On the road to Avon Lea by Bey Higgins Kirby Grade 3 students and Mrs. Adams outside Lawson 's Store Thie grade three students of Kirby Centennial Public Scliool liad quite a îlirill on Tliursday afternoon. Tliey liad tlie unique opportunity of walking down the road to Avon Lea. Libby Hodgson is the Ist Assistant Director of tlie television show "Road 10 Avon Lear, and lier daugliter, Claire Hodgson, is a grade three student a Kirby. Tlianks to Libby, these lucky students got a personal tour of the set of Avon Lea, whicli is located on at least 100 acres of land near Uxbridge. Upon arrivai, ithe students raced from tlie bus into tlie village of Avon Lea' Tliere, tliey saw Lawson's store, the Avon Lea Clironicle office, the post office and thie rest of thie buildings tliey see every Sunday night on TV. -The entire village was built last summer, and took only 5 weeks to construct, but it looks as tliough its been iliere for at least 100 years. On the Uxbridge set, only the exterior scenes are shot. The students we re quite surprised to go inside tliese autlientic looking buildings and find empty rooms. The interior scenes- are shot in a Toronto studio, except for scliool house scenes whicli are done inside and out in Uxbridge. Thie students went across the fields from tlie village to tlie scliool liouse, and in no0 timne were seated comfortably in tlie old desks. Tlien it was off to the old bain, wliicli is real. 'Me upsiairs of tlie bara was stili decorated from an earlier bain dance scene. Tliis is tie very bain tliat Sara Stanley fell out of, and thie students were able to stand in the exact spot tliat Sara did before lier fali. Near the bain is the King's liouse, whicli in real life is lived in by thle McDougall's, wlio are caretakers of tlie set. After tliat we walked on furîlier to tlie bouse snuggled near the woods wliere Sara Stanley lives. It looks as lovely in Uxbridge as it does on TV. Furtlier on in the woods, is tdie tumble down sliack of old Peg Bowen. The yard was full of old junk, a cauldron, various pots, even a rack of seaweed out drying. The students slowed down there wlien someone asked if old Peg Bowen miglit be home. The most unlikely object to be found on thie set was tlie replica of a PEI lighthouse. As it towered above us on the hilli, we could ahnost liear tlié ocean. But because there's no0 ocean in sight, camnera crews must travel to PEI at least twice a year to film tlie ocean. Tliank you again, Libby, for an opportunity of a behind tlie scenes look at everyone's favourite television show. We watched Road to Avon Lea PUBLIC- NOTICE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMVENT CONTACT NUMBERS FOR 1990191 WINTER SEASON DECEMBER 2,1990 TO APRIL 14, 1991 The Public Works Department can be contacted for emergenciles, rel ative to, road maintenance or conditions at the following telephone number during the 1990191 Winter Season: ALL AREAS .............. 623-3379 #àJ- THE TOWN 0F (~ Dates of Publication: Wednesday, November 28, 1990 Wednesday, December 5,1990, Walter A, Evans, P. Eng. Director of Public Warks Town af Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bawmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 P.O. 4050 Sunday night witli a new interest. i the beginning we pointed out to eacli otlier aIl tlie 10W familiar buildings wed seen on Thursday. Even knowîng some of thie secrets of filrn-making, we were still totally drawn in to the world of Avon Lea. Conway's Law: In every organization there will always be one person wlio knows wliat is going on. This person must be fired. *a * Revenu Canada R"efenuecanada *9U Douanles et ACMe CvStOMS and Eenue Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, I)ecemher 5, 1990-7 OUT 0F THE MISTS STILL AVAILABLE According to Helen Schmnid lier book, Out of the Mist, is stili available with one hundred copies remaining from the second printing. TOWN CLOCK WEATHERS THE STORM T'he Town Hall lias been operating just great of late along witli the bell sounding out every hour riglit on the hour. The stormn Monday night didn't phase tlie dock one bit. David Chatterton lias accomplsihed wliat many tliouglit was impossible. I've prepared for the GST. H ave you? Now nUs the tUre to registers Are you ready for the pro- posed GST? If flot, now is the time to register and prepare. Registration applies ta, anyone involved in a cor,mercial enter- prise. This includes fishing, farming, professional services and many activities carried out by non-profit organizatians. Revenue Canada is ready ta assist you with information on: a How ta register and the 1benefits of doing so, a What.the GST means ta your operation. " Simplified accounting options and administrative procedures " Rebates of the Federal Sales Tax " How ta reçover GST on business purchases, a* GST return and filing options Contact us today. Phone: 1 80 0 461-1082 Telecommunications devîce for the.hearing impaired: i800 405-5770 Or drap by the Revenue Canada Excisee Office nearest you, Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn. ta 5:00 p.m. Canadrci Clarke Museum & Archives Town of Newcastle Christmas, Bake Sale Saturday, Dec. 8 Noon to 5 p. m. Traditional Holiday Goodies baked with tender loving care! Stock up for the season and help support your community museum at the same timne. A project ofthe Clarke Museum & Archives Finance/Fundraising Committee Special thanks to the talented ladies of the Kendal Women's Institute for their generous support Canada's GST. It's good business to prepare now.