Orono WeeIdy Thbes, Wedmesday, November 7tb, 1990.3 Celebrate 5Oth Weddîng Annîversary Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, who for Minnie and Lloyd by their celobrated their 501h Wedding family, sisters and brothers on Anniversary on November 6, October 27, 1990 at the home of 1990. A surprise supper was held M. and Mrs. Earl Taylor. Local Sea Cadets visit naval Ipark by Kristen Plummer Last spring our Commanding 0f- ficer, Lt. Don Foster, approached our 279 Bowmnanville corps with an idea for somethîng different;> spen- ding the night aboard a navel ship at the Buffalo and Erie County Navel and Servicemens Park. -The majority of the ship's com- pany, including myseif, seemed very interested in going. Just severi months later on October 20 we were on our way. SPermenately docked at the park is the destroyer U.S.S. The Sullivens which was named after five brothers who served on the U.S.S. Juneau and died- on November 13, 1942. Also docked at the park is the submnarine U.S.S Croaker and the cruiser U.S.S. Lit- tle Rock. The Ship that we slept on, U.S.S. Little Rock, was commissioned in 1945 as a light cruiser, decommis- sioned in 1949,converted as a Tubos Missile cruiser in 1957, recommis- Gord's View Curlng a migraine headache! If you are a sufferer of the dreaded "migraine headache" working out what triggers an attack is enough to give you a headache. There is not shortage of explanations. In Germany and Italy red wine is considered a cuiprit. In France and Belgium and Switzerland, white wine is cons idered to be the culprit. In Liberia, chocolate 15 10 be avoided, but there is no mention of either red or white wine as being a possible culprit. Some people find that migraine is broughî on by feasting, others blame fasting. Some blame Itot weather, while other fear the cold. Some point to altitude as a cause, while others blaîne the'blinding pain on being below sea-level. in Buffalo, sioned in 1960 and decommissioned in 1970. The ship Itad a crew of 900 1 but was equipped for a fuit compli- ment of 1400 men. When touring the U.S.S. The Sultivens, 1 got an erie.feeling as if "she" (the ship) was being watched over. Rumour has il that "sIte" is haunted. 1 woutd not like to sleep on "her" crib-like bunk beds because they were made for very short people. 1 found the submarine, U.S.S. Croaker, was large and small at lte same lime; large as in total body size and small as in very low head room and smalt cabin space. There is one room Ihat is ironically titled "Maneuvering Room" because one man was luckey if he could even it sideways into thal room. 1 found my slay to be very in- teresting and worîh my while. 1 learned a lot. Spending lime at the park made me realize that in the navy, can not atways be com for- table and easy. Some people blame depression or fear for an attack. Tension is ofîen blamed. On te other hand, there are some sufferers whose attacks corne regularly at dhe weekends, just as they being to enjoy themselves after the rigors of the week. Whatever way you look at il, migraines are a source of sever aggravation to those that suffer with them. My sympathy is extended, Itowever, there does seem to be some partial answers. If you think ltaI perhaps drinking red or white wine is lte cause - stick to drinking whiskey! If the thought of a relaxing weekend brings on an attack - stay at work. Those are a couple of the easy solutions anyway. Pass the aspirin please! Harlppening, IT ISN'T so.. Last week we toldi Len Pears in a From Around Home column that the Northumberland and Newcastle School Board admnistrative staff were driving arouind the country in their cars with car telephones. It just isn't so. Len will have to put up with the fact that his board may be the only ocne to do so in the area. He could move back to Orono. Sorry about the misinformnation. Told Twice November 1943 In the An nual Boys' and Girls' Club contests that were held at Guelpht, Durham County placed se- cond in three events: Grain, Dairy and Swine. The Durham Public Speaking contest wiTl be held in -te -Orono Town Hall on November 5. The Marriage of Mr. and mrs. Milton Wannan took place on Oc- lober 23. The bride is Mary Pauline daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan, Kendal and the groom -is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wannan. Park Street Sunday ScItool held their Hallowe'en party last week. Prizes were awarded 10 Greta Mercer and Joyce Tennant for best couple;, Carol Staples for lte hest representative costume; Marvin Lunn for the best child comic; John Forrester for the best boy com- icat