_________ 14-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 24, 1990 SERVICE. DIRECTORY Phone 983-5'301 The Shap APPLE BLOSSOM 'We Dont Just Specîalize" We Make Every Order Special le Main Street, Orono W983-9155 ' YVONNE MAITLAND We Deliver Newbonvil/p, Pontypool, Oshawa- and Places nBetween "Hair Wfth Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono Orono Electric ld. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVa.- HI-Fis Sales andi Service Ho/point -RC.A. W/ite Westing/osooe Frigidaire - W/irlpool Wood's Freezers Magic C/set -Hoover 983-5108 Corne to ... MOM'S KITCHEN FOR REAL HOME COOKING Eat ln or Take Out Main Street, Orono 983-5310 "The la test in tashions tor ail times and ait needs 983-9341 FOR-NIK Auto Body andI .Collision Ouality Body Work ýnd~ Refinishing INSURANCE CLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phone 987-5071 FLOWERS PL US FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 29 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 ilda Midileton 983-9819 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Studio Quality Work ln Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 98-3-9874 Bryon Grundy Double D Gifts & Crafts MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-9585 Handicrafîs A ccepled on Consignmnen KENDAL CHIROPRACTIC Office and Residence Dr. Ernest Schroeder B. Sc. Chiropractor R.R. 1 KENDAL, ONTARIO .LOA 1 EO (416) 983-5510 LLOYD SCOTT M.A. COU NSELLI NG Specializingin MARRIAGE COUNSELL/NG PARENT-CHILD and PERSONAL PROBLEMS Orono Medical Centre Orono, Ontario LBO 1iMo Appointmes s and inquires 983-9792 A&e~ (416) 623-8161 Jo-Elen Sportswear & Gifts Supàpflors ot Teams, Schools & Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 102 Queers St, Bowmranville, Ontario LIC 1M6 J. Wayne Aýasen A PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanviiie, Ontario 623-4473 WINDVIEW FEEDS Featuring a Specialized LUne of Martins Complote Extruded Horse Rations andi Supplements Double Cleaned Oats,,Blended Sweet Feed and Pet Food Your Martn Feed Mil/s Deaer ia Durham Ragan 5 Mi. East of Oronolwy. 115 on Conc. 5 786-2578 j DON'T MISS THE HalIow'en Sale at Bowmanville Audio Vision TV's * VCR's * HI-FI's at prices so Io w they are scary October 25, 26, 27 58 KING STREET WEST BOWMAN VILLE 17,24 ac Plott hound puppies, pup- py papers available, phone (705) 277-3695 after 4:00 p.m. or 983-5301 until 3:00 p.m. tfn 2 snowmobiles, 1970 Ski- Doo 12-3 Olympique; 1972 Ski-Doo 399 Olympique, both in good running order, best offer, cati 786-2554. 17,24 cpn 1980 Pontiac Parisienne, 350 V8, p/s, p/b, cruise, tilt steering, needs some work, a great car for the mechanical- ly inclined, as is, asking $600.00, -phone after 4:30 p.m. 983-5019. Ufn 1979 Ford Fairmont, 78,000 km, mn-lne 6 cyl., silver with black interior, asking $1,150, cati 983-9838. 17,24 cpn 2 used 2' fluorescent light fixtures $10.00 each; weights and press bench $40.00; phone 983-9773. tfn Raspberry canes, good quality stock, 35C each, phone 786-2974. 17,24 cpn ALTERATIONS General sewing and dressmaking in my home. Cati Wednesdays and even- ings 983-9761. Ufn FOR RENT Orono stores for lease, various sizes, 5414 Main Street, CI Zone, cati Lyle or Marg West at 983-9341 - Res. 983-5962. tfn 3 bedroom house with double garage on Leskard Road, $900.00 plus utitities, lst and tast month. References. Phone 983-5041. 17,24 cpn i bedroom apartment, upstairs, in Bowmanville, fridge, stove and litat includ- ed, $475.00 per month. Phone 983-5428. 4a HORSES BOARDED Lianne Stable reg'd Limited Box Stalis Avaitable Expert Care Vet and Ferrier on Cal Reasonable Rates All Breeds Excepted Phone 983-9235 after 7 p.m. Oct. I0-Dec. 12 cpn IN MEMORIAMS MAJOR, Duane In memory of our dear friend and buddy Duane, who passed away October 28, 1989. We cherish the fond memories of your friendship and the great times we had together. The "Doo Crew" 24,ap. MAJOR, Duane In toving memory of a dear grandson and nephew Duane, who passed away Oc- tober 28, 1989. We think of you in silence And make no ouI ward show But what it meant to lose you No one will ever know. You wished no one a last farewell No one ever said goodbye; You were gone before you knew it And only God knows why. A loving heart stopped beating Your busy hands at rest God broke our hearts to prove 10 us He only takes the best. Life mustg0 on, we know ils true But it will neyer be the same without you. Neyer forgotten with love, Nan, Gramp