Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 10, 1991'11 Cookie t ume again ................... ..... Clarke High School It all started in 1929 when there was need for a new roof onthe barn at Bonita Glen, The Toronto Guide camp, the sale of Girl Guide cookies, 9000 boxes were sold. And so it happens once more but on, a national scale and again this year Orono will b e part of the Cookie Sale spree. Last year in Ontatio 2.9 million boxes of Girl Guide cookies were sold.' Orders have already been taken and deliveries are being made this week and from the Pineidge area, Orono, Kirby and Kendal, 2400 boxes will change hands. Cookie day is a Canadian tradition as well as in other countries. It, is the major fundraiser for Sparks, Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders.- Pictured above-are but a few who will be taking part i delivenies over the next few days, representing ail groups: (Back row) Rebecca Boyd, Melissa Farrow, Melissa Van Lith and Dayna Drury; (front row) Erin Rice, Vanessa Maynard and Melissa Maynard. The groups wish to thank those who have made purchases and if Giord's .View Remembering the Department Store My office in Toronto, is quite near College Street, and the site of the old, very grand Eaton Store. The building is still there, but today is known as College Place, a butchered replica of a once great department store. Wandering through there the other day prompted me to think back to the other department stores that once anchored downtown Toronto, and, other large Ontario cities. It sparked rich memories of a time and a place that are slipping away. It was a tinte when farnilies got dressed up, climbed in the car or took the bus downtown. A place yucould buy everything - sneakers and sofas, chocolate clusters and washing machines - under one big roof. These days, mnany shoppers, spend their time in cookie-cutter malls and specialty shops that suck away the business once dominated by department stores. Time has passed these stores by, and, yet, Rare bird sighting draws enthusiasts Bird enthusiasts from across Ontario and the upper United States flocked to the Camnbomne area last month to try to catch a glimpse of a rare European bird that appeared at a local feeder. According to Brian Baxter, a local birder and memberof the Willow Beach Field Naturalists' Club, the sighting of a Brambling 'fringilla montifingilla) caused Y .,-rnuch excitement among amateur and professional ornithologis people have not forgotten them. Ask your Mum and Dad about the old Eaton Store on College Street, and youlIl trigger a torrent of nostalgia. Scratch the surface of memory, and you get stories about birthday preserits, kids getting lost, family outings and family fights. .When people talk wistfully about the old department stores, theyre not really talking about the stores. What they are really missing is a sense of community. That's somnething we are ail looking for today. In those days people all seemed to have a sense of loyalty and respect to the store. Respect? Loyalty? Welcome to the modern world, where mali customers come and go like sardines ini the sea - and where ail the sales clerks still attend high school - where the simplest calculation demands the help of a pocket calculator before money can exchange hands. Its ahl enough to make you eat your credit card - the way 1 see it. alike. The Brambling is a finch-sized bird, with white, black, and orange markings and faint stripes on the back of its head and tail. t is beiieved to have originated in Scandinavia. Baxter said the Brambling probably arrived here as an inadvertent stowaway on a ship, or may have been carried by the wind across the Atlantic. t is referred to as an "accidental", having been seen iess than 12 times in eastem North America. Though the Brambling has not been sighted since February 25, bird enthusiasts continue to search for it. Baxter said, it is possible that the bird is still in the area. you were missed or wish more cookies they are available by phoning the following leaders: Sparks-Noreen Nixon 983-5076; Brownie Leaders-Marg. Crashley 983-9698; Madeline Heard 987- 5052; Moira Hartmann 983-5810;- Guide Leaders- Pamela Werry 983-5453; Star Carpenter 983- 5847; Pathfinder Leader- Pan Allin 983-0309. "The Future Starts Here" From the Principal On April 23, Mid Terni Report Cards go home. This is a very good indication of the progress of the student. These mid terni reports indicate what must be done for a successful termi. April 24,- is Health Fair Day at Clarke High School. Grade 9 and 10 classes wilI visit the Health Fair in the gyn7asium in the morning and Grade 11, 12 and OAC students will visit the Fair in the afiemoon. The public is invited to attend, More information will be in next week's paper. As well as the regular classes our students are involved in many co-curricular activities. Our wrestling team is preparing for COSSA. Our girls soccer and boys rugby teams are practising for the upcoming seasons and Clarke High School bands are preparing. for their exchange to Waterloo. 1 would recommend ail readers to plan to attend the Band Dessert Concert on Thursday, April 25. A wonderful evening of music and dessert is available for a nominal fée. Music Notes by Sharon Peleshok The Senior Concert band has had a very busy, couple of months. On March 3, we were pleased to obtain a Gold Medal at Music Fest Canada and were invited to make a trip to Vancouver to participate in the ail Canada competition. Unfortunately, due to plans to go to Florida next year, we are unable to go. The band played exceptionally well at the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Senior Band Festival at Campbellford High School. We're down to the final details in the planning of the band exchange with St. David's High School in Waterloo. The members of both bands are'exchanging letters in preparation for our departure on April l8th. On the exc hange we hope to visit Laurier and York Universities to check out their music programs. We just completed our Pizza (Continued page 12) ITS DEESEASON!_ a smooth rLide on agra Nothing gels your lawn under: control like a John Deere lawn tractor. And now's the lime to buy one with a $100 rebate. During Deere Season you can save on a whole line-up of John Deere lawn and garden tractors, riders, and lawn mowers. But hurry. The sale ends May 3lst. STX38 Lawn Traclor *12.5-hp Kohler engine with overhead valves and fu.ll-pressure lubrication *Rugged 5-speed gear transmission *In-line shift lever for easier operation *Tight 23" turning radi-us for 'excellent maneuverability *38" mowing width with 2 gauge, wheels to help prevent scalping on uneven terrain $2, 787 Including $100 rebate oni Model STX38 Taxes extra if applicable Nothing Runs Like a Deere® EVOHG DEERE SFARM &GARDEN LTD.G JOHNP DEERE SALES «S SERVICE Taunton Road, West of Orono Phone 416-983-9119 - 1-800-461-2120 /SARhY(j~d