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Orono Weekly Times, 1 May 1991, p. 3

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Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 1, 1991-3 Clarke Museum seeks donationf of books, etc., Due to the success of the book sale beld at the museumn in March the Clarke Museum needs a fresh supply of books and magazines for the upcoming sale in June. Anyone wishing to donate to the sale may drop off the books and magazines at the museumn durmng regular public hours. Ail proceeds ftrm the sale will go directiy to the ongoing development of the museum and its services. Admission to mhe museum on June 22-23 will be.free during the sale. SARGENT - Mark Mark Sargent, R.N., son of January 26, 199 1. Mark accepted a Wayne and Fern Sargent, Orono, full time post at Whitby graduated front the Durham - Psychiatric Hospital. College, R.N. Nursing Program on Wbat a: beautiful week we have had, warmer weather, sunshine, not as much in, almhough on my way to Cobourg on Monday one could see water laying on tbe fields al over and streamns and ponds were full to overfiowing. Now the flowers are starting to biooml, the trees have suddeniy budded and the forsythia are out in full bloom. Sunday at Cburch the U.C.W. had their annual Cburcb Service. -It was rice to see visitors front Shiloh and Newtonville present and Alan Baker who was with us iast year as a student Minister was the guest speaker. The Service opened with the singing of. "Morning bas 'ý_,roken", Dora Youngman gave the Cal to Worsbip. The choir sang the Anthem "May we Ail Get to Heaven"'. Following the announcements, the cbildrens Hyinm was "Let There be Peace on Eartb". Rev. Ransom gave tbe chldrens story, Bryan brought out bis little brown bag, and from it lie took an apple. He toid tme children to preteid tmat it was mhe Earmh, be mhen asked mhem what mhey would find on tbe surface of the eartb. They mentioned many things, flowers, trees, buildings water and finally mhey said, people. He went on to tell them mhat mhere were 7.2 billion people on earth, that 3 quarters of mhe earmh was covered wimh water, and asked thera if you could grow anything in mhis water? 1 quarter of mhe apple was, lien cut *in 4, Bryan toldme tht 3 quarters of this land was not fit to grow on or live on, it is waste land covered with ice and snow, s0 everything we need to live on must be grown on 1 sixteenmh of mhe world. He mien peeled that piece and said it was like mhe crust of mie world and mhat is mhe part mhat is used for growing. We are poliuting and destroying that crust. Tbis bas been Earth week, God gave us this land, we must take care of it and nurture it. The cbildren were then asked to (.main in tbe Churcb for the Dedication Services. Dora You ngman then presented the Song-books, Hyrns For mhe Gospel People, in menory of past U.C. W. members, these were dedicated. Keimh Wood told of mhe Maple tre t lias been pianted on the soumh ý-,e of the Church, it was a gift froin Allan Baker, this was dedicated. Allan Baker led in the Prayer of Confession and the reading of Psalm 22, 25-3 1. Audrey Hennessy, accompanied on the piano by Ron Phillips, sang a beautiful solo entitled "Praiselthe Lord". The readings were from 1 John 4: 7-12, Acts 8: 26-40, John 15.- 1-8. Ailan gave the Pastoral Prayer for Peace, for mhe farmers grawing the foods we need and for ahl who are iii or suffering from hard times or farnily difficulties. The next Hymn was "God, Who Created This Garden of Earth". Allas Baker based his Sermon on, "Pruning for Hope". He spoke of the fact mhat it was on April 29mh, 1990 mhat he began bis intemship in the Newtonviile Pastorate, under the guidance of Rev. Ransom, Who bas become a close personal friend, lie spoke of the changes mhis past year bas brought, how when he camne here He read al bis sermons, from Bryan he iearned to just use notes, and now he is back to reading, as mhat is mhe way mhey are tauglit at Emmanuel College. He said mhe ideas for bis Sermnons often camne to him as he drove down from Toronto, and even today on mhe way here, new ideas came to him. He told how pruning is part of preparing, it is necessary to prune to get a good crop, it is part Of tme people we have become. We are geared to produce mhe cheaper and the more you cas produce, you are considered a winner. We say the fruit of mhe vine, mhe individual, mhat is mhe most important, mhe star, not the whoie plant, not the team, we forget mhat we are just part of mhe plant. We are ail branches - al Parts of our world are connected, no matter where we go, we find connections. Allan spoke of twice he was eisewhere otber than bis own home area, once in Au stralia and also in a Churcli in Scarborough, that he came in contact with people tmat he had bad a personal contact wimh members of their family. Ail parts of our worid are connected. Profit from mhe vine is fine, but a lot of our people are under-valued, particularly women, Allan said that in bis class at Enmmanuel Coliege, the majority of the students studying for the Ministry are womnen, yet mhere are, Hardbacks.. $0.25 or 5 for $1 Paper backs ......