Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 10, 1991-13 Daffodils for Cancer fund Members of the Beta Sigma Phi at the Orono Branch of the used for Cancer Researdh. Sorority, Sharon Miller, Canadian -Imperia] Bank of The sorority hgs been a Newcastle, Shirley Prescott, Orono Commerce last week during supporter of the annuâl sale over and Jane Black, Newcastle, niake a daffodil week. the past number of year§. sale of daffodils to Carol Graham Funds from the annual sale are at the Mfill is from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. at the Visual arts Center, The YWCA is aise hosting Surmmer-Camps in Bowmanville and Orono starting at the pre- school level, a half-day programn, Up to and including the senior level (12 yrs. old) a full day prograrn. TIhey are weCkly camps and the programs include such interesis as special events, special guests, swimnhing in Orono (and Bowmanville if available), camp Scrafts and much more. For creative fun and wholesome activities come and see us ai the YWCA at 133 Church Street or phone 623-9922. All programas must have pre- registration and information for special needs children for surnirner camps is only a phone call away. TA LES TOLD TWICE March 1968 Last Friday evening the Orono Bantam Hockey Club were the winners of a tournament in the Bantam division held ai mhe Orono Rink. Three other teams represenîed were Newcastle, Beaverton and Pickering. The Orono Juvenile Hockey Club were the champions also in a tournament held last Wednesday evening ai mhe Orono Rink. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stuit and family are on a holiday in the Soumhern States. Last Friday evening the Clarke High School Gymnastic' ieam presented an interesîing and entertaining gymnastic display in the sehool gym. During the pasi few months the key word ai Nesting Furniture Limiîed in Orono has been modernization of production. Most of ibis work bas now been compleîed and the plant is operaîing in a newly enlarged quarters of 11,000 square feet. Miss Cheryl Cornish placed third in a field of nineteen compeîing lasi week in a Junior Public Speaking Contesi sponsored by mhe Bowmanville Legion. The Orono and District Credit Union held ibeir annual meeting recenîly when it was reported mhat membership had increased. The Senior Citizens will meet Thursday night in the Oddfellows Hall ai 8 p.m. "The Country Four" will entertain. March 1978 The Clarke Museum Management Committee held uts second meeting Monday nighi in the Old Kirby School with memnbers of the community discussing organization for a centennial celebration in recognition of the bundredth birmhdate of the school. A decision (Continued page 14) The Canadian Order of Foresters, Bowmanville branch, donated a total of $2310.00 10 Memorial Hospital which bas been used to purchase an Electrie Bed Suite which is now i use ai mhe hospital. The unit includes ani electric powered bed and associated equipment along with dresser and side table. Dave Ferguson, seated, of the Canadian Order of Foresters along with Rex Walters of the Hospital Foundation try out the workings of the new bed. YWCA summer plans afafable to al The Easter chocolates have Kids corne and gone, now its trne for coursef somne serous workouts. Join up for ageç with one of our many adult exercise instruct programas. Also remember that your children children need exercise as well. If "spring" they are between the ages of three -~Chul and five, Fmn/Fit Kids is a program aial sort which they will enjoy. Recreational the Mi] Jazz and Ballet are greai ways to seven o trim up small bodies and the With pa ',owmanville Play group will keep of othi y,,our ,cildren busy. prograrr ýSpring Cra fts is a one night for those crafîy lutile fmngers -s six and up. This class is aed by Sharon Magee. The n will be working witb fresh Yflowers. dren can be creative using ts of media in our Friday ai ll Workshop. If you are or older and enjoy working per, paints, brushes and lots .er materials, then ibis m is for you. -Creative Friday Donates to hospital equipment Garland Hesper Dean Owner and operator of the Orono Bakery for 21 years (1932-53), Garland Hesper Dean, aged 86, died in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Friday, February 8, 199 1, following a three week ilness. The son of Edward and Rowena Dean, he was born in Midland and educated at Long Sault and 49 Clarke Public Schools and Orono Continuation Sehool. On October 29 th, 1927, he married Hilda Beatrice Bowen. A resident of R. R. #1 Orono for 31 years, he had previously resided in Orono on Main Street. Semi-retired he had been employed atw<the Sunoco Service Station, Hwy. 115 South, for approximately 25 years. An adherent of Orono United Church, he was an ardent follower and supporter of the Orono Orphans hockey teams i the 1940's - 50's and was co-manager of the Bowmanville -, Orono Combines for two years. He travelled extensively throughout Ontario' and enjoyed meeting people. Surviving are his daughter Lois and her husband GeraldI "Tim" Cox, two grandsons, and two great grandchildren. H1e was predeceased by his wife Hilda, sister Edna West and brothers Harold and Kenmeth. Complete funeral services were held on Monday, February il in the Morris Funeral Chapel Bowmanville with the Reverend Fred Milnes officiating'. The organist was Mr. Barclay Bateman. Spring interment Orono Cemetery. !1~~~~~IUP~1l ME NÉ mirs-' Mill'. tP ci' tP .P tp i'ri The ORONO TOWN HALL presents the0 Second Annual ISpringIrFes5t Oroo ndArea Community Ho0me S *how Saturaday, mayav4th, If you are interested in participating in this event please phone 983-9245 or 983-9869