and Aunt Marilyn 24.ap STAFFORD MONUMENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmanviile, Ont. Phbne-623-8150 ÔUT 0F TOWN CALL TOLL FREE. 1 -800-M&-4848 Granite Monument%, .Markers, and Cemetery Lettering Private home or - showroorp fippointnentsý available .i Serving ail faithý Referencea available oiikrequest Atter Hours Catil Oshawa 1-416-579-1116 TV - VCR - STEREO Service Calis ESTIMATES GIVEN JOHN HRUSKA Licensed - 15 Years Experience MAJOR, Duane Russel In loving memory of our dear son, brother, and friend, who went home to be with the Lord on October 28, 1989. It's flot the same here anymore Since you have gone away You gave us love and leader- ship A nd encouraged us each day. Then suddenly without warning Through no fauit of your owlin You were quickly taken from us The Lord had called you home Oh the bitter anquish The emptiness and pain When wefutty realized You wouldn 't be home again We will flot see your smiling face Nor hear your happy voice There is no one could take your place But then we have a choice To cherish deep the good limes Or sorrow on for years Yet we know that you would say Please wîpe away your tears Get on with your busy lives For we wîll meet again In God's land up in the skies Where there is no pain We thank you Lodfor giving us Sweet memories on our mmnd 0f our dear son, brother and friend Who had a heart so kind Please take good care of him And when our time hazs corne_ We will meet Duane by your side To bid us - welcome home! Lovinginigly remembered and forever in our hearts - parents Russ and Joyce, girlfriend Annette Martin, sister Michele and her bus- band Rick ýand their son Brandon, and brother Jason. 24,ac MJDDLETON, Zella In lovîng memory of a dear mother who passed away, October 8. 1975. So many things have happened Since you were ct'lled away, So many thing.- 10 share with you Had you been left to stay. Evry day in some small way Memories of you corne our way. Though absent. you are ever near, Stili missed, loved, always dear. Lovinginly remnembered by daughter Eunice and family. 24,ac Ta les Toid Twîce October 1943 Pheasant season opens for two days, October 22 and 23. Mr. George Cowaîî, Oîoîîo pdas ed away at/e age of 88. Mr. William Thomas Little of Ke ndal passed away at the age of 82. Miss Marion Browns, R.N., suf- fered from painful face injuries w/sen her car was sideswiped by a transport. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDonald announce thse /irth oft t/eir daug/ster, Marilyn. October 1958 Orono Fish and Hunt Club members enjoy their new Skeet Range north of t/se Village at Enterprise. There was 259 recipients of polio s/sots att/se Poilio Clinic held last week in Orono using a mobile unit. Orono Girl Guides are coîlecting Betty Crocker box tops to raise money. A dozen live-trapped martens bave been released in t/se Ganaraska fprest /0 decrease t/se over- abondance of red squirrels. Octoher 1969 Et/sel Robinson, West Hill, wife of Francis Hal, passed away. . T/se Heat/ser Rebeka/s Lodge No. 344 installeti new officers for t/se 1969-70 term. Offîcers were: Noble Grand Hazel Stapleton, Vice Grand Julie Jackson,, Past NG Volet Dunlop, Rec. Sec. Mae.Allin, Fin. Sec. Ila Martin and treasurer Irene Murray; Warden Jean Lewis; Con- ductor Gloria Todd; Colour bearer Agusta DePape; Inside Guard Rena Pears; Outside Guard Evelyn Cor- nis/s; Muscian Gladys Brown andi C/saplain 1/selma Forrester. October 1979 T/se Orono, Hi-C Group_ of Orono Unitedi C/urch will be can- vassing for the blind. A "Stop t/se Super Highway"~ meeting will be /seld in Orono Town Hall. A movie called 'Last Chsase"~ andi starring Lee Majors /sad a sec- tion filmed att/se Old Fina Statio n beside Ace Submarine on Hig/sway l15. Ontario Minister of Heaît/s, Den- nis Timbrell, wants a federal- provincial group study of t/se possi- ble effects of radiation on residents in t/se Port Hope Area w/so have been exposed to radioactive waste over t/se years. T/se Orono Firefig/sters group received t/se plaque from t/se On- tario Fire Buff Association for /sav- ing t/se best original rig on s/sow. T/se locals usedth /e former Orono 1933 C/sev Bickle pumper. CORN STOVE SALES Pine Ridge Corn Stovesi KENDAL, ONTARIO- (416) 983-9442 Help Wanted TREE PULLERS 5" to 8" high trees, men or women required Orono Forestry Station Rate of pay $1 5.00 per thousand. Start date October 22nd Phone 623-9749, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. After f ive phone 433-7290