8-Orono Weekly, Timnes, Wednesday, Decernber 12, 1990 Winners at Spirit Day at Kirby Winners in the Spirit Day dress Jeremy Clay, Jeff Parry, Jonas Alyssia Eyre, Paul Richter, Micheil competition when red, white and- Bonnetta, Adele Jenkins, (front Gray, Tanya Carpenter andi Sara blue was predominant. row), Jeff Thompson, Kaiti Hartmnann. (Bck row) Dianne Jenkins, Colville, Sarah Higgins, Paàrticipants in Spirit Day Classrepresentatives taking part in (back row) Georgina Katsiapis, Leah row) Ernily Tufts, Katarina Hartrnan, the monthly Spirit Day held at Kirby, Keyes, Leah Carpenter, Shallon, ara mott, Diane Jenkins with school Public School. Allun, Christa Robinson, Tanya rnascot, Lauara Spencer, Erica Pictured above with the Spirit Day -Ferguson, Jennifer Schillings, Kerry Hawkshaw, Roberta Chîlds and organizer, Mrs. Westheuser are Swerdfiger, Mrs. Westheuser, (front Trisha Barber. Baes In Bookland by Dorothy Robinson by Dorothy Robinson The Olden Days Coat In Margaret Laurence's charming children's book, young Sarah is transported back in time when she tries on an old coat found in a trunk at her Grandmother's home. "Sheer fantasy" you say? Not completely, for isn't it a fact that treasured artifacts can sweep one away to another time, another place? I have sorne camival-ware water glasses that belonged to my Grandmother. Whenever 1 admire themi, 1 float back in time to her Christmas dinners when each place seuting was enhanced by one of these lovely marigold glasses. You too probably have some heirloomn in your home that triggers memories of the past. For ten year old Sarah, leafing through a photo album and then donning the coat are enough to whisk her to another trne. She sees the town as it once appeared with. no street lights, telephone poles or TV aerials. Sarah encounters a sleigh driven by a young girl who shows Sarah a carved wooden box she has just received from her parents as a Christmas gift. When Sarah returns to the present, she receives a carved wooden box from her Grandmnother who explains that it was given to ber by ber parents at Christmnas when she was ten years old. The illustrations complement the story beautifully with nostalgic viewsof an old fashioned village, reminiscent to me of Lakefield. There are sketches of a small stone church, grand old homes, a cutter, a doil, and of course, the hooded wool coat that plays such a key role in the story. Travel back to time to early village life in Ontario by borrowmng "'The Olden. Days Coat," fro m To create Family Violence Treatment Centre ,A nurnber of Northumberland County Social Services groups are banding together to open a Farnily Violence Treatrnent Centre. The centre is to open in Cobourg in April of 1991. About 250 cases of farnily abuse has been reported to the Childrens' Aid Society this year up frorn 65 in 1985. Newcastle backs operation of 911 emergency number Newcastle has agreed to fly ban- ners in their Irger centre corne 1991 and the cpening of the 911 ernergency number. The number cornes into effect on May lst. Housing proposai sumitted to 0MB Proponents of the Participation House project in Bowrnanville are appealing a Town of Newcastle decision to deny to the Ontario Municipal Board. The proposai by the non-profit group did have support frorn the Town's planning departrnent. Clarke Public Library. For Gift Ideas Check out the Christmas titlesat the Apple BlossornShop. PUBLIC NOTICE TOITS CITIZENS Removal of Snow and Ice on Sidewalks Please be advised that By-law 87-197 of the Town of Newcastle requires that every owner or occupant of every building in the Town must clear or arrange to clear ail the snow and ice from the sidewalks abutting the property within 24 hours of a snowfall. In the interests of public safety your co-operation in this regard would be greatly apprecîated. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter please contact the By-Iaw Enforcement Division at the Municipal Administrative Centre, 623-3379, ext. 239. 4L-THE TOWN 0F T Date of Publication: Wedn esday, December 12, 1990ý rown of Newcastle By-law Enforcement Division rfanklin Wu, M.Ç.I.P. )iroctor, of. Planning & Development P.O. A2401 Clarke High School Music ' Dessert Concert Thursday, December 13 7:00 .m. E veryone '!4efco-me .1' a truly beautîful alternative Cati for an Appointment J'Me Fashilons 983-9341 1 7:00 P.m.