1-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 12, 1990 At a successful bazaar Orono Public, School Report On Wednesday, December 12, at 1:00 p.m. Orono Public School is holding a Christmas Tea. Ahl Senior Citizens welcome. Cookies Christmas cake, tea and coffee will be served. Kindergarten to Grade 6 will be performing. Junior and Primary choirs will be singing a number of songs. Other classes Will be doing things like singinig, poems, plays and dancing. Home and School are presenting their Third Annual Seniors Tea. Also on the l2th, students will be bringingreport cards home. Parent Interviews will start on Thursday after-school and Friday ail day. The Book Fair will be held Thursday and Friday, all are welcome to come. Girls' Volleyball Team will be challenging the teachers next Monday the 17th. On the lOth of December the Clarke High School Band camne to Orono School to perform for the school.' by Kari Francis Kendal Hall News Report The annual HeatherRebekah Lodge Bazuaar and Tea a couple of Saturdays ago was another success from ail aspects of the event. Counter mea forthe 1990S by Gord MiIlis adÉ Last week the sixth annual bai provincial forum on impaired driving opened at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. Hlighlights of the conference included the review of community and government prograins launched over a decade ago, against drinking and driving. Noted Canadian alcohol and drug expert, Dr. Boby Solomnon, updated the delegates on the civil liabi lities of homne entertainers, and licensed establishments, He explained the risk a host cant face from a lawsuit caused by a drinking driver leaving the premises. Industry and government representatives presented the various approaches used in anti- impairecl driving public awareness camnpaigns: positive versus negative messaging. Representatives from Alberta and British Columbia spoke of innovative countermeasures initiated in their jurisdictions. t was'aso learned that 27 US states have implemented legisiation where impaired drivers can have their, licences revoked irnmediately upon refusing to provide a breath sample or by providing a sample over the legai limit. This measure has shown to reduce the incidence of împaired driving by 40 per cent. Before these measures could be introduced in Canada we would be required to obtain a legal perspective in view of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. New legisiation will require al licensed establishments in Ontario to provide responsible server, training to their staff while also The- group above are filling the containers with their tickets at the Penny Sale table. sures Iing food to the menu of every r that did not provide it by Phyllis Lowery On'Wednesday, November 28th, the men held their Scarlet Meeting. On Wednesday, December Sth, the regular meeting of the Men's L.0O'L. 405 was held, when they had their election and installation of their new slate of officers. Ihis was followed by a social time. On Thursday, December 6th, the Junior Lodge met. 1 was privileged to be present. t is amazing to see and hear these youngsters go through the procedures of Lodge, and to hear them repeat the previously. Other workshops held, provided forums for student and community groups to review past programs and plan future actions. I think ail will agree, that we must continue with the education and programts to further reduce the incidence of impaired driving throughout Ontario. Lectures frommemory, the adults could take some lessons from these young people. On Sunday, the Ladies sponsored a Christmas party for the Juniors. There were 38 children and adults present. PastMembers of the Junior Lodge joined in the celebrations. After singing Carols and playing games, under the watchful eyes of the older children, the young ones made candy cane reindeers. Santa Claus and four of lis lovely elves paid a visit and distributed candy bags and gifts to ail the Juniors. Mfter Santa lefi, al sat down to a lunch of Sloppy Joes, hot chocolate and a beautiful Santa cake. Lunch was served by several of the members of the Ladies Lodge. A good tinie was had by ail. Remember the Ladies of Kendal His Lodge 1420 will be meeting on Thursday, Decemnber l3th. This will be our annual election and installation, please plan to attend on Friday, December 7th. There were 12 tables of players at the card party:,High scores Margaret Elliott with 92; Charlie Finnie with 91; Alan-Downes with 89 and Teresa Langstaff with 82. Hidden score Arthur Bedwin with 57. The draw was won by Eddie Couroux. See you ahl on Friday, December 2lst for last card party Of 1990. Barnna Homne Check -Vacation Home Checking -Let us make your home look lived in Barb Shetier-Ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 Vie wer's Choîce 5345 Main Street, Orono 983-9890 OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY 12:00 Noon - 6:00 p.m. Rent 1 Movie Get 1 FREE (New Releases Not Included) The qppIe blafiom f hop We Just Don't Specialize We Make Every Order Special Daily Deliyery from Oshawa to Newtonville to Pontypool and Places Inbetween or Worldwide with FTD. FTD" Holiday Cheer- Bouquet a beautiful basket of fiowers. Cheerful biossoms and holiday greens are as much fun to give as they are to receive. FTDW Se ason's Greetings1m Bouquet Capture the essence of' the holiday season in blooming colors. Arranged' with a hurricane candie shade, our [estive flowers ani Christmas greens add elegance to special holidiay get togethers. 9 3 -9 I5 5