lêOveuo WoeMy fls, Weduuimy, Novmbr 7, 190 Letter to the Editor Dear Sir: 1 was talldng to sorne folks last night about rny thoughts and feelings concerning the proposed DUMP-SITE between Henry Road, and Jewel Road, bordered by the 6th and 7th Concession Roads of the Town of Newcastle. They asked me to write a letter to you, as I arn not only a concemned citizen, I arn also a farm owner, in this proposed DUMP-SITE. Oh yes, the Durham Region lias a polite word for it, they cati it a landfill site, but any way you look at ..... It Is Still A Dump!!!!! Last year, my husband and I tried to get a retirement lot separated from our farrn, to build a house for ourselves, so that our son could take over when rny husband retired, and his son's to take over from him, $900.00 later, the planning board said "No, my husband was not old enough to retire??? This year, the Durharn Regiun says they want our farm for a DUMP-SMT. Well, we are prepared to figit, and figlt we will, as I arn sure the Good Lord didflot make this land some of the finest farin land in Ontario and put this hill here with its fantastic view, to be used for garbage. I understand, our farm is locateti on the higlest point between Montreal and Toronto. On a clear day we can see the C.N. Tower and the boans on Lake Ontario, at nigît we can see the light-house i Rochester, N.Y., and surrounding area, it is a beautiful sight. Ini the summer there is always a breeze and in the wmnter with the sIIOW and ice it is a Wonderland. Our son and two daughters cannot believe that the farrn they grew up on, may sorneday lie covered in garbage. So, PLEASE, anyone wlo reads this letter, would you help to support us and our neighbours, in Our fight to keep this land the way the Good Lord intended it to be... FARM LAND flot DUMP LAND. Thank you, John and Doreen Gordon and famnily R.R.l1, Kendal, Ont. LOA lEO Letter to the Editor DmarSir: I found the views expressed by Gord Mils on war in the Persian Guf (Wed., Oct. 31, 1990) very disturbing. Why shouldn't young men and women in the United States and everywhere else stand up and defend their riglit to peace? De'tnocracy means freedoin of belief. It seems that Gord Milîs would deny tiis most basic right to our youth. 0f course oiù is the basis for the U.S. involvement in the Gulf and to assume they are there to "stop tyrany" is ridiculous. The U.S. lias their own interests in mmnd when they invade any country. Those interests are power and econornics. I urge everyone young and old to voice their opinions on Canada's position on the Persian Gulf to their MPP. Only by uniting against war can we ever hope to achieve peace on this earth in these trnes. I arn looking to the new NDP govemment for some progressive thinking. Let's work towards peace, not war. Sincerely, Karen Coles Letter to the Editor Dear Sir: 1 wasalarrned to read Gord Milîs' recent asseasment of events in the Persian Guif (OÙ and War, Oct. 3 1). Mr. Milîs seems to be .comparing the U.S. and Canadian military presence in the Middle East to the Allied response to Hfitler and Mussolini. It would seem to me that this is a flattering, but risled, comparison and that there is mucit more to bie considered. 1 would put forward that American involvement in this conflict has more to do witl financial concern over a non- renewable resource rather than protecting Kuwait's sovereignty. Remember, the U.S. has flot lad any qualms about crossing international borders to "rectify" internai political structures as'tley recently did in both Grenada and Panama, to naine but two. With this foreign policy as an example I am flot surprised that young Americans are voicing their reluctance to take Up arms. Saddam Hussein is flot an admirable figure but the people making decisions in the White House could also bie viewed as hypocritical. Canada seems to bie following the U.S. 'lead closely and abandoning our distinguished history of peace-keeping to become another warmonger. This is a shame. It would be truly tragic if we choose military action over sanctions. The consequences of a war to the hurnan population and the environnient are inconceivable. The world is a different place from what it was in World War II yet war is no less frightening a reality. Losing one's life for oul profits, however, is flot as ennobling- as losing onese life for the defcnse of freedom. To remember is to end a l war. Sincerely, Cameron Langstaff Newcastle Letter to -the Editor Deur Sir: Since Mr. Scott moved down here and thinks he can run our business, it's turne sorneone, set hlmn straight on a few facts and flot ail hear say. How long lias lie been living here, approximately three years. ln this short length of Lime le sure lis bccome a professional on the topics of garbage, tire companies, farins, etc. Ater people and experts have bcn trai ncd for these specif ic jobs, le is trying to tcll people le knows more then these trained experts. Ever since le has moved here lie has tried to cause trouble for hird-, working people. I would think if he has nothing better to do, he could be doing volunteer work with al his spare time or maybe even farming his own farmn. As far as I can see the Laidlaw Landfill Site will neyer bother him up on his hilltop, because the underground waters cannot run up bill. I can sec now there are people who love to see their names in the papers every week, but 1 amn, and a lot more people are sick of his stories and Helen's every week, where as they neyer have ail the right facts anyway. If these do gooders are so interested in our community what about ail the housing developments, that are being built. They are crying about garbage and taxes, what do they think tiiese cevelopers are domng to tax paying people. What about the new hospital and sehools, do they think they are going to accommodate the people thaï are here now. Take another look. What about the garbage where is it going to go. Let them keep building it's okay. I live right beside, the Laidlaw Landfill Site and I can tel you it is the bet maintained and run site in Canada and I have visited a lot of them. Also Mr. Scott and Helen claim the creek water is no good, well that's a lot of bull because I mun a cow-calf operation and have 98% calving this year, with 7 sets of twins, also for the last 2 years, I have had top caîf sales at Lindsay sale. So it must be from the distilled water that Glen Stapleton had stored in a glass for so many years and probably spilt it. It's a shaine we have a landfill site run by professionals that our town politicians would flot lie striking a deal and getting montel for ail tax payers in the Regionk<'- therefore reducing our taxes for a good place to live. Ministry of Enviromnent test (Continued page 11) NOTICE TO: Ail Residents of the Towrn if Newcastle. By-Law 90-178, passed by Council October 29, 1990, regarding regulations for the setting of fires within the Town of Newcastle, replace By-law 75-33 and ail related amendments. By-law 90-178 prohibits any open air burning, in- cluding the burning of leaves, in any urban area of the Town of Newcastle. Burn n g of leaves in the rural area is subject to the- written permission of the Fire Chief orhis designate. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of By-law 90-178 is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine of not more than $2, 000 exclusive of costs. Date of Publication: November 7, 1990 FIRE CHIEF P.O. 4904 1W L HLâEAT FOR RELIABLE WINTER COMFORT CHOOSE CO-OP HEATING FUEL *Computer Controlled automatie 'Degree Day' Delivery $ * Radio despatched trucks Equal monthly payment budget plans e24 hr, emergency service YQUR LOCAL CO-OP Durham Farmers' County Co-op ORONO, OIL ---------- N J. - 7