Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 23, 1"1-S No danger from war in Durham Police chef Dave Edwards of the Regional Police states there is no danger in Durham as an outcome of the Mid-East war. He lias said there is no evidence to indicate that any institutions or facilities have been identified as a potential security risk. He did say, however, Durham Police were keeping in close contact witli the RCMP, the OPP and Ontaio Hydro security. Reaches the age of 106 years Violet Moon of Osliawa has reaclied the age of 106 years celebrating this birthday last week. She was boni in a log cabin near Clialk River. She cut lier own birtliday cake at the party. To seek greater share of weifare cost from the province With welfare costs in Durham readhing $44.7 million in 1990, an increase of 88 percent over that of 1989, Durhiam Region is seeking a greater share of the cost fron the province. Municipalities cough up twenty percent of the cost of welfare while the province pays 80 percent. 0f the $44.7 million Durhiam provided $9.6 million in 1990. Waste study now at a standstill The Port Hope Community Liaison Group whicli las past through the third phase of low-level nuclear waste in the Town now awaits funding to carry-on into phase 4. The Port Hope group, as the 'Newcastle group, lias closed their office and are awaiting a decisiont from the federal cabinet as to further funding and thus being able to proceed to phase 4. The decision by cabinet was expected at the end of 1990 as to the funding and as to continuing witli the study. It is understood that a possible three are stili considerîng being a liost community for the contaminated waste. Reform Party expects a Northumberlanld move The Reform party lias called an organizational meeting to set up a federal riding association in Northumberland County. The meeting is calleti for January 22 at 7 p.m. in the Coîbome Town Hall. Doctor sets charges for non-medical services A Campbellford doctor and chef of staff at the Campbellford Memonial Hospital lias informed bis patients tliat lie bas been forced to meet increasing costs by cliarging patient fees for non-medical services not covered by OHIP. The doctor said the scheme was not extra billing. Fxpect two new dges in Durham Two new judges are expected to be appointed to Durbain Region by April 1 to deal witli the large backlog of criminal cases in the It is expected with the two new judges the backlog could be eliminated by the end of tlie year. There is also the need for two new courtroomas ini Durhiam. It's going to be a long war in Persian Gulf Former Iraqi liostage, Bob Beck, of Newcastle Village, lias been reported to state that the Persian Gulf war will be a long one. He said it will be longer than a montli. Beck, a GM employee, was lield hostage in Iraq for a period of four monilis. Bock said lie felt sony for the average Iraqis who are forced to figlit by tlie Saddamn regime. Whitby council backs off user fees Whitby council lias reversed decision to cliarge young atheletes wlio play summier sports of hall and soccer. In November council voted 5 to 3 to levy a charge for tlie use of diamonds and soccer pitclies. The decision lias stirred up a liomets nest witli 350 parents and kids, attending a recent meeting of council. Tlie decision was unanmmous to shelve tlie decision for one year. Gravel truck damage has Region in a bind Durbam Region is to endeavour to gain a greater portion of the six cents paid by gravel firins for gravel transported on provincial, regional and municipal roads. 0f the six cents 4 cents goes to the municipality, one and a haîf cents to the province and hall a cent to tlie Region. The money is collected by the province. Last year at tlie haîf cent rate Durliam collected $55,000 on tlie il million tonnes of grave] transported. Durhiam is expected to back a resolution at tlie Goods Roati convention asking for 12 cents a tonne for regional purposes. Hope Village lose blue box program Hope Township lias phased out its blue box service for Villages within the munticipality. Residents are now being asked to take the recycled waste to the townships recycling depot whicli is located at tlieir container site for al garbage. Reeve Wilson states that plan was only on a trial basis and was proving too costly. He said tlie tax base would not support the program. Residents can take old newspapers, cans, glass and cardboard to tlie rocycling depot. Dialysis unit opens this spring, Oshawa Kidney patients wlio have had to travel to Toronto for life-saving dialysis treatinent will be spared the long trip witli the opening of a unit -in tlie Oshawa General Hospital. île unit will handle five persons originally but is expected to be expanded to ten patients at one time. The service opens later this spning. Northumberland starts restructuring plan The first steps are being taken i discussion of the restructuring of Northumberland County. It is expected that the municipalities will have considered groupings before the end of the year. One issue is planning being lield at the county level of goverminent. Rest area on 401 to be updated The province is providing $250,000 to upgrade the rest-area facilities at the Texaco Station on the south side of 401 highway midway between Newtonville and Port Hope. The money will be used to improve washroonis, picnic tables, roads and parking spaces on provincially owned lands. 39-bed jail to remnain the samne The Cobourg jail does not expect any change in size or improvement coming from. a provincial plan to increase the number of beds in Ontario by two liundred. Presently the Cobourg jail operates below capacity. JIM's swim stili afloat Jim Kinlin of Oshawa tliroughout the latter part of his life was a real supporter of the Hodgkin's Association. He raised some $220,000 for the association through lis annually swim fund raising. Jim passed away being afflicted by Hodgkins disease last year. His fund raising venture swimming lengths of the pool is being carried on by friends and other interested persons. Recycied newsprint to roll off at Whitby miii Atlantic Packaging company, Whitby, is now in operation producing 100 percent recycled newsprint. More than a mile of newsprint will roll off the machine every two minutes being 21.5 feet wide. When operating at full speed the plant will hire 140 workers. Oshawa house prices tumbied in 1990 Houses in the entry level selling for $150,000 ini Decemnber of 1989 were selling at $125,000, ini the saine month in 1990. Standard detached homes dropped from $ 175,000 in 1989 to $ 140,000 and executive homes during the year dropped from $289,000 to $205,000. Police considering teen gang squad Durham Regional Police are considering ilie establishmnent of a tee gang squad. The police chief was granted approval to study the feasibility of such a squad. He said somne kids have been swarmed at schr ý' and at mails in the Region in the past. Soviet hockey coach at Trinity Coliege Vladimir Baranov, a master Soviet hockey coach, has taken ovzr the head coadhing position for ithe senior hockey program at Trinity Sdliool in Port Hope. Baranov will continue as heati coachi for the rest of the season wlien lie will return to Russia in 'March. It lias been stated the coadch is a great tedlinical teadlier in hockey and has a great love for kids. Talk about New Trends with your Old Friends at John Deere Day 1991 Drive over to sec what's new and spend some time with your neighbours. It's our way of saying "t hanks for your business." Sec you there. Thursday, January 31, 1991 at 8:00p. m. Refreshments 4EVERGREENIM SFARM & GARDEN LTD JOHN P DEERE SALES &k SERVICE Taunton Road, West of Orono 983-9119 or 1-800-461-2120D AJKA