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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Dec 1990, p. 7

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Orono This is the hlui where water eemred to flow up-hll. That wouid surely bc an illusion. The hihl is flot a high ihl. It foilows the Taunton Road, on one ide is the farmn of Roy Berry and on the other side is the older Chatterton home, now Uic residence of John Berry. At the bottomn of this hili, the upper reaches of the Wilmot Crcek flows merrihy along. It is a beautiful stream and for many years bas provided great spawning gravels for the migrating rainbow trout. Most of this water makes its way on is own to Lake Ontario. On thc souh-side of thc bridge and sti11 a littie farther on, a water-diversiort was accomplished many years ago. While thc Wilmot had its milipondsalaong the way, beginning with Uic Leskard Mili, il did not supply water to Uic Orono Crcck. The Orono Crcek had suppiied watcr for several milis along uts batiks, including Uic mili of Eldad Johns, opcrated by James Dyer; thc Hoope-r Miii, and later the Tucker Mili. This miii at the. soulli end of Orono, later was owncd and opcratcd by Uic late Harry Rowe. The late Mr. Rowe had purchased this miii in 1911. However a water crisis bad arisen on these ponds much earlier. Thc cutting down of Uic forcsts bad considerabIy iessened thc flow of water througb Orono. It was for thus reason that Francis Squair, a miller himseif lad suggestcd divertiflg water from Uic Wilmot Strem to thc Orono Streamn. In the spring of 1863 the diversion was begun by local labour. The leveis had been suggcsted by Squair, but because of some disagreemcents witl Tuchoer, wbo bad buiit Uic miii, Squair was flot one of Uic signing parties to Uic diversion. The diversion was compietcd in four months; by using shovels, and borses with scrapers. it travcrsed a distance of two miles and in its course had to ini, some places travel througb bis. There were skeptics then as there arc now. Thbis was a remarkable feat of engineering. Wbcn the last shoveiful was rcmnoved there was a_ - anal. It was six feet wide and tVv_ et dcep., The water flowcd as quietiy as aIl canais do and tumbied int the Orono Creek. There wouid be plenty of water to drive the water wheel i the Orono mili. Well, it is 1990 and water still flows eastward to the Orono Çreck. The mill is gone; but the canal flows serenely along. If, sometime, you would like to witness some of this canal, then walk slowly along the road that passes the Senior Citizcns Complex. 0fi course, it is flot six~ feet wide today. nor docs it average any great depili but from Wihnot Creek to the Orono Creek the water stili seems to have flown up-hill. When the original workmen found this was possible, a large celebration was hcid; even to roasting an oxen. Perhaps the annual beef barbecue in the Orono Park couid bc a further occasion to commemorate the hydraulic capabilities of ou.r forebearers. Thcy say water wiil seek ils own level. With some help, it did just thiat. Where thn ricli get richer and the poor &et poorer there may be tirne for some "lcvching'. One of the greatest humanitariafla of ail Urne was the common ploughxnan "Robbie Burns". In bis pocm, "la There For Honest Poverty" he pens these most appropriate lines: "For a' that, an' a' that, Its comin' yet for aW that, That man to man the world o'er Shall brithers bc for a' that." OUR IB SCHOOLSN We'vc gel tle spirit We'vc got Uic funi WC believe ieducation For cveryone Co-operalion cvery day And i's KIRBY, yes KIRBY Ail the way Letter to Editor Dear Editor As the New Year approaches I'm writing to assure you Uiat the NO GANARASKA DUMP COMMITTEE is alive, very active and cxpanding its efforts i 1991. Many people in Our conmunity mighit be under tUic misconception that the withdrawai of Durhami Regions plans to seek a site for their iandfilh negates Uic need for our conuniîîcc. This is flot Uic case. A smaii baîthe in Uic "war against wasle' lias bcen won, with our assistance. However, ai a recent meeting, Uic comnittee members reaffirmed that wc continue our activities wiUi a siight adjustment in our priorities whiie remaining ever vigilant with respect to protecting the Ganaraska against possible waste disposai sites. Paralleling the change in the Region's priorities, our major efforts wiil bc aimed ai expanding our recognized role in activcly promoting wasle reduction by exampie and innovative educalionai efforts. We wili be working