$0.10 each Magazines ........$0.05 each Buy a whole bag or box. Make us an offer we can't refuse. For more information cal me museum at (416) 983-9243. The museumn is located at 7086 oid Kirby School Road, Kirby, Ontario in mhe Town of Newcastle. Public hours are: Tuesday to Friday 10 am. to 5p.m. Saturday and Sunday il a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed on Mondays. Orono Fire Calis The following fire calis were received by mhe Town of Newcastle Pire Department, Station 3, Orono during the week of April 21, 1991 and April 28, 199 1. Tuesday, April 23, pumper 3 and tanker 3 responded between 6:45 a.m and 8:00 a.m. to the Clarke Manvers Townline re: bydro wire. Saturday, April 27 pumper 3 and tanker 3 responded to a report of a bus fire at Hwy. 115 and Mill Street between 7:06 a.m. and 7:06 a.m. many Parishes that will not accept Women Ministers., Women Ministers bave a great çapacity to be Ministers. The women of tbe Churches work bard for the Cburcb at ail forms of work. The fruits of mheir labour cas be seen ail around, God used tbe vine as example, because that is wbat was at band, had he been in mhe area lie would have, probabiy iooked up and seen mhe trees of mhe Ganaraska. The vine bears mhe fruit, but mie vine will not grow if mhe soiT is poor. The vines tie everymhing together. God is the vine. God abides in us and we abide in Him. Jesus is the vine that connects us to God, a brancb cas not bear fruit by itseif. We can not live by ourseif, we are ail branches, we are part -of mhe whole. .PeggyFrank thanked Allas for coming to be part of mhe U.C. W. Service. The Service closed witli the singing of a song written by Joyce Kelly, sung to tbe tune "Westminster Abbey", mhe titie was "Hope Dancing", the words were beautiful. Everyone was invited to stay for lunch and a time of visiting. Remember mhe Manse Auction, Sat. May 4tb, bring out some baking or something for the sale, by 11:30 a.m. and then stay for the auction. Saturday, May 11 im at Kendal Churcli, a toy and book sale, 1 p.m. if you have any good toys or books bring tbem for this sale. Special meeting Tuesday, May 7tli at Newtonville, 7:30 p.m. Congregational, meeting ahl members and adherents of the Newtonville Pastoral Charge, Rev. Peter Tink wili chair mhe meeting and help the Charge with procedures for setting up a Search Committee. Sorry to hear that Pearl Clark suffered a fall, we ail hope mhat sbe is on mhe mend. Capsules of wisdom..Nature cannot jump froni winter to summer wimhout a spring, or from sumnier to winter wimhout a fail. Also, on Saturday, April 27 pumper 3 and tanker 3 between 3:.39 p.m. and 4:47 p.m. responded to a grass fire at Lot 3 Concession 4. W-raduation ORONO TENNIS CLUB, Barbecue and Registration Night Wednesday, May 8th 6:00 p.m. ORONO PARK Corne out and see the newest equipment and talk to the Pros from Novada Bobls Ramn Day May 9th CLRK Ci IG [Ç0[ScJfooL D9RAMA CLUBl - ~PZESENV1TS AL qFfHfT qC9vNrTq; by JEANQGIRAUDOUJX 8:00 p.m. ~CLAP$IRE J+Iq5'-SCHIoOL flhWFOsRjfIv T'ICETS: $ 5.00 -- PH-ONE: 98 7-4 771 AECB meets without To wn notified Larry Kotseff, Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Newcastle, told counicil on Monday nigbt tmat it appeared that the Atomnic Energy Control Board had forgotten ail about the Town of Newcastle. He referred to a recent notice, Friday, of an AECB meeting in Elliott Lake this week which wil consider the renewal of an operating licence for the Tritium Extraction plant at the Dariington Generating Station. Fie aiso said, that sucb a meeting had aiso been heid on April 4th which the Town was infonined of after the fact. S"It seems we are involved in discussions of non-critical issues while being forgotten for criticai issues. Hie said there was not time to prepare for the maost recent meeting but had drafted a letter to be sent to the AECB. Counicil endorsed the sending of the letter.

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