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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Nov 1990, p. 2

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(tUrono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 7th, 1990 fSecond Claos Mai] Registration NumberW00368 Published Every Wedneslay at the office of Publication - Roy C. Foýeeter, Editur 'hefairesi' of (hem a/i In a recent opinion poli, one of many we are inundated xith these days, the question of what type of a leader was accep- table was asked. The published return pointed to 73 percent eall- irg for a leader with a vision for Canada and the determination tcý carry out that vision. Looking over the present crop of leaders and even those tf at have been in power in the past decade or close to power just 54 10 would one choose to fuI this criteria. Let's leave out Bob Rae for the presenit time, a leader who has yet to prove himself as well as his party. If ail boils down to one man with a vision for Canada and the determination to carry the vision through to fruitation. None other than Brian Mulroney. On coming to power he made it known that Canada was cpen for business and since Canada has been. He called for free t ade in his next step for his vision and doggedly fought and won shere others over the history of this nation have lost. The Good and Service tax, a most scourned tax, is also i cluded in his vision, and make no doubt of the end result - we v Il have the GSI corne January. He also had a vision of special powers for his native pro- v nce to be introduced partially through the Meech Lake Ac- cord. Oh he fought, scratched, dug in his heels and thwarted the opposition. The fact that he lost was flot that harsh considering ail he had won over the past five to six years. He still had a vision ard he continued with determination. You can't always fault a person for failure and flot so in this case. The only problem Brian's vision has flot been acceptable, fa from being acceptable. Tainted with Reaganonomies and sp ittered with Thatches isrn it has neyer won the hearts of Cana- di ns as it cut into the Canadian way of at least having some co. icern for 'thy neighbour'. Mulroney could have been a winner if his 20/20 had been wFV it it'should have ought to have been. He could have been the fai -est of them all. A-* Mary Rutherford that is. And what will you ask? How does one reduce waste around the home? It's a down-to earth formula along with a commitment an( it's compiled through the usec of common sense. No con- sul ints, no enginieer-s - just plain old coroimon sense. Would that thie politicians would listen, if in the first pla e they are interested in saving tax dollars and secondly if the really do have an interest in solving the garbage problem tha we dig deeper and built higher to store away. Pilot projects have býeen the order of the day yet when corrpleted and analyzed the whole thing is forgotten, out-of- sigi ,, out-of-mind. Such wvas the case in the Town of Newcastle witl digesters and composters. As K ristin McCrea asks, "where is ti e Toxic Taxi". Sureiy even one vehicle could service more thai one community. If you want adown to earth solution - it's Mary you ask. Queens. Park Report" by Gord Milis MOrdaky started offthe week with p -rhaps the highlight of my life, be ng swom in by the Clerk of the Lç gislature as the MPP for Durha;i East. The ceremony was very simple and quite short, neverti eless, it was moving. The Clerk (f the Legislature, Claude L. DesRosiers, is a kindly man, and foilowing the formal part of the ceremony, he gave cour grandchildren a history lesson about what they had seen. I suspect that they will long remnember both the day and the occasion. Monday evcning was spent at St. Saviours Church in Orono, where two Orono Girl Guides received the Canada Cord, the highest award possible in Girl Guiding. I was pleased to present scroîls on behaîf of the Ontario Government recognizing their achievements. Tuesday was spent at Grosvenor Street as a normal work day. 'Mat cvening I went to the Girl Guides meeting in Pontypool. The occasion was to present Jamie Luke with a seroll on behaif of the Ontario Governrnent, which recognized her achievement by eamning the Canada Cord. Wednesday rnorning was spent at Qucen's Park co-ordinating the final requirements for staff, telephones and equipment for the constituency office in Bowmanvilic. The aftemnoon was' spent at Grosvenor Street learning of my involvement in the "Crime Prevention Week' which commences on November 4th. Thursday was spent in Scarborough with the rest of the government, discussing many pressing issues. How to deal best with issues that effect us ail remains a great responsibility. On Friday,, I was the guest of Ontario Hydro at the Darlington Letter to the Editor On Saturday, lastas J aveiied with cmplintslrm cntte Taunton Road across the town of regar ding these signs; particuiarly, Newcastle, i counted no iess than 15 f'rom constituents who lîve in Ward signs advertising reai estate for sale, îii and drive by these signs daily. as weii as a multitude of other signs 1 wonder if there is much dif- advertising varions goods and/or ference -between these signs on services, s ituated on Town proper- Town property, and, say possibiy, ty. White 1 don't find these per- election signs??? Both are trying to sonaiiy offensive, they were on make a statement, sway