- ___ _____ ~ CUSTOM FENCING and CUSTOMCHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO, 983-9627 IVAN JONES TONY FANARA I&T Carpenters Licensed - 25 ears Experience HOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS Ail Carpentry Related Work Orono - 9835303 Hampton 2632991 Fairwinds Antiques & Collectibles Antiques, Memorbilla & 1Collectibles tram t/mes gone by WE BUY and SELL, Ba n na f Home Check -Vacation Home checking -Let us make your home Iook ived in -Wedding Day Gfih Stting Rli able Relerences - BONDFO Bab Shetller-Ina Cox N EWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 * 71 *Silver Streak Siding Introduces THE FACE LIFT * Siding * Soffits * *Fascia * Eavestrough* * V inyl Windows * New Constructions and Renovations Excellent Work-manship Phone John (416) 983-8181 M. T. ST ABLES Board - Lease BuY - Sei- Conslgnments (Horses and Tack) GANARASKA FOREST AREA Phono Marie 983-9736 AI. EARD Electrical Contracting New Construction Repairs Electric Heating Pole Line Construction Central Vacuum Systems ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5041 HIARVEY PARINER & SONS PLUMBING and HEATING MAY TAG DEALER Proessional Gould s Pump Dealer Authorned consumer Gas Dealer 0,1 V Wood Electcc Repairs 10 adl maes5 ORONO, ONTARIO 981.5206 or 623-2301 O.CHATTERTON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING POLE LUNE CONSTRUCTION Phone 983-5546 o r 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Ceneral Carpentry, Renovations, Rooflng Custom Homes and Commercial Buildings Phoneas (705) 277-3308 Box 598 Orono, Ontario or (705) 277 2003 BARR'3 oe ~4f)987-1445 (416) 986-4277 I ROOFING SHEET METAL - SKYLIGHTS FLAT ROOFS- SHINGLES -PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING - SOFFIT- TROUGH- SUNROOMS - SOLARIUMS j MLLECT CALLS ACCEPTED 20 ears Experience 8JLASSIFIED NOTICE Womien inAbsReaishp For HleIp Cal -The Denise Fluse" For Women and Children Toîl Free 1-800)-263-37245 or 7,28-731 1, nfdtalasue fyou wvaintto cdrink, that's youirbuies If Vonu want to stop, That's Ours. Cal 'Alcoholics Anonym[ous To talk or for Meeting Timies and Places Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 tfru Ladies C lasses ADULT DANCE CLASSES Jazz and Tapp For more informnation Phone 983-8218 10, 17,24,31 se PUBLIC NOTICE On October 14thi, 1990), the Oshawa Competition Motor- cycle Club will bc holding its aniual Great Pine Enduro. This event wiil bc using some of the trais in the Ganaraska Forest. WANTED TO 1BUY Stamps, Coins Basebail & Hockey Cards Worldwýide - We pu t op dalilvpies -ifWc Do A pprials- Mister Murray's Box -340 Orono, Ontario LOB I MO HELP WANTED Duirhami Farmcr's County Co-operative arc receiving applications for Officer Supervisor. Must have ex- perienc cmn Acc-Pac and Lotus 123 and a working knowledgc of basic accoun- ting, Taunton Road and, Hwy. ,115 or write Gencral Manager, Box 178, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO. 24,ac Local house cleaning coin- pany requit-es fuil-timie empioye es, mnust bc bon- dable, transportation provid- cd, Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Starting salary $7.00/hr. Phone aftcr 5:00 p.mn. 983-5325. 