud decorate wýith leaves and fali vegetables and fruit, this way we would be making sure our children are safe and what they will be eating safe as well. Hallo- ween is a trick of the devil and the only treat you get is fear plus other things he throws at you. Comments or Questions,,Write Box 179, Orono. Bible Study - Tuesday 7:30 p.m., 983-5962. Channel 49/Buffalo - Total Chris- tian TV. -YES! Get the facts. Let'sTalk. Cail the .OntariqMinistry of HealtWAIDS Hotline i -8011-668-AIDS QOAI.ITY BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Durham Farmers' County coo TAUNTON RD & HWY.,115 BOX 178, ORONO , ONTARIO LOB iMO, As of September 1991, Port Hope's Trinity College School wilI become Co-educational. When this announcement wias made at morning Chapel there was a mixture of feelings of resentment, frustration and acceptance. The students immediately wanted, to know why they hadn't been ask- ed for their views on the decision and somne felt it was unfair. There was no polling of students or staff for input'on the decision bcause it was the sole responsibilîty of the school's board of govenors. One of the reasons for the deci- sion was the fact that there have beeni fewer than normal applica- tion s to boarding schools. By allow- ing the enrolment of girls the market will double. The girls, like the boys, will have to pass a series of required entrance examinations befor enroling. Head- master Rodger Wright expects by 1993 the ratio of boys to girls will be 4-3 and the faculty will also relect similar ratios. During the next year the faculty members will be preparing for the co-educational systemn by attending professional development courses. 'No investment quite like it' Whether you're saving money for the down payment on your first home or looking for ways to pay down your mortgage or just putting4 aside money for a trip back home, you'1l be- interested in Canada Savings Bonds. "Especially the CSB Payroli Savings Plan, which enables you te buy bonds in bite-size deductions from your pay every week," says Ted Krug, a Kitchener stockbroker who also acts as a representative for the CSB Payroll Savings Plan. "After a couple of months Most people don't miss the money and are quite surprised how quickly they are able te save $2,000 or $3,000 every year. Saving money is neyer easy or paînless. But thîs is about as easy and painless as it gets - espe- cially when you consider CSBs are about the safest investment you can make in Canada. To qualify, you must work for a company that offers the Payroll Savings Plan and be a resident of, Canada, Citizenship is not necessary. You can also buy themn for cash. This year's issue goes on sale Oct. 18 Sales end 'Nov. 1 - so go to -'ur bank, trust company, credît n or stockbroker early and 'txdthe line-ups. 'That is especially important," says Krug, "if you hold any bonds from Series 3." These were issued in 1983 and corne due this Nov. 1. After that date, they will no longer earn inter- est - so make sure you cash them in. ,,And if you're like niost CSB holders, you will probably want to reinvest the proceeds in this year's issue. "Arrangements have been made to enable you to do this in advance as well. Just go to your bank or wherever you invest your money and they'll take care of it. Its that easy. Just make sure it's before Nov. 1L" Canada Savings Bonds have been popular with Canadians from every walk of life for more than four decades - ever since they were launched in 1946. "For three reasonis," says Krug. One, they're safe, backed by al the resources of the country. Two, they can bc cashed at any time - you can always get your money back. Three, they offer a cornpeti- tive rate of return. "There's really no other invest- ment quite like it". (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 1-.800-263-7805