public opi- Town property! nion, convey expression and one ot 1 understand that there is a by- these may even be viewed as being iaw prohibiting reai estate signs on in the best interest of the electorate. Town property. Councilior Wotten 1 have to wondîer if the refusai to has made the recent motion to in- aiiow people to post signs such as vestigate the prohibitionî of the these is not a violation of our rights signs put up to express opposition of freedom of speech and self- to the proposed Ganaraska Dump expression as Canadiansý???! on Town property. These signs While 1 oldn wish ajrpoe seem to pale in comparison to signs dumip ite on any co1mmuity11, Itr which advertise. Thus, imagine my iy question if onc' o Wte surprise not to sec a squadron of would h1ave put thîs m1-loi o forwrd Town empioyees, led by Councilior if the site, was iocated on th le West Wottcn e radicating the iandscape.of side of Solina Road. Somnehow, this modern-day biight! this writer thinks not. We in Ward Whiie it may have been legal for 111 have been continuaiiy inundatcd the honourabie Councillor Wotten with onec disastrous enviroomentai to put this motion forssard, with proposai after another over the iast oniy three of the voting Counciiors five years. The Mayor's office presenit (Councilior Stapieton was stood steadfast behing us in ail of Acting Mayor, thus did not vote), 1 our fights agaînst these interlopers question the truc democracy and and has aiready picdged $ 100,00010o moraity of his actions. Only Coun- heip fight this proposed site based cilior Hamre was able to vote on environmentai unsoundness. against Councilior Wottens motion, For ont allies, we are gratetul-for and I understand that both Coun- our Councillors Wotten, Deegan cullots Deegan and Hooper sup- and Hooper, there is an en- ported the motion. None of these vironmentaiists expression which 1 gentlemen live' in Ward 111 where wouid like to loan to you: the proposed dîînp site is iocated, "IF YOU'RE NOT PART 0F so probabiy have littie, or, no op- THE SOLUTION- YOU ARE portunity 10 view the signs. Noneý PART 0F THE PROBLEM!" of the signs contain any vuigarity, profanity or inference to any speciai Sincereiy, group. i seriousiy doubt that any of Robert R. MacDonald the Counciliors have been beseiged Region hires firm for composting 'Me Region of Durham had hired a private firm to look after composting leaves. Ontario Disposal Ltd. will be paid $80 a tonne to look after the leaves taking themt to compost material. Local municipalities are to pay the Region $80 a tonne to dispose of the leaves at the composting area. The Region splits even. Newsprint recycling set to start Atlantic Packaging of Whitby is ready to start process newsprint from waste paper. Regular Nuclear Plant. I was able to meet with the union stewards representing every trade at the plant. I also met with operational staff and management. The meetings were cordial and gave al of us the opportunity to better understand each other. I look forward to continuing good relations betwecn myseif and'al who provide us with energy from Darlington. Special thanks to Sue Stickîey for her co-ordination of a great day. Friday evening, I was at the Commencement Exercises at Port Perry High School. I was privileged to present Ontario Scholarships tograduates on behaif of the Ontario Government. Saturday was spent hearing fromn constituents at th-ý newly opened office at the Veltri Complex, 68 King Street East, Bowmanville. My staff, Jenny and Kelly, and 1, gain a great deal of personal satisfaction in helping constituents. Saturday was wrapped up in attending Cartwright High Sehool Commencement Exercises. Again, it was a pleasure to present Ontario Scholarships on behaîf of the Ontario Govemnment. Till neet week - be kind to cach other. production is expected to bc underway the middle of January. The Whitby plant and the Thorold plant will be the only two operating in Ontario at that particular time. Other recycling plants for newsprint are expected on line later in 199 1. Two Oshawa men receive life sentences for murder Two Oshawa men have received life sentences for the murder of Larry Spindier on December 26, 1988. Spindier's body was iater found in the Ganaraska Forest. Kaye WeaterüaI eeie Ontario PC award Kaye Weatheraii of Port Hope has received a life-time achievement award from the Ontario PCs recent- iy at their annuai meeting. The award was presented for hem fourteen ycams of executive womk with the party. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas W. Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO 0GA4TES 0F PR 1SE BIBLE MINISTRY 5414 Main Street Orono, Ontario Inter-Faith Full Gospel SER VICE il1:00) A.M. Rev. Lyle1 L. West_ Office 983-9341 Personal Ministry Rev. Margaret F. West Res. 983-5962 Counseiing ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev. Fred.NMilnes 983-5208 Secretary: Mariene Risebrough Organist at .Kirby United Church Arlene Bolton Organist at Orono United Church Stella Mortion Sunday, November Jil Kirby United Church Morning Worship 9:30 ar. Sunday Schooi 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Remnembrance Day Service Moi ning Worshîp 11:00 ar. Sunday Schooi i1i:00 ar. EX PLOR ERS Upper C.E. Hal 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. BIBLE SJUDY Wednesday 7:45 p.m., at the Manse 983-5009

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