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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jan 1991, p. 9

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Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 23, 1991-9 Spring trees sti11 available, at Orono by Tom Farmer, Forest Management Teclinician At January 16, 1991, the following tree species were stili available at Orono Nursery for public purchase: red pine, white cedar, white spruce, Norway spruce, Carolina poplar, silver maple, and black locust. Trees seli for ten cents ($.10) each plus a ten dollar ($10.00) order charge, plus the applicable taxes. Minfimum order is 100 trees and orders of more than 100 must be in multiples of 50. Minimum of any one species is 50 trees. Prospective planters must mneet several conditions to qualify to purchase, the main one of which isj ownership of 5 or more acres free of structures. Cali the Orono Nursery at 1-416-983-9147 or the Lindsay Ministry of Natural Resources Office at 1-705-324- 6121 or your nearest Ministry of Natural Resources for more details and application formis. Christopher Bouley, 7, son of Robert and Sue Bouley, scored his first goal of the season on Sunday, December 9, 1990. Christopher plays for the Orono Tykes and wear No. 11. Congratulations Chris. by Shelley A]llin The most recent controversial issue to comne before council is the sale of dogs and cats for miedical researdch. I would like to tell you about my experience wi th a puppy I Iladopted from the Town of Newcastle Animal Control Centre. The June 13, 1990 Orono Weekly Times issue had under the FOIJND section "Pu-ppy, downtown Orono on Sunday atron female, looks to lie Sheltie mix, black, tan and white in colour, owners may cail Animal Control at 623-7651, wiIl only hold for 72 hours." The owners neyer called to inquire about this puppy and after 72 bours I went to see lier. She was very friendly and I decided to take lier. Current costs to adopt a pet from the Town of Newcastle Dog Pound is $45.00 plus GST now., which includes the license if you are a Town of Newcastle resident, and $25.00 plus GST for a cat. This 1 didn't like as I was savng lier life, not the negligent owner who lost the pup and didn't inquire as to lier whereabouts. Does this expense really encourage pound animais to lie "adopted out"? I took the pup home and two days later she wasn't eating and looked rather lifeless ail of a sudden. On Monday 1 îook lier to a Veterinary Clinic where they said she was dehydrated and wanted 10 keep lier for the niglit and give lier intravenous. One niglit. 1 thouglit that seeing as 1 just paid to gel lier 1 better give lier a chance to get weil and I wouid pick lier up tomorrow. When I went in the next day, she wasn't improving. Tbey asked permission to do a small internai exploratory that perhaps it was just a blockage and could be corrected easily. I agreed. 1 have always purchased a purebred dog fromn a breeder so I knew the background on the pet in k the past. This tine I promnised may husband that I wouldn't spend the Glencoe Hogle, 6, son of Glen and Anne Hogle, scored hi: first career goal on Wed., Dec. 19, 199. Glenoe plays for the Oroo Tykes and wears #35. CoexgrawuhedmiGlewco. $200 to $400 that ht costs to purchase a dog so I tumned to tlie dog pound. Mîter tbree days at the vet clinic it tuns out that the puppy, Taffy, bas Parvo-virus. The veterinary said that this is a highly contagious virus transmitted by body fluids from other dogs tliat attacks the intestinal system. The dog badn't been around' anoblier dog since we picked lier up and the clinic also bad another dog in by tlie end of the week from a pound with parvo. My dhildren pleaded to let them treat Taffy. With the expense already accrued, and the quick attadliment with Taffy we decided it was sensless Io let lier die now. Very few people want full grown dogs or cats and there is only s0 mudli space to hbuse dogs and cals at the pound. As mudli as 1 love animaIs, beware of animais purchased from thxe pound. You are takdng a risk that they are healthy. 