Orono Weeky Times,. Wednesday, April 10, 1991-19 Mol Hartwig Excavating ORONO, ONTARIO 98ý3-5140 BULLDOZING - BACK HOE SEPTIC and TILE BEDS SAND - GRAVEL TOP SOIL LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING &HEATINO PUMP REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS 10% Discount on Service Cals for Senior Citizens 983-9412 (13 Years Experlance) Welre here ta serve you ROBERT E. JACKSON HEATING - ELECTRICAL AIR CONDITIONING Repaire to Ail makes of Heat Pumps and Air Conditioning May Tag Appliance Repaire 4 Duchess St. 983-5293 Orono, Ont. 623-2301 if a - Peter Sutherland Windows & Sidîng Division Sales & Installation 47 King St. W. Bowmanviîîe, Ontario LIC 1R2 <1>623-0444 BYAMS Plumbong Heatng k=crporaied Sales and Service 24 Hour Burner Service Gulf Financing Low Interest Rates 263-2650 LYCETT CONTRACTING LTD. Gonoral Carpontry, Ronovations, Roofing Custom Homos and Commorcial Buildings Phonos (705) 277-3308 Box 598, Orono, Ontario or (705) 277-2003 O. CHATTERTON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Phone i7 983-5546 or 983-5940 L Orono, Ontario U' pecial Fresh, Crisp and Juicy Mac's, Empire, Delicious«from Controlledi Atmosphere Storage) $3.50 I16 Ibs. C.A.Russets $3.95/6 Ibs. Naturally Unwaxed Farm Fresh Eggs - Cider Fred's Fruit Market Highway 115 South of Orono 983-5628 ffWork Wantod"l D&R CUSTOM FENCING and CUJSTOM CHAIN SAWING ORONO, ONTARIO 983-9627 KEN'S Home Improvements PaintinglDecorating Docks/Windows Dry WallinglTaping Gen. Carpontry Free Estimates Seniors Discounts (416) 983-9380 Silver Streak Siding Introduces THE FACE LIFT * Siding * Soffits * *Fascia * Eavestroughhtf * Vinyl Windows * New Constructions and Renovations ...... Excellent Workmanship Phono John (416) 983-8181 ITONYFMANAI II&T Carpentersl Licensed - 25 Vears Experience HOUSE TRIM STAIRS - DECKS ADDITIONS Al Carpentry Related Work Orono 983-5303 Hampton 263-2991 AL.F'HEARD Electrical Contracting New Construction Repairs Electrîc Heating Pole Une Construction Central Vacuum Systems ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5041 Day-time, part-time help wanted. Apply at the Village Bakeshop, Oron-o. 1O.ac C.W. LEMON SmaII Engines Poul[an Chain Saws Sales and Services Phone 987-5200 3rd Une east of Hwy. 115 Newcastle 3,10.17,24 ap Ron Walters & Sons DRYWALL Boarding, Taping, Textured Ceilings, Repair Work *19 Years Experience* FREE ESTIMATES Port Hope iA1 S dQQ 4CI 1E M Acme Home Renovations *We Specialîze In" Complete Wmndow and Door Replacements Sidmng, Soffit, Fascia E-avestrough, Decks, Fencing Roofing, Water Proffmng Complète Interior Work Masonry Work and Stone Facing 6495 Leskard Road Orono, Ontario 983-9005 (Ask for Mike) Mar. 20-May 15 Housecîeaning Service Available For those who are flot able or do flot have the time. Please call 987-5591. For reliable service with a smile. 10,ap 20,27.3,10 MOVING - REMOVING DELIVERING Ail your hauting needs. rnFurniture, appliances, construction debris, almost anything. Caît Ttom at 983- 9802. <2,27,3,1Oac Pine Ridge Corn Stoves KENDAL, ONTARIO (416) 983-9442 A Inbrook Frm Sppies BeatunancedFarm F nod Bîatcrdn' Rbbipe EtmFod MatiSwEtiuosadHoo PeFood Cor . Et f oHwy. 115 &Cak t n (4168-25791 DiscoutstFo BALANCED F EEDS Farmser' C ornse TACoN. RDHw . 5 lake4hYUn11 (4,16) 983-591 1-800370 Handyman to do small houschold jobs. indoor and outdoor, no heavy work, $6.5OIhr., phone 987-0508. 1 0.ac Coins, Paper Mloney etc. Silver - 1/2's & Dollars World Coins & Gold *Paying Top Prices* Contact Mister Murray Box 340, Orono LOB IMO (26 yrs. Appraisals) Mar.6- June 12 Wonien in Abuse Relatiinhir, For Help Cali 1 i~e IDenise House- For Women and Childreia Tlb Free 1-800-263 3725 ýor- 728-7311, eonl identlI[ ,11 assurciid Have you so metimes wlshed you couîd spend a hioliday sober? cali Alcoholics Anonymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 27,nc General sewing and dressmaking in mny home. Cati Monday, NWedInesday and evenings, 98-3-9761.tf SROLFE BEv INSURANCE WAKEFIELD0 Uiï ~983-9438 Î0 83 King Street West, P.O. Box 488 Newcastle, Ontario LOA 1 HO Telephone (416> 987-3200 Matthews." Associates Paulino Moto, AltO Branch Manager OFFICE 983-5115 HOME 983-5767 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MAIN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1iMO '5 Years of Service"Il Susan Sawyer 416-983-5767 Nelda Dawson 416-623-4835 Oroino Horticulturai Society 7Oth Anniversary Celebration April 18th, 1991 7:30 p.m. Orono United Church Plant Show Hobby and Crafi Show Special Music, Door Prizes, Memorabilia Displays Slide Presentation "Orono Horticultural Society Thru the Years' AIl Welcome 10,17 ac Ontario Hortîcultural Association District 17 Annual Meeting and Flower Show Hosted by Orono Hortlcultural Society April l3th, 1991 9 a.M. Orono United Church Guest Speakers, Flower Demownsrations Door Prizes, Entertainjnent Bring Your own lunch and mug For more information Phone 983-5608 or 983-5475. Registration $3.00 AIl Welcome l0,ac Molder of Dreams (2 Part Program) Here is the film you won't want to miss "Molder of Dreams" by Guy Doud. The setting is a high school classroorn where two stories unfold one is Guy'Doud!s moving and humorous account of his childhood and how it impacted the way he teaches the other is thte true account of one of Guy's students. Corne to Orono United Church Sunday, April 21 and 28th at 7:00 p.m. And learn. about self-esteem. 10, 17,24 ac (Continued) BAR RS 9714 986-4277 oe ROOFING - SHEET METAL - SKYLIGHTS FLAT ROOFS - SHINGLES - PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING - SOFFIT - TROUGH - SUNROOMS - SOLARIUMS COLLECT CALLS ACCEPTED 20 VEARS EXPERIENCE ................. .............. ........... Decoratijna (410) 885-b5-