6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 16, 1991 Agà;reemnent boosts energy conservation One of the pravince's Eiggest audits we w-il save m( landlords has given energy energy costs and make a sii conservation in Ontario a big boost. contribution ',te The Ontario Government will conservation." lead by example in the-campaign ta Hydre's President improve energy efficiency in the. Franklin said, "Since its si province according ta an agreement mid-1989, aur Power Savi annaunced today between the program bas identified sig Ministers of Energy andi oppartumities for saving el Goverument Services and Ontario in over 2,000 buildings in- Hydra President and CEO Robert As one of Ontario's Franklin. landlords, the pr< Under the terms of the government will have en agreement, Ontario Hydre will potential for canserving ei conduct Power Saver energy audits its facilities." on more than 7,000 government Today's agreement cove: buildings between January 1991 offices and aperating bu and January 1996. which include garagc "Our govemmrent is committeti laboratories across the provi te energy efficiency and we practise Hydro expects te camp] what we preach," saiti Energy audits by March 31, 199 Minister Jenny Carter. "By working 1,300 completed by the nec tagether with Ontario Hydro, we year. Audits will be ceai can reduce the amiount of energy we with municipal utilîties ac use ta operate aur buildings." province. Each audit w, "We win on bath counts with Hydre appraximately1 this agreement," said Govemnment Buildings must be phy Services Minister Frances Lankin. inspected in the process, se "By implementing efficiency be gathereti for computer2 measures recommendeti in these To meet the atiditional w( A new twis the 3Rs b) The future, that futuristic tamorrow they keep premising us, us, miay be nearly here. Professar Taby Thompsan, chairman of the packaging design department at the Rochester Institute of Tecbnology, says that sean, insteati of threwing away the biscuit boxes and juice cartons, we'll simply eat them. We will finally fulfill consumer society's ultimate wish: to eat the wrapping. It is suggested tbat snack packs will be made from pelymer coatings processed from natural materials in food. Socially- responsible, scoffable cartons would provîde adequate strength and protection for wbatever was in ioney in âguificant energy Robert tartup in iers audit inificant -Lectricity iOntarie. biggest -vincial iormous -nergy in ,rs 7,753 mildings ,s and vince. plete 150 9 1, with ýd of the )rdinated cross the vill cost $ 1,000. r'sically data can analysis. iorkload, Hydro will hire 19 new auditers. itto )y Gord Milîs them but they would be safe te digest, be flavoredti t make them palatable and would doubtless have fewer calories, less cholesterol and be better for you than a lot of their contents. The problem delaying their arrivai is sheif-life, and that may be reselveti by requiring supermarkets ta stock them in some kind of climate-controlleti conditions. However, Prefessor Thempson believesthat consumers will be happily munching on their cereal boxes and drink cartons befare the end of tbis decade. Next thing you know, they'll be selling them empty. It will give the box-lunch a whole new meaning! New rules on farm fuel storages by Mfichael Toombs, P. Eng. By January- 1, 1991, al underground gas or fuel (heating cil excluded) tanks in Ontario must have been registered. Fuel suppliers will be prahibited by law frem making deliveries te tanks that are net registered by that date. Ta be registered, any underground tank installeti before 1974 must be cathodically protected. Tanks installed after 1974 are already protecteti. Due ta the costs af pratecting a tank already in place, it is expecteti that aîl underground tanks installed before 1974 will have ta be removeti. Above-graund tanks over 5,000 litres must bave a dike surrounding them, large enaugh ta contain 110% cf the storage tank volume. If an above-ground tank cf any size is near an "envirenmentally sensitive" location, then these tanks must be diked as well. Far mare information, cail the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relatians, Fuel Safety Branch (416) 234-6030. Single again and 110W rebuilding If you have recently become separated you are probably experiencing the painful feelings iliat came when a love-relationship ends. There is a proven 15 step process cfadjustment to this loss which forms the basis of Bruce Fisher's book, Rebuilding. The Faatily Education Resource Centre cf Durham House is offering a discussion group for people who are single again which will explain the pattern cf building blocks suggested in this bock and lead participants through their feelings of loss while pointing directions for the future.,, This 10 session support group Bill Bramah's Ontario Artist Bob Short likes ta putter around in garbage dumps. There are two dumps on the outskirts of the village of Haliburtan where hie lives, and Bob visits themn about three times a week. It may seem a strange way for an artist ta spend bis time, but theres a good reason for it. During these forays into the realm of wbat Most of us consider junk, Bob salvages nuts, bolts, pieces of waod and a variety of disintegrating remnants of aid farm niacbinery. He carts themn off ta bis workshop cabin on the shores of nearby Maple Lake and then unleashes bis creative imagination. The resuit is what he calis lis "critters" He assembles the ancient pieces of waod and metal into weird and wondraus art forms. They may become forest animais, birds, fish or even strange-laoking people. He doesn't sculpt them. He just assembles the things with simple tools, We watched Bab as hie was putting tagether what he said was going ta be a northern eagle. Its eventual destination was ta Toronto's Northern Secondary Schaal where'Short was an art teacher until his retirement. Later, we went aver ta the Rail's End Gallery in Haliburtan which is in a canverted railraad station. They were featuring a show of Bob's work. About 20 of his pieces were set up in one cf the large rooms. Short's lively sense of humour shone through in bath the works themselves and the tities which were attached. For example, "Altered Genes" was the titie given ta a two-foot-high ostrich that bad laid four e ggs. Three cf the eggs were brass casters which had likely come from old bedposts. But the fourth egg was an ordinary basebail. "That's what happens when you alter genes," chuckled Bob. Tbree figures representing the clergy were entitled "Brother Erroneous", "Sister Ironica" and 'Father Axel". The critter that impressed cameraman Terry the most was "Hedge-hog". lis body appeared ta be the face of an old clock. A large skating palace at Port Perry If yau want ice skating autdoors it would be off ta Part Perry where a mile long stretch of the lake bas been cordened off and flooded. There is a large aval for speed skaters and other areas divided for pleasure skating. The ice pad is open every day and into the evening umtil mid March. Price cf admission $ 1.50. A great idea. will meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. starting January 30, at the Ministry cf Revenue Building in Oshawa. The cost is $50.00 and there are some subsidies available for those in need. For more information and to register for tbis group, please call the Family Education Resource Centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. When Bob begins te assemble the pins, screws, wheels andi whatnot, he doesn't work within a set baundary. "I don't say that today I'm going to make this into a bird or something," he says. "If 1 see an article that suggests something, then I start te build." When we were at the gallery, almost haîf of Bob's critters had been sold. It's net just bis imaginative skill that attracts people, it's his humourous approach te bis creations tbat's s0 appealing. By the way, he calleti his show "The Boy From Ogg." Ogg standing for MOuter Garbage Galaxy". Durhami Central Agricultural Socletys ANNUAL MEETING Ia be held Saturday, January 26 1:00 p.m. ORONO ARENA and COMMUNITY CENTRE 4~ BOWMANVILLIE SPORTS SHOP athletic clothing, footwear, llcensed products, basebali, basketball, soccer, skates & hockey equipment equipment repairs & skate sharpening 121 KING ST, EAST. BOWMAN VILLE. ONTARIO Phone (416) 623-0322 SY~LE & IMAfiGE STU DENT SPECIAL - Jan. & Feb. '91 Colour Analysis 1/ Price $39.50 Computerîzed Styles* Colour Analysis Wardrobe Planning* Colour Coded Cosmetics *5kin Care *Seminars * Gift Certificates 105 Mary Street West Whitby, Ontario Li N 2R4 1-416-430-8686