A ~' ~ A AU ,AAjAI~ A ~ The NDP budget There are many comments as te the NDP budget on Monday witb its $9.7 billion deficit and many other features. From this corner it certainly favoured the working class whicb bas been a mainstay of party pelicy since its inception from the former C.C.F. Certainly there is need to-day for soine protection due to the continuing loss of jobs witb plant closures and reductions. t seems that the treasurer is of the opinion that the present recession is net about te climb eut of the hole in the very near future a peint which we can support. The slide downward is by no means bottoming out at this time., The further it slides, the deeper the recession drops. The social aspect cf the budget dme provide some further relief but in some cases, education as, one, the local boards are going to have te be creative te make ends meet and likely there lis still fat te trxm. Medicare gets off scott-free at the present time but the jump li medical cests have te stop sometime. Iliere is ne addressing this issue i the cuntent budget. i But as the private sector bas had te cutback drastically in manpower and in capital advancements, it bas net appeared te be the case in the private sector. Ontario bas flot announced any cut-backs in staff and the perliferation continues. This is somewhat understandable - it being an NDP gevemment in power and their stand for labour. One weuld have te agree that a deficit is a requirement under the conditions cf the pnivate sector at this time.,As revenue drops for the geverniment it places it in a deficit position even without increases in expenditures. The $9.7 billion may net be eut of the way at this time but hepefully wben trnes de impreve that the first target te be addressed wil be the deficit and its accumulation. The private secter bas over the past couple of years been buffeted with additional cosus of a new health tax, pay equity and rnost recently the G.S.T. t ail adds te the cost cf operation. This along wvith a suspected ne-growth i productivity is placing Ontario, the manufacturing centre cf Canada, in a bind. t makes for a steep dlimb te recovery. We would hope that the treasurer of Ontario is on the right course and we support the deficit at tlis time. Is nt it amazing The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education bas cerne in witb a 6.4 percent average tax increase over that of last year and like all others wbo bave announced their tax rate for the year 1991 it is below former bursts pierte election year, an event whicb take place in Nevember of this year. One would almost wish fer an election every year as was the case years ago. t's nt te bappen bowever. Municipaliies and school board bave been bit witb a nuniber of added costs over the past year net imcluding inflation. Tbe GST, tie full support cf the new Health Act and Pay Equity te mention most. These' costs during this budget period has net been mentioned. t bas been a matter cf taking sympatby en the poor tax payer whio keeps getting poorer year by year as govemnment costs rise at a regular rate. Just bew long is die average Joe going te be able te support these cests witbeut- tbe security ef strong unions as both the educational and municipal government employees bave for their protection. Net only is there wage protection but alse job security and many finge benefits that are net enjoyed by the average Joe. Wil there ever bc a day of reckoning? A comment It appears that the dectors bave won eut in their deliberations with the NDP gevemment. In setting up a medicare committee the province bas caved-in te the appointment of only doctors and the governiment being represented on the cemmittee. t seems that we bave heard repeatedly that tbe nursing profession should bave some input te the miedical systern. Why were they net considered and wby wouldn't it bc sensible te have representation for the general public who foots the bills. t ail appears one-sided. Teviews are net necessarily those of the Orono Times, Comment ...* lady, front here on in. Thelatst elfre orrr sory In the very same week, the eut cf Toronto lias my skin Otro huig mnsr crawling and my blood pressure searing again. A young, single mother was notified that she dees net qualify for welfare assistance, temporary or otherwie ... SO! Its tougli luck, Incrediffle! It was about à month ago that we came to, the conclusion from a number of jois in the jaw that a trip to the dentist w&s i order. It would be the first in oyer two decades to make sucli a trip but it was consider better early thal. leaving off until later. Indeed the roPts Of One tootil did have a probleffi and it became a candidate to be pulled. The appointnient wai made and a week later it was again Off to the local dentist for the work to be done. it is apparent that my knowledge of dentiStry to-day is far removed to What is actually happening. We are nôt going through al the details other to say. that the. tooth was pullçd, the root was refurbished and then our old tooth was put right bftck in place. We have lost nothiiig that we didn't have when we first walked through the door into Dr. Kostiuk's office. The old tooth is a stable as ever and melded to its two neighbours by a plastic bindIng. This binding is not visible nor can we feel it in our mouth. There.was no fuss, ne mess, no blood -and best of all no pain whatsoever. Yen can add to this announced that thousands of refugees will be made eligible for welfare! How on earth must thisgirl feel? She, like many others, have gone through the very long, proper bureaucratic channels te apply for welfare assistance (and so they should!), only to be flatly refused. Why?? Canada is spending astronomiàcal amounts of money promoting multiculturalismu and saying no-no to discrimination. t seems like propaganda te me; an attempt to brainwash lowly Canadians into thinking this is a problem we created, and our wonderful honest govemrment is gomng to make it al better, just for us. This is garbage. t has been recycled over and over and over. Its still garbage. Up until perhaps just fifteen years ago, discrimination in this country was virtually unheard of. Everyone got along just peachy. Then, as predominately French- oriented politicians got into the picture, distinct societies started popping up everywhere; immigration became Canada's largest commodity. Low and behold multiculturalism was a decided issue to be force fed to Canadians. As for the -welfare system being fair and square, unbiased and deserving?? I am sad and sonry to say tliat the govemment of this country lias proven once again, that being just plain Canadian holds the very least amount of water., by Peggy Mullan that riglit a fter the process 1 could have taken a bite out of a hard MacIntosh. To me it is an incredible process which Dr. Kostiuk states lie had first undertaken some nine years ago. Kostiuk does have gentle bands. In thinking about the process, the name of Helen MacDonald crossed my thouglits. Now we al know that Helen is a devote enviromnentalist even to the point she will report te me the number of bags of garbage that have been placed in front of the hou se on garbage day and expressing the view that we could do better even if one bag is only half full. I do want Helen to know that 1 have been practicing thethe 4R program of late to quite an extensive degree. The tooth incident is a prime example - Remove, Repair and Reuse,. Helen is quite riglit in reminding us that if we really try there is a lot we can do as far as the R-programs are concerned. "Helen I think I have done my bit of late". Enougli about dentistry and as a numberof people have been commenting on the arrivaI of birds followi"mg our articles I would have to say we are, this week, in the doldrums. It want last long for the shorebirds and the warblers are expected within the next week or two in abundance. Bill and 1 did trip off to Presquile on Sunday and within a couple of hours sighted 34 different species in the park. Roy Lee, Leskard way, was in the office as I was writing this article and is lamfenting about the fact that four pair of Bluebirds have yet to settle on just what nesting box they will use this year. Royal is a littie disturbed wîshing they would seule down and take on the chore of raising a farnily or families as the case may bce. Drugs <Cent inued from page 1> value of $50,000 te $ 100,000 ini an ice cooler, stated Mutton. A further 60 pounds of marijuana and 4.4 pounds of cocaine were seized in a wooded area north of Elizabethville. t was estimated to have a street value of $500,000. Three drug charges against Parry's wife were withdrawn in court. St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall- 987-4745 SL]NDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 arn. * * 983-5208 Rl1sebrough. Secretary Sunday, May 5, 1991 Kirby United Church Moming Worship at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Orono United Cburch Morning Worship at 11 amn. Sunday School at il a.m. Explorers Sunday Thursday, May 9th Kirby Congregational Board Orono Congregational Board Meet at 7:30 pa. Orono United Church Orono/Kirby Pastoral Charge Official Board Meets 8:30 p.m. Orono United Churcli mn-Store for Mnothner' s Day ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009