1 live on a farmn and people drop of unwanted cats and dogs at farmers gates ail the time. Farmers can get over mun with cats also and usually have their own supply. Dogs that have mun stray for a long period of time, normally don't make good pets. 1 have called the poundt 1 pick up strays on our farm that the dog catcher was very wary of. One dog 1 would not of liked 10 see go into a home wiîli chldren. Is saving another hurnan life with thxe aid of au unwanted pet really so terrible? Councillor Frank Stapleton said that there are 55,000 homeless animais lu Ontario according 10 the Toronto Humane Society. Mr. Stapleton voteti against the sale of pounid animal: for Medical Researchi when it came before council recently. He said" 1 would like to see the 72 bour holding period under provincial law extended. Also, 1 would lilce to see an advertising campaign sponsored by the commercial sector like the Pet of the Week program to have Brandon Hills,7, son of Dave and I Hfilîs, scored bis first goal, of the season on Friday, January 4, 1991. Brandon plays for tlie Orono Tykes and wears #19. Congratulations Brandon. by Shelley Allin It is frightening for adults to listen to television and bear that the nuclear plants are bigli on the list for terrorist attacks. What goes Ilirougli a child's mind when they hear statements like this. I think our minds can be overloaded with tlie unknown and worry being poundeti upon us from big media, especially, when it is bard to totaliy escape it and have a radio or. television Stijl on. Children see and hear more than adults think. They can see if we as parents are worried. *Most cbildren spenti a great deal of time i front of the television. Mr. more pets adopted. 1 am not opposed to animal: for Medical Researcli and realize that some animnais due to health or other reasons must lie eutbanized." rFor a pleasant end to my first and last experience with a dog Pound, Taffy got loose about 3 montbs past and one of my dhildren came running in the house screaming, "Mommy, there are seven puppies i with Taffy!" She will lie spayed shortly to solve that problem. To the animal lover:, they are black and white, healthy and FREE, no OSTI Poetry from area schools Silence The train rushes by, Everytbing else is drowned out; The liom blasting out, and the smoke intoxicating the air. But as the train disappears around the bend there is silence, A silence so overwhebning that 1 don't move, Scared 1 might break il. Roger's a popular dhildren's entertainer lias addressed the war and you as parents must discuss il in a calm manner witli your children. It is being dîscussed on the street corner and in the -schools from Grade one and up in somne cases. Some schools have thyro block tablets in case of a radiation leak or disaster, and children are aware of this. Tic tacs have been used as examples to cbildren that it mulst bce taken and that tliey sliouldnt lbefrightened. Dr. Peter Hansen better known as the Stress Doctor urges all parents during titis tirne 10 watch television witli your chidren and take âime to watcli a humorous show or tura on a cartoon. Children have anxieties too. The war is i our living rooras every night and cbildren have fears just as adults do about sucli complex issues. Dr. Mirium Kauffman, Hospital for Sick Children, said" Watch if cbildren wake up at niglit or go off their regular eating habits. Children have feelings and opinions, Be extra understanding and discuss your vies in a caim mnanner with your cbiidren. Their biggets fear is of being separated from their parents." But if you listen closely you can hear a single bird calling out lier song to the dandelions as yellow as the sun. You can hear the wind, whisper secrets to thie grass who in turn whisper to each other i fascination. And if you listen dloser still you can hear the brook murmur stories to the trees overhead of hier May joumeys. 1 hear ail these thiings on my percli. watching the world but to some the world is always silent, to those who do not listen to nature's call. Tristina Hickson Grade 8 The Pines Senior Public School Rough Cuts Ready to Paint Kts and Books Anthony Dew's Victorian Rocking Horses Books, Pattems and Accessorles Victorian Doit Houses Patterns and Accessorles Phone June and Bob 983-8175 First goal of season First goal First goal Pound puppies 0 a. beware, beware Children and the Persian Gulf war HOOPER'SJE LER Enjoy Friendly Family Service AU -Buva0%owr i1u Carvele avings Gadfter Watces0n Ail Ck SAVE IltK Iesat ufltil the 20% end of January Lo1west Prices HOOPERIS JEWELLERS 39 King Street West, Bowmanvllle 623-5747

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