ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 19 91 Environment holds up Orono sewage plan for more details Orono artist receives two awards from show The Ministry of the Environrnent, Central Region office, bas completcd a review of a report on the Private Sewagc Systems in Orono whicli was undertaken by Uic engineering firm of Totten Sims Hubicki. Includcd in the report's documents was a request for funding to assist for an environrncntal study report. Furîlier the Town had endorsed the application and requested Iliat a study on a communal sanitary sewagc system for Orono be carried Out. In council's agenda on Monday a letter from Uic Ministry's Central office statcd tbat Uiey were with holding subrission of the application to Uic Project Priority Evaluation committce. The letter stated it was felt the report, in support of Uic request for funding, did not showadequate evidence of the problems with the individual private sewage disposai systems. The Ministry commented on seventeen individual aspects- of Uic engineering report. The central office comments point out that Uic report notes in Uic downtown core area a door-to- door survey was conductcd on 43 of 46 lots and that field inspection only identified two cases of sewage breakouts onto property. Instances of sewage pondig or breakouts of sewage onto property are more related to Uic remainder of Uic ycar. The Ministry notes no maping of Uic survey had been provided as t0 sampling points nor wcre samples taken of possible contamination from storm scwers altbougli it stated it could be a possible source of contamination of the Wilmot Creek brandi. The letter also suggested, in their number of comments, that Uic door to door survey sliould possibly have been conducted in Uic spring whcn problemas would have bcen more evident. On a motion by Counc. Hamre Hial)ppe ninS ... LOCALT RESIDENT WINS BIG ON WINTARIO Sylvia Parker former owner of Not Just Fashions in Orono was the lucky $200.000 winner on Aprîl l3th in Wintario Extra. Sylvia and lier husband Lee plan to use the money to pay off some bills, their mortgage and niaybe stant a new business. Congratulations Sylvia and Lee and your winnings! ATHLETIC MEETING MAY 5TH The Orono Amateur Athletic Association will be holding a Public Meeting on May 5tb t 7:30 p.m in the Orono Mrena to discuss plans for the 1991192 Hockey Season. Everyone Wclcome! SPRINGFEST AND HOME SHOW The Orono Town Hall will be.prcsenting its Second Annual Spring Fest and Home Show on Saturday, May 4th fromn 9 amr. to 4 pin. at dhe Orono Town Hall. Music and Demonstrations will be held throughout the day. Corne out and enjoy lunch on the balcony, as well as i-store specials at downtown stores. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PARING RATE INCREASE 1Effe ctive May 15, 1991 Memorial Hospital's Parking Rate will increase to $ 1.00 per visit. Do to Uic rising maintenance and other costs associated with the operation of Uic parking areas, a deficit lias occurred in Uic net operation. The Ministry of Health believes that hospital parking facilities sliould pay for themnselves and therefore does not fund liospitals for these capital costs. Hospitals are encouraged to develop every income resource possible. Memnoial Hospital's parking rate is one of Uic lowest in Uic province of "ise hospitals wio charge a fee. ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS The Orono Town Hall cuchre results for Wednesday, April 24Ui were: Higli scores - Bob Bradley with 91; Hilda Caswell with 89; Eddie Couroux with 86; Helen Couroux, and Marie Couroux eacb wiUi 85. Low score was Dora MacDonald. Draw winners were Dora MacDonald; Charlie Stapleton; Roy Hayward; Walter Murphy; Marg Linton; George Dunlop and Thelma Vagg. Cards are held every Wednesday night beginning at 8 p.rn. Ladies please bring lunch. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION HOST APPRECIATION NIGHT The Orono Aniateur- Athletc Association beld their annual due in a different manner Uis year. As opposed to inviting certain inidividuals involved with Orono Sports for a dinner, tbey warmly held a full, open to all Dance, Saturday evening. The turn out signified Uic support for sports in Orono. Certificates were presented to volunteers later in Uic evening and everyone enjoyed a midnigbt buffet. and Hannah the direetor of Public works is to contact the Ministry as to their comments on the report submitted on behaif of the Town. A report is to be submaitted to council. SConce. Stapleton said he felt Uic questions from Uic Ministry were quite straiglit forward. "There is a problem in