8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Jannary 16,1991 Rob Griffin welcomes you at "The Back Room." Two years ago, Rab and Heather Griffin took somewliat- of a sabbatical fromt their respective teacliing positions to purchase and operate tlie Newcastle Village Laundronat. Now, ta die deliglit of residents, Rob and Heather liave opened up a country cafe adjacent ta the laundrornat, officially and quite fittingly called, "The Back Room." Coffees always on at Tlie Backroorn, as is pleasant cornpany, *The Newcastle Figure Skating Club is liappy to announce their annual Skate-a-Thon will be held this year on Saturday, January 25. Young people will be out and about in Newcastle over tlie next whîle looking for sponsors to tlieir fundraiser., Ail skaters are limited to one liundred laps, so I hope you will cheer these kids on by sponsoring them in a small way. . .Thanks! *We look forward to rnany exciting liappenings down at Newcastle Public Scliool in tlie Recession deepens welfare costs risc 1As the recession in Canada deepens the cost of welfare increases and is noted in the Region of Durhiam. The welfare casts have been incre asing by 2 ta 3 percentage points throughout the year 1990. Recipients of welfare rose 500 during Decemnber cornpared witli tliat in Novernber. Tliere were 7,840 cases in December representing a total of 13,840 people. Costs in December 1990 were up, over $2, million over that éf a year ago. To set-up Durham stop smoking program The Durhiams ealth Unit, tlie Heart and Stroke Foundation, the village, and a great fan of Newcastle, lias been enjoying this time away from teaching in Oshawa, and in this newest venture, lie has once again found how really super the folks 'round town are. Ail the best Rob and Heather! ta go along witlitlie homernade soups, salads and sandwiches. Hours are 6:30 a.m. - 4:00 p. Monday ta Friday, and 8:00 a.rn. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays. Rob, wlio is also chairman of tlie DRIA (Downtown Business Improvernent Association) in tlie rnontlis to corne, as staff and students prepare to tackle Old Man Winter, a new termn and wliatever Principal Ray Simser may have in store ta keep everyone on tlieir toes. It is indeed a growing comrnunity, and the entliusiasrn and energy we fmnd down at our scliools is notliing less tlimnrefreshing! *Please don'tliesitate to cail if you have sornething ta share about life and times in Newcastle Village. Reacli me at 786-2964 or tlirougli tie Timnes at 983;r5301. Have a great ý,':eek! Lung Association and tlie public sector are grouping together ta presents a no smoking progran in Durham. The Durharn group are following tlie lead of other areas that have setup sucli a plan. May ban liquor botties fromin andfil Metro Toronto is considering the possibility of banning liquor and wine botties at their landfihl sites. Over 200 million non-returnable bottles were sold ilirougli provincial liquor store in the past year. Meiro, is cailing for a deposit on ahf such botles sold througlitlie LCBO outietsi Ontario. May issue permlits for indefinite period Altliough the Atornic Energy ControI Board recently supported a request frorntlie Town of Newcastle and area individuals ta limait the Port Granby licence ta one year it is to now consider the possibility of issuing licences for sucli sites for an indefinite period of time. Tlie sites would be monitored on, a continual basis but witliout the time and expense of gaing througli re-licencing an a yearly basis. Northumberland County moving ahead Ever since the formation of tlie Region of Durhamn in 1974 Nortliumberland County lias been taiking about restructuring of tlie county system of govemment. Reports frorn various committees are expected this year prior taétlie municipal election as ta restructuring. The county lias also rnoved on waste collection and disposai whicli las now been taken over by tlie County. Waste management lias been a subject of debate at tlie county level of goverrnent for a year. In October a by-law was passed setting up a county system. Chairman of Region looks for a positive note Gary Herrerna in a short address ta Regional council states lie is looking for a year wlien the Region SaIIy Staples Associate Broker 48 Loscombe Dr. - Immaculate - 3 bedrooms - Walk-out ta dock and huge fenced yard - Bawmanville, very close ta schools $1 26,900 Hwy. 2, NewtonViiie - Updated Roof, Wiring and Septic - Sun raom and deck with view of the lake. - Hait acre lot -Easy commute $189.900 is for things. He stated that garbage had been an issue overthe past couple years that lias been upsetting for everyone-. '11 He is hopeful tlie officiai plan will be completed before tlie end of the year giving direction for development during the next twenty years. Tit for Tat for garbage dumping Hope Township lias some concerns that some Port Hope residents are dumping their garbage at the Hope, Township container site. But again Port Hope clerk points out lielias, seen Hope residents using tlie Port Hope landfill site. Not opposed to use of Wesleyville site Port Hope councîl lias given a somewliat green liglit to tlie use of tlie Wesleyville liydro site for a nuclear generation. The counicil did not support a recommendation from their environmental commnittee to reject sucli an operation at Wesleyville. But Port Hope wants some input into any liearings relating to Hydro's 25 year plan. Boundaries expected to change Altliough most council members of Hope Township wish to maintain their existing boundaries tliere are pressures from Port Hope for furtlier annexation and tlie restructuring of the county. The greatest threat cornes from County restructuring wliere the county council will have tlie final Sixteen year old boy charged with robberies Durhiam Regional Police liave nabbed a 1 6-year-old boy following a bank robbery at tlie Bank of Montreal on King Street, Oshawa. Tlie teenager lias also been cliarged witli anotlier bank robbery in thiecity. Enniskillen CA fun spot for al The Enniskillen Conservation Area just nortli of Hampton lias plenty of facilities for winter fun for ail tlie famîily. There is'pleasure skating on one ice pond wliicli is lit until 10 p.m. in the evening. Another pond provides space for liockey. Add to this three miles of cross country ski trails and a toboggan fun second to none. Less than $1 million to be raised for Whiitby hospital Witli a target of $5.5 mnillion front tlie general public for extensive renovations and additions to the Whitby General Hospital $700,000 lias yet to be raised. It had been expected tliat tlie fund-raising campaign would have been completed in August of 1990. A major expansion of emergency and out-patient departments is expected to get underway tliis spring. 6213-6000 Re/Max Cornerstone Realty' R.R.2 - Taunton Road - Renovated, restored - 4 large bedrooms, two full baths - 11.5 acres with over 300 ft. frantage $305,000 3 Wiiiow Ct. - 3 bedrooms, 3 baths - Firepiace in famiiy roam and living room - Second floor Iaundry, anly 11/2 yr. aid. $156,900 A COUNTRY LOT IN THE CIT-Y 12 Kilmaurs Dr. - 124' x 142' lot in Oshawa - 2 year aid furnace and roof - Huge famiiy room witfi fireplaoe $179,900 37 Parkway Cres. O uiet, mature neighbourbood -Second kitchen and bath in basement -Beautifully updated $1 55,000 AN EASY COMMUTrER No Picture Available Lakeshore Rdl., Newtonville - 2 stonies, 4 bedrooms, - Family room with walk-out 'ta deck - Double car garage, on an extra large lot $1 79,900 165 Coulter Dr. - Immaculate raised bungalow - Tastefuiiy finished, bright rec room - Waik-out ta dock and 1lO'Ox 150' lot $144.900