Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 24, 1990-13 EVEN IN GS 41 6-434-6665 MacGREGOR AUICTION SERVICES ESTATES, CONSIGNMENTS, HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS, SOLD AT YOUR LOCATION OR AT OURS STRAGE AND TRUCKIN-G AVAILABLE Cal for a FREE Confidentiai Consultation Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 Af fordable Dream Vacations! " Free Vacation Planning Servces * Dscount Cruises 0 Charter Vacations " Airline Tickets 0 Honeymoon Packages 0 Hotel and Car Reservations PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES TraelÀAgents Internatio.n W're with you ail the way 68 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE Over300 Agendes in North America 623-660 Personalized Housecleaning -Weekîy, Bi-Weekîy, Monthly -Professionaîîy Trained & Bonded -Reasonable Rates -Commercial & Residential For A Free and Friendly Estimate Please Cali 0 s o 1-416-983-5325 or 1-705-799-7237 $10.00 Off 10% Discount lst Cleaning I For Senior Citizens 0f fer Expires Aug. 30190 Off er Good Anytime Are you thînkinçi of buyîng, sel(îng or are in need of Real Es(ate adivice? Feel fre to contact me at 623-6622 or 983-9102 ALINE GAG NON CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - IT'5 EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. A 4'x8'xl 2" 4'x8'xl 6" Vour ad couîd appear ln community newspapers ln Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space Is Limited, so Cal This Newspaper Today! ROKA Firewood Centre DRY HARDWOOD $55. .00 $60.00 FREE DELIVERY TO ORONO AREA MILLYARD 705-277-3381 COMING EVENTS INVITING ALL 48th HIGHLANDERS ta our 100th Anniversary Dileas Celebration May 16-19, 1991. For information Write: Reuniion Cammittee, 496 Mortmer Ave., Toronto, M4J 2G7. (416) 466-0072. Spouses welcorne. FLEA MARKETS SUNDAY FLEA MARKET,,Smiths Falls, 65 Cornelia Street: East, year round. 613) 283-8448. 150 inside stails. Dealers weicome. Lowest prices. best selection in the vaiiey. AUCTION SPRING VALLEY FARMS REDUCTION SALE. Reg. Poiied Herefords and Simmentais: Oct. 27 i :OOpm Hobbs Sale Pavilion, Ashton. Contact Mack James (613) 257-2032 or Joynt Auction (613) 283-4730. LIVESTOCK/PETS FOR SALE MINIATURE HORSES. A gift for ail ages. Lavable, gentie, inexpensive ta keep. Ail types avaiiable,at Foundation Farma Annual Charity Sale. (519) 334-3121 days, (519) 334-3665 eveninigs. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN EXTRA MONEVI Learn Income Tax Preparation. Free brochures. No obligation. U&R Tas Services, 205-1345 Pembina Highway, Wnnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6. 1-800-665-5144. Exclusive franchise territories available. START VOUR OWN 10OK JEWELRY BUSINESS for as litle as $50. Fabulous designs, superb quaiity, excellent profits. The GaidDiscovery, 14335 - 47 Ave., Edmanton, T6H 089. (403) 434-2550. SALES HELP WANTED BE INDEPENDENTI If you enjoy fashion, wanlta earn extra money the fun way... cali us colect. (416) 632- 9090 8:35am- 5pm) MA CHERIE HOME FASHION SHOWS. SERVICES FREE LIST of 50 money-making home businesses that you can start for under $500. Write Canadian Insitute of Home Business, Bos 334, Sorrento, B.0., VOE 2W0. WANTED: 99 people tai, ose 10-29 lbs/month with revoiutonary weight central program. Seen on TV. Fun, simple, 100% natural. Guaranteed resuits. Doctor recommended 1-800-665-2405. INSTRUCTION HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast, easy mehod. Guaranteedl FREE information. Write: Popular Musc, Studio 68. 3284 Boucherie Road, Kelowna, B. C., VI Z 2H2. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestemn Ontario Schooi of Auctoneering. Next claxx: February 9-16, 1991. For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Schooi aI Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 53.7-2115. TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for rewarding careers in trucking. Clxxx A-Z and D-Z licences. Days and weekend courses. Job placement assistance. Markel Transport Training. Guelph. 1-800-265-7173. FREE career guide ta home-study correspondence ipioma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmelology, Elecronics. Legal/Medicai Secretary. Psychoilogy, Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950- 1972. YOUR FUTURE STARTS WITH... Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978. job search assistance available, daytîme, evening and weekend courses. Financial assistance on approved credit. 1-800-265- 0400. Cambridge. MORTGAGES A RE YOU A HOMEOWNER? We have morgage money for any purpose. Pay off credit carda. No qualifying hassels. Excel Financial Corporation. (tollfree) 1-800-265-6984. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontario properties to be sold for unpaid taxes. For information write. Properties, Dept. ON, Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING BUVS - 1/2 Price Sale - Buy one building ai regular price and get double length for 50% more. Limted steel. Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800-263-8499. ACT NOWI BUY Factory Direct - ail steel building with endwalls S-25x30 = $2,979. Oiuonsets and straightwalls to 100' wide. Immediate delivery. Savingsl PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800- 668-5422 (24 hours). FUTURE BUILDINGS Ploughing Match Specials to continue tlI allocated suppiy lasîs. Many sizes. Hurry for best selection. Cali 1-800-668-8653. STEEL BUILDINGS: Positively lowest price. 20x3O $2.330. 25x30 $2.935. 30X34 $3.710. 40x46 $5.142. Endwalls included. Stock Items. Other sîzes available. Save-save-save. 1-800-668- 4338. (416) 792-2704. CHINA NORITAKE SALE I Terrilic discounts on current patterns! Delivered well-packed, insured. For prioe list on your Noritake pattern, caîl Alexanders, "The Noritake Experts", Toronto, tollfree 1-800-263-5896. MISCELLANEOUS -STOP FLOODED BASEMENTS" New battery poWered sump pump, free brochure. Chelie, 1 554 Gregor, St. Catharines, L2R 6P9. (416) 685-6037. Direct sellers aiso required for this hot new product. VACATION NEW ZEALAND Uncie Bobs Caravan of a lifetime. March 9 to, April 7, 1991. A few caravans still availeble. For additional information cail T&S Travel. 1 -800-265-9365. PERSONAL TIRED OF LOOKING FOR LOVE in ail the wrong places? LeI us help you find that speciai someone. Write tai Cupids Corner, Box il124, Atana, Manitoba. ROG 01B0. DIVbRCE $565. Why pay more? Let experienced law clerks heip. No office visit necessary. Hyatt Paraiegal, 655 Arington Park Place, Kngston, K7M 7E4. (613) 384-8877. FOR SALE HARDWOOD FLOORING 3/4x2 1/4». Beech up ta 8 long $1 .50 square foot. Maple shorts from $1.00 up. Other floaring, used woodworking machinery. Perth, (613) 267-4630. Beat G.S.T. NINTENDO - 72 games. Ail your favorites. $195.+ deiivery. Calil (416) 335-6598 or Write Action Games. Ste 372, 3017 St. Clair Ave., Burlinglon. L7N 305. NOTICES MISSING PIECES ta your cherished collection? Set your own price limit. No searching fee. Caii Scavenger Huniers. China, silver, figurines, giassware, collecibies. etc. (613) 267-5628.