24,aIC 83 King Street West, R.O. Box 488 Newcastle, Ontario LOA i HO /A~~X elephone (416) 987-3200 Matthews' .Associates Pauline Mate. II OFFICE 983-5115 HOME 983-5767 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1MO " 35 Years of Service" Susan Sawyer Nelda Dawson 416-983-5767 416-623-4835 Cenotaph Service Orono November 4th, 1990 2:30 p. m. Formn at the Oddfellows Hall 2:.00 p.m. 24,3 1, ac OPEN - Thrs-Sunday 10 5 Mon. to \Wed by chance 5028 MAIN STREET ORONO, ONT LOB 1 MO (416) 983-9806 1975 one ton Ford Fiat bcd, $1,800 or bcst offer, Ic phone 983-9323. 3,10,17,24 ac (Continued)Y Bowmanville Business and Professionai Women's Club in vites you to attend their 4Oth ANNIVERSARY on Thursday, November 15, 1990 6:30 p.m. Social Hour - 7:30 p.m. Dinner at the Bowmanville Lions Centre, 26 Beech Ave. "WOMEN MO IITO THE 2IST CENTUR Y" Keynote Speaker: MAUDE BARLOW For tickets ($3000) Send checque or mnoney order to Mrs. Judy Hagerman 45 Springdale Cres., Oblhawa, Ont. LIH 7399 For more information: Cal! 623-3915 Deadiine for tickets: 987-3200 Novemiber 8, 1990 983-9423 23,31,7 ac WORK WANTED LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING & HEATING PUMP REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS 10'/ discount on service palis for Senior Citizens 983-9412 formerly of H4arvey Partner 17,24,31,7 cpni CUSTOM NO TILL PLANTING Fai Grains into Crop StubIe and Pasture Renovations using a John Deere 750 N/T Drill Cati for Details (705) 939-2089 or (705) 749-7850 17,24,31 ap PAINTINGý & DECORATING - Free Estimales - - Reasonable Rates - - Senîirs Discount - PHONE 983-9380 Oct- 24, 3 1, Nov. 7,14 xc COMING EVENTS Benefit Okitime Dance Friday, October 26 8:00 p.m. NEWCASTLE HALL Keith Wood Orchestra and Fricnds Ladies Please Bring Lunch Tickets $5.00 per person Ail procceeds to tornado victims. 10, 17,25 cpn Orono Fair Prize Wînning Apples & Pears Flemish Beauty and Pure Bosc PEARS Juicy and Crisp Mclntosh, Empire, Cortland Red and Golden Delicious Spy, Russet, Johna GoId SPECIAL: $1.00 Worth of Pumpkins or Squash FREE with $10.00 Purchase Bring your cnildren in for a FREE Colouring Appe Story Book with every Apple Purchase Farmn Fresh Eggs - Seasoned Apple Wood and Much Much More AT Hlghway 115, Haif Mile South of Orono Joyce Rosseau FLDECORATIVE ART STUDIO P - '86 Church Street Orono, Ontario î n i Compiete Line of Folk Art Supplies. OCTOBER SPECIAL: 2007o OFF Ail Books. Limited space available in 11n[ermiediate Ciass b-eg'inniing October i6th. Cali now 983-5312 "Put on the Spot" A Children's Play by Beth McMaster Bowmanvjlle Dramia Workshop directed hby Nick Van Segglen Friday, November 2 at 7:00 p.mi. Saturday, November 3 1:30 p.mi. - 4:00p.nî, at the Bowmnanvilie High Sehool $2,00 Gieneral Admission F,), ockés ci: Ellen Logan 623-4790 Pat C ota 623-1384 Judy Pitchier 623-9219 Oct. 10,17,24,31 ac ORONO JUNIOR GARDENERS 30th Anniversary November 10, 1990 Orono United Church 1:00Op.m. -4:a... *Nstli Displays * Refreshmiients * Door Prizes * Comltpetitions * EVERYONE WELCOME For Information Phone 983-5608 or 983-5717 17,24,31,7 ac FOR SALE ALL STEEL BUILDING Fýactory Clearance 21'x24', 30'x4', 40'x75', 50'xlOOl', 60'xlffl, l5'xl5O', We can erect or deliver to site Supply is Limited.. Please Cati 983-5872 or Fax, 983-8.179