14-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 1, 1991 Them endî of anothemr Orono hockey season Pictured above: (1-r) Gerry the Famnily Hockey Part a weeýk past Thompson, Asst. Coach, Jim Sunday, These gentlemen have Wilhelm, Manager and Art Reid, given their time also to other sports Coachi. in Orono. Jim Wilhelm will'be The Tyke, Hockey team missed after relocating for work, by recognized Gerry, Jim and Art for fainilies involved in early hockey their dedication te Tyke Hockey at and basebail levels. Novice and Tyke Hockey Teams Landers, Traîner; Jim Garlick, Witheridge; and Paul Landers. celebrated their Season Closing Coach an~d Ray Best, Manger. Front Row: Brandon Caruana; Party at the arena. Above the young Back Row: (1-r) - Tyler Jamie Parry; Corey Tiifts; Kyle hockey players proudly display Robinson; MichaelGarlick; Clinton Beacock; Andrew Beacock; their trophies. Hawkshaw; Kevin Francis; Greg Michael Gibson and Greg Rester. Pictured above: (I-r) Peter Shelter; Andrew Reid; Bobby Jim Garlick (left) - Novice Hockey, Coach; Ray Rester, Manager and Pete Landers, Traîner; were presented with an engraved mug in appreciation for their contribution te Novice Hockey in Orono. Jim Garlicks first year coaching and Ray Besters first year managing along with Pete Landers' Farmi Are you crazy? Farm? Are You Crazy? GATT negetiations are in trouble. Marketing Boards are facing difficulties. Interest rates are high. Comnmodity prices are low. 'Die news is mostly bad. I spite of all these reasons for pessimismn, 1 still have people lined up tIo ak to me about getting started in farming. Are they crazy? No! They see agriculture as an opportunity te realize somne of their personal goals. As a career choice, it makes perfect sense. Heres why ... Why Do People Choose a Career? Frederick.Herzberg, a Harvard professer and researcher, studied 1685 people te evaluate factors that created satisfaction and dissatisfaction with their careers. The most important factor was achievement - the abiity te start and cemplete projects. The second most important factor was recognition - having others appreciate what you've accomplishied. The third factor was the work itself. People liked the nature of the work they were doing. Responsibility - the ability te control and make important decisions ranked fourth. The ability te a'dvance or improve the business an d their personal situation ranked fifth. The chance te "grew*' - that is learn and improve their own skcills and abilities ranked sixth. Financial rewards ranked seventh., Money allows businesses te continue and facilitates the attainment of other goals but its net the main reason for cheosing a career. The fact is that miany peopl- have had very successful careers in the farming business. A few have even accumnulated a great deal of money. It didnt come easy or happen oeernight. It started as a experience was an asset to the Novice team and greatly appreciated by the players and, parents., career that they chose and liked. It was the resuit of hard work and diligent management. Financial success was one of the by-products of a consciously chosen, enthusiastically pursued career. Greener Pastures? Most professions have a tendency to see greener pastures ini other professions. How often have you heard doctors, lawyers. teachers or other professionals say they would neyer encourage their children te follow in their footsteps? 1 hear simtilar discouraging words from some farmning parents. i some cases, it may be a good thing that the kids dont follow their parents. Would you like te be operated upon by a surgeon who hates his career? I'd prefer the one who loves his work, lives and breathes surgery. A positive attitude towards a career won't guarantee success, but chances of success with a negative attitude are almost zero. PUBLIC NOTICE To It'"s Câtiens 1991 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS If you plan to seek office in the 1991 Municipal Elections, you must register with the Municipal Clerk before you spend or raise any money for campaign activities. For more information contact Date of Publication: Wednesday, May 1, 1991 Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6, File:1 0.50.8 P.0.3579 TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as te contents, for the following contracts isted below, submitted to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperanoe Street, Bowmanviile, Ontario, LlC 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope providied until the speif;ed closingtime and date. Tender NW91 -18 - Visual Arts Centre - Renovations Tender NW91-19 - Sandbiast Orono Pool Closlng lme& Date: 12:,00 Noon (local tUrne) Thursday, May 16, 1991 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Loti Ann Birkett Purchasing and Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 Date of Publication: Wednesday, May 1, 1991 P.O. 4562 ýýV'Mo wleilfV41. -Av, ý \ Leûtisifi.