C(arke 9figI ScIhoô(f&eport Six Brownies were (Front row) AKson Finlay, accepted in the, Orono Lindsay Pingle, and Guides on Monday evening Meaghan Parker, (Back row) at a cermeony in mhe Orono Alecia Staples, Sabrina Public School. Bruce and Adele Jenkins. Those being enrolled were One voice.. 1A young woman teleplioned, she needed my opinion on her application to a former exclusive boy's school. The institution was chapging 'to a co-educational program. Uer letter spoke of lier dissatisfaction with racial and male/female stereotyping that existed blatantly within the public systemn that she was currently attending. The words weren't formed as I migit haye structured them, but her thouglits and conclusions were as clear as I have ever heard. As a young woman, she was conscious of lier own changing world, but on that, she didntdwell. She was more aware of the events and occurrences tha she saw i the world today, but were not evident in lier community. Tlie fact that this particular institution was changing its historical position was what motivated lier to apply. She knew but she didn't see it around lier. Her frustration was immense, and the costly tuition required lier to seek a full scholarship. This made it even more important mhat she convey lier dissatisfaction into a manner which made lier application look and convey tlie positive reasons for lier interest. How could she suggest maât lier anger was already turning lier thouglits away from mhe community mhat lad educated lier for sixteen years. Indeed as soon as one understands, one often leaves. Wliat of the people that can't turn to otlier alternatives and what of the people wlio move to this community to escape similar episodes of frustration. There is not a single home dm isnt touched by dissatisfact ion with the present. There are no backyards left. Perhaps out leaders miglit see mhat small and simple change, can prevent drastic and painful realization. Is tmere anyone who, will address rather then levade, anyone who won't refer mhe matter to staff, anyone who won't avoid eye contacL Ask this young womans mother, the public school teacher liow she feels about one level> of government coming around and attempting to have lier just push paper. Face the facts friends, there is always an election of some form or anomher. steven g. wiggins Activities at the Lybrary Bedtime Storytimne on Thursday, December 13 from 7:00 -7:30 pin. It mhe Newcastle Village Brandli. Bring your teddy bear te the Library for a fun haîf hour of stories and songs. For dhiîdren ages 3 and up. don't forget your pyjamas. Fun at the Movies on Friday, December 14, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at mhe Bowmanville Brandi. An liour of animated and live-action Christmas Film Fun for children aged 3-10 years. Christmas Storytimes will be held at two of our branches this year. Join us for 45 minutes of Christmas songs, stories and magic. At mhe Bowmanville Brandi on Friday, December 14 from 4:00 - 4:45 pan, for children ages 3-10 years and at the' Newcastle Village Brandi on Tuesday, December 18 from- 1:45 - 2:30 p.m. for dhildren ageti 3-5 years. Clowning Around on Friday, December 28 from 2:00 -3:00 pin. at mhe Newcastle Village Branch. Have you ever thouglit of being a clownor ever wondered wbat kind of people are clowns? Two very speciai clowns, Happy sud, mumper, will show you how mecy become part of this magical world. For children of ail ages. Don't think that we have forgotten the grown-ups, we have two very special adult programmes "The Future Staris Here" From the Principal As we approacli the Christmas Holiday break, various groups at Clarke Uligh School are preparing for special events. Last Friday the OAC (Grade 13) students went carolling in the afternoon. Under the leadership of Ms. Cady, they visited Senior Citizens homes and various institutions. This carnies on a long tradition of carolling at Clarke High Sehool. The hockey tearu is preparing for tournaments. The Clarke High School bands are preparing for the Dessert Concert. The Dessert Concert takes place at 7:00 pin, on December 13,h, and 1, reconimend all interested to attend. This is a great evening enjoyed by all, with assorted desserts and great music. Many student groups are preparing for the annual Christmas Assembly. This showcase of talent is one of the highlights of the school year. Music Notes by Sharon Peleshok When in New Orleans, the Clarke Senior Concert Band made friends with another "Silver Medal coming up i December: Magic of Colour. . .And You! Sees the return of- one of our most popular* programme people, Michelle Reid, to the Library. This ime she brings lier wisdomn and her lively wit to the topic of beauty.. .yours! What are your best colours? In which clothes do you look great? Make-up tips! Wardrobe advice! Secrets of the non-surgicai face-lift! Join us, even if you dont need a lot of help, we can promise you an interesting evening at the Bowmanville Brandi on Thursday, December 13 from 7:15 -9:00 p.m. Register in person or by calling 623-7322., Winning" band from Waterloo, Ontario. A band exchange was talked about - now itfs a reality. On May 2 - 4 and April 15 - 20 our. concert bands, Will be getting together, first here, then there. Mini wreatlis are sili being sold Corne to .. 11 MOM'S KITCHEN FOR R EAL HOME COOKING fat In or Take Out Main Street, Orono 983-5310 byail Senior Band Members. For $3.00 you can get yours today! The Intermediate Concert Band and Senior Concert Band toured the public schools this week. We played to attentive audiences, thanks to ail involved. IOLDETYMFEEINGS' MAIN STREET SOUTH, ORONO V,,Christmas Decorati gIJeas -Truly Unique Wreaths Save 15 % .Handmnade Orn:nts on -tnie itBg FesUv Tabtware -Candies, Pot Pourie Festmlàbbare -Natural Soaps &Catb Aphgans -Gift Baskets .. . . . . . Soi mi Enjoy a Hot Apple Cider and pick your SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREES ------$15.00 - $18.00 ------ ~"Thank Youm to our many Local Customers Have a Happy Christmas Season and remember wisemen stiti seek HlM Carol & Barry Lamant 983-5640 GARBAGE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Browning-Ferris Industries (B.F.I.> wilI collect residential garbage in accordance with the following sohedule: GARBAGE COLLECTION: Regular Garbage Collection Day Tuesday, Deoember 25th Wednesday, December 26th Tuesday, January ist Revlsed Garbage Collection Monday, December 24th Thursday, Deoem ber 27th Monday, December 31 st Note: lncreased volumes and revised time sohedules may resuit in delayed collection. RECYCLING: Blue Box Collection: There will be no Blue Box Collection from Decomber 24th, 1990 to Januaryl1st, 1991. CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION:> Christmas Trees will be collected for recycling on, dlay only on Monday, January 7th, 1991. Ail garbage must be placed at curbside by 7:00 a. m. ___________ WalterA. Evans, P. Eng., ,,u ,aw ~ Director of Public Works i'{~vcasrw Town of Newcastle, V ~at eec le 40 Temperance Street USytem Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 12-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 12, 199 Enrolled ini Orono Guides