costume; Douglas Lycett for lte best dressed child. November 1958 This Hallowe'en the children from Orono collecîed money 10 help support U.N.I.C.E.F. Harvey Parîner will be opening a new plumbing and heating store in Orono. Congratulations to Miss Peggy Jane Hancock for winning an award at the Recital of lte Oshawa branch of ORMPA for lte highest Remembra nce Day POEM REMEMBERANCE Remember the day of lte war - A lime when people had to leave their homes, When they were made 10 do lhings That a person in a free country Couldn't even*îhink about. A lime when people had to fight for their lives, A lime when the torture and the pain neyer left, Where diseases and unpteasanî sights came with no end. Can you remember the day of the war? Men and children, families being bombed and slaughtered. Can you remember - When men had'to sit in bloody tren- ches? And in a lent with nurses working and Bandagin g the raw flesh of their dirty bodies Can you remember-? Can you just think 0f what il would be like flot 10 be allowed To go to church without someone sticking a gun To your head, and sticking a needie full of Drugs in your arm? Just îthink of what il would be like Just think- - fire and blood everywhere you look. Can you remnember? The war lasted for y-ars, men being killed And to think they did il 10 save and free our country. Can you remember the day when the war started? Can you remember? This poem was written by Kandi-Jo Wright, age 13, granddaughter of Elgin and Madeline Heard, Newcastle and Great granddaughter of Doris and Royal Hall, Bowman- ville. standing in grade four piano. A Tri-school dance for the Cart- wright, Millbrook and Orono High schools was held at the Orono Town Hall. Norma and Aleck Moffat an- nounce the birth of their son Thomas Arthur on October 3 lst. The United Church Women gave- a farewell tea for the leaving of Lillian Tamblyn. A Rabbit show with 278 entries was held in Orono. The cast members for the Bowmanville Drama wprkshop's production o1 South Pýcific were picked. They are: John Amesbury, Cindy Ayre, Frank Bamford, Gwen Black, Terry Black, Merrill Brown, Jim Coombes, Leanne DoreIl, Shirley Frank, John Geboers, Micheal Gilhooly, Albert Hague, Iris Hallam, Ken Rallet, Lloyd Johnston, Kart Kappes, Doreen Kitney, Lyn Lowry, Don Macken- zie, Ted Mann, Sylvia Miedema, Bonnie Morrison, Debbie Nolan, Pat Rundle, Nancy Rowden, Hugh Snider, John Sheridan, Don Staples, Jane Staples, Pauline Storks, Rex Syne, Murray Twist, Beth Weldon and Carol Wright. November 1979 The To family of South Vietnam, arrived in Orono last week under the sponsorship of the Plydesign-w Curvply Life-Line organization. The Town is within $ 10,000 in reaching the funding goal from the public for the Newcastle Fitness Centre. Ch eryl Lee Cornish, Orono, graduated October 27 from Queens University receiving her Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Psycology and Sociology. She is now enrolled, in a nursing programn at Brockville à Ontario. Work is underway on the storm Crea tive play for children Have you ever wondered what is really happening when your children are "just playing"? Since this is an activity that children spend a great deal of time as parentswe need to be sure that the play is as productive as possible for lte child. Children play for fun and 10 leam; they learn best when they are secure and happy. If you would lilce 10 know more about young children, and their'play corne and join a workshop for parents which will offer a pracical approach to child guidance through play. The workshop is being offered at Newcastle Public ScItool by dhe Farnily Education Resource Centre of Durham House on Wednesday, November 15 fromt 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. The cost is $8.00 per person .1 For more information or 10 register for this or any otherprogramai being offered tti 's season please call the Centre at 579-2021 or 686- 4353. sewer construnction on division Street in the south end of Orono. The Orono and Kiby Mission Festival was a tremendous success. They had plays and different displays to demonsîrate ail of the work that they have dcone for Canada and alter countries. Yobur Choice satellite Systems - Equlpment lite service wan'anty - Free 3 yr. extended warranty on , ail electronios ' - Free site survey. Ton years exprerlence - Vear round installation new & used systems Global Tech Communications PLO FINANCINO FROM $49.00 mo. O.A.C. Showroom 10 Mary St., S., Oshawa Oshawa 436-95611 -80-38-415 a truIy beauti fui- alternative FIBREGLASS NAILS Cail for an Appoiniment J' Me Fashions 983-9341