I2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 5, 1990 November 19 Orono Police Trustees, offered a $25.00 reward to any person for informration whicb would lead to a conviction of persons who were destroying property in the Village. Two young Scotch Pine' Christmas Trees whicb were at the entrance of the Orono Hydro' offices were -stripped of the bulbs and ornamnents. Students -and staff of Clarke Higb School provided a fast- moving program of entertainment last Thursday evening. A special feature was a vocal duet by staff members, Miss Sylvia Meidema and John~ Amesbury. 'Me Orono Brownies entertained their mothers Monday evening wi tb dinner, supervised by Brown Owl Mrs. Wayne Mercer. Lockhart Public School beld Open House on Wednesday, November 19 and the theme for the decorations was the "History of Flight.' Miss Jacqueline Snelders received her "Al-round Cord" in Guiding, from her mother Captain Nell Snelders of the Orono Girl Guides. Mr. Ross Tamnblyn of, Arvida, Quebec spent the weekend with his folks at Orono, en route to Kitimet, B.C. Miss C.W. Stewart and Mrs. G. Catbcart took in the Newtonville Bazaar on Friday. On the aftemoon of October 29, approximately 65 ladies gathered in the Upper C.E. Auditorium of Orono United Church to honour Mrs. Milton Tamblyn who recently Ieft to reside in Oshawa. The preparation of tbe Voters' List for the December 1969 Liquor Vote for Clarke Township bas began under the direction of Mr. Lyall Lowery, Chief Supervisor of enumeration. .Mrs. Harold Snell, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gamsby, Paul and David, Guelph, spent tbe weekend with Mr. Ken Gamnsby. Mr. Wm. Turansky bas sold bis general store2in the village of Kendal. We wish them every success. Mr. Sterling, Mather read a verse at tbe Remembrance Day Service, held at the Orono Public School last Friday moming. Mrs. Merle Graham representing the Orono Hockey mothers, presented a cheque in the amount of $500.00 to Mr. Charles Gray, chairman of the Orono Arena Fundraising Committee. Cheryl Lee Cornisb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Cornisb, Orono, graduated October 27, 1979 from Queens University, receiving ber Bachelor of'Arts Degree, majoring in Psychology and Sociology. November 1979 Arts and Craft Sale to take place in the Kirby Public Scbool this coming Saturday. PTA and childretl of the school prepare for the sale, Danlel Barlow, Orono was presented with the Pythagoras Award at Clarke Commencement having the bighest marks in the school of the University of Waterloo,< sponsored Junior Mathematics Contest. Mrs. Katie Lowery of Kirby spent an enjoyable evening last Saturday at the New Dutch Oven Restaurant celebrating her 8th Birthday with her family. Saturday evening at the Orono Amateur Athletic Dance, a lucky draw for a log cabin doil bouse was held with Mr. Dennis Mumford being the lucky winner. On October 6, 19?9 Janet Loraine Scboenmaker and John Arthur Standeven were united in marriage at the Orono United Church. Ehrams Commentary: Things will get worse before they get better. Who said tbings would gct better? Katz's Law: Men and women will act rationally when ail other possibilities have been exhausted. Murphy's Military Law: If you really need an officer in a hurry, take a nap. ROKA Firewood Centre DRY HARDWOOD ~ 4'x8'x1 2" - $60.00 4'x8' x16" $65.00 FREE DELIVERY TO ORONO AREA MILLYARD 705-277-3381 416-434-6665 'IMM ESTAALISNeD 19 4 DIVISION ST., 623-548( BOWMANVIL.LE. OFF STREET PARKING AREA PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAl LABLE COMPLETE CAR & TRUC K REPAIRSI DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHEI, OW TRUCKS R.R. i ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1 MO 4 MI LES NORTH 0F 401 ON HWY.115 &35 PHONE (416) 983-9151 Ii Ri a - FIRST TIME BUYERS Todays Real Estate Market is offering some of the most affordlable homes in years. With many house prices in reach -some mortgage payments comparable with rent - it makes sense to get into the market now and start building your equity. Buying your first home is a trip into new territories, raising many questions: -what can 1 afford? -what is involved in financing a property? -what other costs are involved in buying a home? If you've been thinking about owning a home - învesting those rent dollars to return to you with prof it - Please give me a cali 1 will be glad to answer your questions - explain the buying process or show you the properties available to-day - no cost or obligation. 623-60 0 0 RE/MAX CORNERSTONE SALLY STAPLES ASSOCIATE BROKER I C.LaB.Ca on the move It is with regrets that 1 must Leave Orono. Due to a relocation of our family to the Belleville area it has been necessary that I request a transfer with C.I.B.C. Mrs. Jessie Griffin wilI be taking over the Manager position at C.1. B.C. Orono and I wiIl be appointed Manager in the Belleville area. 1 would like to take this opportunity ta thank the community for their warm welcome and support during my short tenure. 1 wiII, always have fond memories of the people and the community. You truly are "The Village With A Diff erence". Donna Douglas Me nager C.I.B.C. Orono