Orono over sewage,' lie said. Garbage output being studied Newcastle residents and their garbage will cone under the microscope with a study te be undertaken in Uic Town this year. The study is being undertaken by a group representing a consortium of mnunicipalities in the Greater Metro area. There is no cost -to the municipality as SWISH is footing Uic bill. The 'Town of Newcastle lias given their approval of the study whcrc a record will be kept of garbage volume being placed at Uic curbside. The study is expected to be completcd this year. It is also expected that a plan may be dcvised from the results of the study. NOW IN SERVICE As of today, Wednesday, May lst., Uic emergency nuxuber 911 is in service throughout the Region of'Durham icluding Uic Town of Newcastle. One necd only dial 911 when i emergency for fire protection, police or ambulance service. The system lias been devcloped over the past tliree years at boîli Regional and Town levels of govemment. - I using Uic 911 numnber Uic cal will go the Central Emergency Reporting Bureau (CERB) whicli is located in Oshawa. Promn this central the cail will be dispatclied to police, fire departmnent, or ambulance which services the area fromn which the call came. One great feature of this enlianced systcma is that when Uic call cornes in Uic naine, address and phone number of thc caller is recorded on a computer scrccn and as sucli contact lias alrcady been made providing a good portion of Uic information. It Uius becarne important that bouse numbers--are plainly visible te assist Uic providers of hclp. 1t bas been noted that some have yet te follow rcqucsts te provide numbering of their property. A word te the wise should bc sufficient. It is a simple matter that wbcn in nccd dial 911. Let ail members of the family know of the change.11 An Orono artist, Audrey Stewart, of Uic Orono Estates, bas reccivcd two awards on lier art submitted for the 24th Annual Juricd Art Exhibition to be held i Uic Robert MacLauglilin Gallery in Oshawa. Bud Hay of Newcastle was aiso a recipient of an award for bis submaission to thé exhibition. 1 The Juricd Exhibition is bcing held from May 2to May 9in the gallery whicli is open to Uic public. Audrey Stewart receivcd Uic Joan Staccy award for drawing with »Wlicn I Was A Girl" (a total study). Stewart also was prescnted wiUi Uic Cullen Garden Award for Honourable Mention for "Mill St. Minstret'. Bud-Hay's "'Enchantcd Forest" recccved the Robert McLaughlin Three men from Orono and area who last week pleaded guilty 10 various drug charges are t0 be senîenced on October 23rd by Madamr Justice Helen King MacLeod. The charges rcsultcd fromn investigations carried out by the OPP and Uic RCMP in laie 1989. Jackç Parry, 43 of RR 1 Kendal and Hugli Hunter, 31 of Main Street Orono ecd pleaded guilty 10 possession of cocaine for-the purpose of trafficking. David Heycs, 35, also of Main Street Orono pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking. It was statcd by Acting federal prosecutor Valerie Mutton that a Gallery Volunteer Commitîce Award. The Bcst lI The Show Award was presented to Anastasia McEwcn for ber "Still Life Wiîli Nails". Mary Butt reccived the Janet Coates "Bcst Use of Colour" Award for "Bend In The Road - Durhamu". There wcrc 246 original works of art rcceîvcd for judging. To enter Uic show, artists have 10 reside in Durham Region or be a memnber of Uic Oshawa Art Association. Opcning ceremonies for the Juricd Art Exhibition will be on Tliursday , May 2nd from 7 t0 9 p.m.a, aUich Gallery in Oshawa. -The exhibit includes 74 works by local artîsts and is on disptay until May 19th. joint squad of OPP and RCMP officers had raided an apartmcnt above a vidco store on Main Street in Orono early in Uic morning of December 22, 1989 as a result of a drug investigation. Officers found five pounds of marijuana , witli a strect value cstimated at approximatcly $20,000 mnd-other drug paraphernalla which belonged-10 Heycs, stated Mutton. lI another bedroom somne 7.5 grains of cocaine with a value of $900 and owned by Hunter was aiso found. Later Uic samne momiung police scarchcd Parry's farmhouse in Uic Kendal area found 29 ounces of cocaine with an cstimated strcet (Continued on page 2) Navy League Tag Day Last week-end trougbout Uic in force for Uic event. Town of Newcastle The Navy Above Petty Officer Mike League lield their annual Navy1 Martin of the Orono reccives League Tag day. Members of Uic support for tbe event from Mrs. Bowmanville Sca Cadets wcre out Esler of Orono. Oronomen plead guilty to drug charges VOL Mo, Nu. lu vinl- i;-$;- Nn--l 1 IN,