in~ co- operation wiUi several environment groups in Durhami to organize an Umbreila Commitîece fiat wiii help focus efforts 10 research and devehop new alternatives to waste disposai and aittce samee urne coilectiveiy aid communilies imperilied by corporations and jurisdictions planning 10 ""Dump in Durham". Currently, Courtice, Newcastle/LaidIlaw and Port Granby appear 10 nced sudh support. The other main thrust of our committce wilh be 10 deveiop a Weil researched, formai presentation to The Advisory Comimittce on Uic Environmentai Bihl of Riglits. This committee lias been formed by Uic Mfinister of Uic Environnient, Ruth Grier, for Uic purpose of assisting the Ontario Govcrnmcnt in their efforts 10 deveiop a new law fiat wil more accurately deai with the past difficulties Uic Provice bas liadi protectmng our environnient. Ini ciosig, mnay we Uank you for the responsible manner in which your paper bas supported environmcntal issues and encourage you in your ongoing efforts in Durham's "war against wastc". John Magder Chairman NO GANARASKA DUMP COMMITI'EE R. R. 1 . Orono. We'vc got the sports We've got Uic gamnes Teachers and students Sharing our aims Aiways heiping one an- Uicr And it's KIRBY, yes KIRBY Ail Uic way And it's KIRBY, hurrah Written by Mrs. Westheuser and Uic Spirit Day Comimittee. Dump fees expect to rise for Region A $50 increase ini dumping fees at Metro handfili sites, of which Brock West is used by Regionai municipalities, could cost these municipalities colectively an additional $15 million. Il lias been sîated that Metro is considering increasing Uic tipping fce to $150 a tonne froni the present $97 .50 a tonne. II is expected that Regional municipalities will hikeiy gct close to a $100 rebate par tonne but Uis wouid stilileave a considerabie incre4se. At Uic present lime the area municipalities get a $56 rebate on Uic $97 .50 tipping fee. Durham is expected to negoliale Uic new tipping charges and rebate with Metro inthe near future, tRuNr VOUR LOGS IN'T0 VALUABLE MBNtE FOR: e Landscaping Timbe. s Turing iocks e Barn Timbers 0 Log Cab n s 0 Cross fTes e Furniture o Framing Fencing eShakes u Beams eSdn *HUGE cUT1ING CAPA0rTY CIJTANY DIMENSION LUMBEfi MORE mLUMBER PER LODG S AVE HAIUNG FEE 1,Aw<STi 5 ACCR F-EATHERHIORN SAWMILL R. R. 1, KENDAL 983-9390%0% Af fordable Dream Vacations'~ * Free Vacation Planning Services' * Dscount Cruises 0 Charter Vacatioris * Airline Tickets 0 Honeymoon Packages 0 Hotel and Car ReserVati*ns PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERtVICES TraelAgentis Intemnation We're with you ail the way 68 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILIX Over 300 Agencies in North America 623-e6O(ý DEADLINE FOR APPEALING YOUR 1990 PROPERTY ASSESSMENT Tuesday, january Sth, 1991 The final day for appealing your 1990 property assess- ment to the Assessmnent Review Board' is Tuesday, January 8th, 1991. Your assessment wili be used to calculate your 1991 municipal and school taxes. You should appeal your 1990 property assessment (a) if you are dissatisfied with the amount of the assessment, even af ter discussing it with your Regional Assessment Office; (b) if you appealed your previous assessment and the appeal has not been settled; or (c) if you rece-ived a Notice of Pro perty Valuation which does not reflect a settlement of your previous appeal. The Assessment Review Board is an agency of the Ministry of the Attorney General and operates less formaily than a court of law. It is authorized to decide if your property assessment is fair and equitabie, com- pared with similar properties in your area. You may present your own case, retain a lawyer, or ask a friend or relative to, act as your agent. A Notice of Appeal form is availabie from your municipal office, your Regional Assessment Office, or the Assessment Review Board. You inay also use the reverse side of a Notice of Pro p erty Valuation or write a letter. Appeals should be forwarded in writing to the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board at the address shown below. If you have any questions or require assistance in f iling the appeal, please contact your Regional Assess- ment Office. The address and telephone number are in the Blue Pages of your telephone directory, under "Property Assessment Information." Mînistry Regionai Registrar of Assessment Review Board Ue 277 George Street North, Suite 207 5 D Revenue Peterborough, Ontario Ontario K9J 3G9

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