February 1969 Sometime Saturday evening between 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. thieves broke into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Myles, Orono. They gained entrance by breaking a lock on a basement door. A sumn of money was taken. Bag of 10 C.G.E. Bulbs on sale at Rolph Dominion Hardware for $1.99. (February 27, 1969) Kendal News - Mr. and Mrs. Juno Perdue are leaving the Quantrili tobacco farma and a Mr. Lambier and son are expected to mnove in the first of Mardi. The new famnily on the Bell farm are a Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney. Miss Cheryl Cornish of the Orono Public School placed second in a Junior Public Speaking Contest held in Bowmanville last Saturday. The area contest was sponsored by the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion. Miss Lynda Mae Alice Barrabali and Mr. Peter Robert McCullough were united in marriage on Saturday, November 30, 1968. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barrabail, Orono and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin McCullough, Newcastle. The big attraction on the ski hilîs west of Kendal'on Saturday, February 8, 1969 was the arrivai of Nancy Green. Coming Event - Valentine Card Party, Friday, February l4th, 8.00 p.mi., Oddfellows Hall, Admission 75 cents. Sponsored by the Orono Homne an-d School Association. February 1979 Mr. Ben Madill, local manager for Community Telephone, retired January 15, 1979. Ben worked over 27 years in the telephone industry serving Orono and Sunderland areas. Sandra Dennis of the lst Orono Guide Company received her Canada Cord the highest honour in Guiding last Wednesday evening. The Bluegrass group of "Don Adams and Company" will be appearing on CHCH TV Channel 11, Sunday, February 25 at 6:30 p.m. The name of the show is "New Faces" and it will highlight several acts of entertajument from the Brooklin area. Roy Forrester of Orono was elected to his fourth team as chairman of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority last Tuesday at tie annual meeting held in Port Hope Legion Hall. Christine Hooper, of Lockhart school was the overall winner of the School Heritage Day contest. This contest was between the twin schools Orono and Lockhart. SLesle Gibson placed 3r7d in the Legion Literacy contest. Lesle attends school at Lockhart. Plans are now u nderway for the officiai opeming of the Orono Arena and Community Centre complex in Orono. The date has been set for April l4th and a reunion lias been planned of the Orono Orphans and members of the Orono Figure Skating Club datimg back to 1948. Weil over one hundred boys and girls took part in a Regional Judo competition held in the Clarke High School Sunday morning and aftcmoon. Orono Junior Gardeners first meeting for 1979 on Tuesday, February 13, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the United Church basement. New members welcomne, ages 6-16. VON seeks volunteers Corne and join our teamli We need dedicated men and women of ail ages and cultural backgrounds to be friendly visitors. You would help our clients by relieving the isolation and loneliness often associated with disability, aging or illness. We require a minimum of an hour and haîf of time at least once a week. If interested please call the Friendly Visitor Program at (416) 434-2530 between, 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Mdnday to Friday. Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday. January 16. 19- CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONSITRAVEL CANAL CRUISES; five days aboad KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR on scenic Trent-Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal; private state-roomal, meals, free brochure. Write Captaîn Marc, Box 15S40, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. CLARE BURT TOURS: Escourted Farm Tours: Costa Rica Febniary 10- 17/24. OnIy Six Spaces Leftl Arizona, Las Vegas February 21-28. Mkorcoach:,Florida February 16, 2 weeks. 1- 800-268-309. FLEA MARKETS SUNDAY FLEA MARKET, Smilla Falls, 65 Cornelia Street, East, year round. (613) 283-8448. 150 inside stails. Dealers welcomne. Lowesl prices, best selectian in the valley. CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET and Antiques. 10,000 square feet of collectibles. Open Sundays. Vendors or viewers. Cal (613) 752-2468. Calabogie enroule ta Calabogie Peaks. CAREER TRAINING FWE career guide ta lome-study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting. Airconditioning. Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology. Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton <SA) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950- 1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Sauthwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: February 9-16, 19931. For information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Sclool of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock. Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. LEARNI EARNI SAVEI Income Tax Preparation orBasic Bookkeeping Courses. Free Brochures. No obligation.;IJ&R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6, 1-800-66l5-5144. -1SALES HELP WANTED RECESSION PROOF 14-year-old Canadian business seeks representaives for retail display merchandise placement in your area. Earn potentiel *1500+ weekly immediately. (416) 756- 2156 or (416à) 756-3174 today. REAL ESTATE: (No board tees) Register your licence (small surcharge). New proince-wide nelwork. (Save this ad) John F. Campbell Real Estate Ltd. <416) 588-2678.24 hrs. HELP WANTED REMOTE MOUNTAIN RESORT in B.C. requires experienced CheflKitchen Manager. Duties: Staff Supervision, ordering inventory, coat contrai. Apply with resume: Fax (604) 837-2126, Attni: John Gault. EXPERIENCE tarm lite in Europe. Contact the International Agricullural Exchange Association at,1501-17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2 ta find out how. EDITOR WANTED for weekly in lnuvik, N.W.T. One year contraci. Reporting and editing experience required. Rod Macpherson, Norîhern News Serivces, Box 2820, Yellowknife, N.W.T., XOE 2R1. GOLF PROFESSIONALSelf-empîoyed, 10 run pro shop, responsible for algreens maintenance. Resume 10 Glen Lawrence Golf Club, RR#1, Kingston, K7L 4V1. (613) 545-1021. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baitworms in your basemnent or garage. Odlorless ope--ratian. Low invesîment. Market guaranteedi Free information. Early Bird Ecology. RR#1 Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0 416) 643-4252. CLIP NEWSPAPER ITEMS - $2.00 - *25.00 eschl Work ai home - in spare ime. Write Taday. FREE Details: ClippIngs (ONi), #150-1857 West 4th, Vancouver, B.C., V6J 1 M4. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availabllity and Ontario properlies ta be sold for unpaid taxes. For information write: Properties, Dept. CN. Box 5380, Stn. F. Ottawa, K2C 3Jl. SERVICES BECOMe FINANCIAULY INDEPENDENT. Stay at home and make money. Hundreds of profitable plans. FREE delails. EARLCRAFT, 3065 Lenester Drive, Unit 48, Mssissauga, Ontario, LSC 2B8. $200-$500+ per.weeX now possible. Work at home assembling products. Free information. Self-ad., slamped-env. ta HOME WORKERS, #1 68A - 720 Bth St., New Westminster, B.C.-, V3L 3C5. MISCELLANEOUS FREE CAMPING, FISHING, HUNTING Catalog ($6.00 value) wh8n expired I-uning/Fiahing License (photoCopy accepted) sent ta S.I.R. MAILORDER, 1385 Ellice Ave., Dept. 316, Winnipeg, MB, R3G 3N1. FARM EQUIPMENT BARN CLEANER REPLACEMENT CH-AIN for ail makes of Cleaners, Ouantity on hand aI good price. Cal Husky (5 19> 846- 5329.- NURSERIES F RE E CATALOGUE in colour. Write Boughen Nurseries. Valley River, Manitoba, ROL 2B0. year shrubs,,*7.75. Fruit trees, $14.95. Oualily and service is aur Motta. Phone (204) 638-7618. STEEL BUILDINGS FUTURE BUILDINGS. Vear end clearance an ail Steel Buildings, Quonsets, and Conventionals. Large selectian for immediate or Springdelivery. Cal Future 1-800-668-8653. STEEL BUILDINGS - Factory Direct - S30x40 $4,749.; 25x28 $2,599. Prices good for delivery before March 31, 1991. Limited quantities. PIONEE R/ECONOSPAN 1 -800-668-5422. (24 hours). BEST BUILDING PRICES - STEEL STRAITWALL type -, not quonset - 32x48 $4,983; 40x64 $8,079; 50x96 $14,908 - non- expandable ends. other ies available - limited steel. Paragan - 24 H-ours - 1-800-263-8499. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types, steel/woad, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers - Wally (416) 626-1794 alter 6pm, weekends. Free brochure. Cip-save. ALL STEEL QUONSET hay storage 46'x10O'$11,789., 46'x70', 21*x14' door $13.639. Also 36x42', 15x14' door $7.890. Delivery and GST included. (613) 736-0237. FOR SALE GET A CREDIT CARD - Instant $1.500 credit, cash adivances, guaranteed approval. Catalogue shopping. For application send SASE, ADVANTGECARD, 718 Main St. East, Hamilton, Ont. L8M 1 Kg. CLEAN VOUR CHIMNEY with Original Kathite-H (Environmentally Friendly). Two lb. Container: *16.20 (total>. Duncan International, 124 Broadway Ave, Ste 219, Toronto, M4P iV8. PRINT SHOP EOUIPMENT. 14x18 Nuarc. Camera Multilith 1250 Offset Chain Delivery, Envelope Feeder Guest Plate Maker. Two Copiera. Fax 25" Laminator. Cali Keith 1-800-267- 2222. FARMERS OR BUSINESSES: Warmth Insulation: Spray Urethane and ail spray on fibres. For insulalion, condensation controi, shop insulalion. Very competitive rates. Phane (613) 267-6711, or (613) 268-2113. Vour ad could appear ln community newspapers ln Ontario, or right across Canada, or any Individual province. Space Is Llmited, so Cali This Newspaper Todayl -Orono WeeklY Times 983-530i MacGREGOR AUCTION SERVICE ESTATES, CONS IGNMVENTS, HOUISEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS SOLD AT VOUR LOCATION OR AT OURS STOP.AGE ANO TPUCKING AVAILABLE Cali for a FREE Confidiential Consultation Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 Are yoU thinkincd of buying, selling or are àn need of Real Estate a41vice? Feel f ree to contact me at 623-6622 or,983-9102 ALINE ,GAGNON